Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Smart veggies and fruits for health under the budget

1. Rice preferably brown rice.
2. Raisins
3. Peas
4. broccoli
5. beans
6. Lentils
7. Sweet Potatoes
8. Apples
9. Bananas

They are healthy food but inexpensive and affordable for folks in USA and China during the financial crisis.

May 28th is Lunar Year May 5th to eat dumplings wrapped in leaves to remember someone who jumped into the river to keep clean but was drowned.(sic) It was known in Chinese history to share with online readers to understand the origin of sticky rice dumping(zongzi).

Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao who remembers the Chinese Lunar festival as Chinese tradition and culture. May 26, 2009.

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