Saturday, May 16, 2009

Demand and Supply works for the prices such as OIL et al

The market swings back and forth in oil.

In re globalization,supplies will go to the highest bidder, and different types of energy that can be substituted will compete,directly or otherwise.

Both USA and China need energy such as oil in the 21st century. Global economy plays a significant role in energy strategy in the United States and in China as well.

The newly appointed US Ambassador to China,Mr.Huntsman will leave no stone unturned to negotiate with the Chinese authorities for mutual benefit. Needless to say,Energy Secretary Steven Chu will be involved with an "even steven" type of negotiation by virtue of his first name in the light vein.

Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao,a witness of Sino-American economics in the 21st century with enthusiasm.

Saturday, May 16, 2009 at 12.42 p.m.

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