Saturday, May 30, 2009

Push to improve language proficiency for understanding

Washington Post,May 30, 2009 page A5:

Amy Zegart, a professor at the University of California at L.A. said the "foreign language deficit" is a problem that reflects flaws with trade and federal deficits.

Americans need to study the Chinese language,a form of art and music for cultural enrichment and true understanding and Chinese must study American English and American culture such as economics. English is the language of international business for global communication in the IT world.

Languages are desiderata in the increasingly sophisticated markets seeking knowledge and wisdom with such sina qua non skills. Chinese and English are two official languages in the United Nations plus French, Spanish,Russian and Arabic.

Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao, a teacher since 1945 and a lifelong student of languages with zeal to communcate with other folks on earth.

Saturday,May 30, 2009 at 10.36 a.m.

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