Saturday, August 11, 2007

Ideolect and Nuance should be noted by scholars

Washington Post,August 9, 2007 on page D5: Some senators are worried about the large trade deficit between the US and China. China's trade surplus jumped almost 60% in July,widening to $23.1 billiion from $14.6 billion a year earlier, according to a Bloomsberg News poll of 18 economists released on August 8, 2008. However, Glenn Hubbard,former chief of President Bush's Council of Economic Advisers said that there have been enormous benefits to the US economy from trade wtih China. Moreover, mainsteam opinion among economists would be: China's export boom has been a good thing for the world economy. My comment: Open competition and free trade would honor the Law of Comparative Advantage as known by all students of economics. Francis Shieh,a lifelong student of economics. August 11, 2007 Let me repeat: Ideolect and nuance are hereby known among economists and linguists!

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