Saturday, August 4, 2007

Dedication to all folks with Life,Love and Joy

Life in this world is to make contributions as a scholar. "Zhu shu li shuo" in Pin Yin system of romanization. To appreciate beauty of nature everywhere on earth as our delightful milieu.
Love all homosapiens to inspire and to enrich folks to learn Economics and the Chinese language apropos of the understanding of ideolect and nuance in every respect. To find the best in others. Be humble and modest as a lifelong student.

Joy to the world to stress spirituality and dilute possessions. Happiness is not material consumption over desire only but to add intellectual pursuits,spiritual satisfaction and good health as the numerator over the denominator of desire in a fraction with the proper mindset. To laugh much to be young at heart for longevity. Hehehahahoho all the way and we shall live to be centenarians.
Xie Shihao a.k.a. Francis Shieh. August 4, 2007

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