Saturday, August 11, 2007

Economics is meant to seek optimal way of life on earth

Ten Guidelines to have positive mindset:
1. Having true friends to share our noble thoughts.
2. Correcting errors when mistakes are made without thinking.
3. Facing realities in life with courage and proper scenarios.
4. Do remember to relax and to balance work and leisure on daily basis.
5. Disregarding petty things and leaving minor happenings with joyful reasoning.
6. Be rational and be kind to fellow human beings in this mundane world.
7. Before any plan or taking any action,ponder the consequences thoroughly.
8. Smiling and cracking jokes with humor as "huixie" in Chinese from Moxie in English nickname re Modeling after Xie.
9. Recalling the happy memories in Nanjing with intellectual pursuit in economics.
10. Be outspoken and open-minded to find friends with the same personal traits.
I have found several students at to share spirituality with faith,hope and love. Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao. Saturday,August 11, 2007 at 9.38 a.m.

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