Saturday, March 15, 2008

Terrorism is danger and threat to nations et al.

C Span Radio Broadcast on March 15, 2008: Leaders in US stress danger and threat of Terrorism in the days to come. I have reason to believe that UK and China would share the same goal to protect people for safety. Russia is included as well. Japan and Korea would join such aim to have peace and economic development.

In USA: Ethics and Morality are cited by lawmakers and schools are stressing such teaching to students in business. During the election year,we heard a lot of charges in the media. American people wish to have law-abiding leaders to serve the people with the common goal for a better America under the Supreme Law of the Land i.e. the Constitution of the United States of America.

In UK,the Bureau of Accountability is designed to fight the perpetrators violating the law and order. In China,the Bureau of Anti-Corruption is established for the same purpose to arrest the criminals. Good leaders are needed to serve the folks in nations. That is the bottom line in my mind since I had my first job as a teacher in 1945. Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao. March 15, 2008

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