Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Worldly Philosophers by Robert Heilbroner

Prof. John K. Galbraith of Harvard : "a brilliant Achievement" as his comment. My comments: The lives, times, and ideas of the great economic thinkers as philosophers in this mundane world. However, Vista of economics may be opened to brave souls who are economists that shape and sway the minds to be basked in brighter glory.(sic) Economists pursue an inquiry of intellectual fusspots to discover the roots of our society apropos of the welter of social patterns that economics discerned. Such seemingly unrelated threads may be woven into a single tapestry in a humdrum of a chaotic world with crying need for economic lore. Adam Smith was a professor of moral philosophy comparable to Confucius and Mencius. Karl Marx is a German Jew that you are familiar with in toto. Economics deals with imaginative,changing and evolving ideas and "Work and Study Cycle Theory" may be applicable to the 21st century to all folks. Empirical evidence would warrant such theory to be validated and implemented. The East and the West are one homosapiens on earth. Xie Shihao on Sunday, July 15, 2007 at 3.44 p.m.

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