Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Teaching and learning give me immense utility(satisfaction)

It is more fun to teach when I include and depend on my team i.e. fellow learners. Such realization would turn my mood from mediocre to fantastic. When I feel sensational, I look sensational. A few chosen compliments to the one in the mirror will help me relax and enjoy my current work which is getting more interesting than ever. My friendly gesture would be well-received. The essence of true happiness is to render my effort that I would like to do. My utility-oriented and optimum-wise operations and options(re ideolect and nuance) could make me an asset to for global languages. Articulate thinking and fluent speaking help learners to be worthy of our pursuit. Xie Shihao a.k.a. Francis Shieh on Wednesday, July 11, 2007 at 5.14 a.m.

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