Saturday, December 26, 2009

Washington Post,Dec.26, 2009: Style Section, C1,C3

"Foreign models flock to China, which is increasingly embracing a Western fashion aesthetic." By Keith B. Richburg:

Photo with 4 Chinese large characters in VOGUE magazine: In Pin Yin: "Fu Shi Mei Rong" meaning Decorated Clothing / Beautiful Countenance.

Page C3: Language Barrier: "A Glimpse of the Chinese Language" in English is dedicated to English-speaking folks to have initial understanding of the Chinese language via the Pin Yin system of romanization i.e. phonetic equivalents. However,it would be more desirable to learn the Chinese characters as a form of art re calligraphy. Mandarin has tones with musical underpinning. Chinese language involves both art and music as culture from the East.

"A Glimpse of the Chinese Language" is available free of charge at as public service at pdf format for reference.

Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao is trying to serve as a bridge between the East and the West via the language as a means of communication in the 21st century.

Saturday, Dec.26, 2009 at 10.25 a.m.

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