Monday, December 28, 2009

"Superfreakonomics":No.8 Best Seller for excitement

Steven Levitt of the University of Chicago as an economist and Stephen Dubner, a journalist published such book in economics for the general public to understand the nature of Economics to be omnipresent and omniscient but may or may not be omnipotent. Readers can detect such book with deep thoughts of non-traditional interpretation of economics with creativity and innocation.

Washington Post, December 27, 2009 issue on page B8 with a feature article on the ultra-conservative economist Ayn RAND with her argument for the traditional American way of life as she understood it: INDIVIDUALISM. That would be debatable under the present circumstances of Health Care Bill as an example. Please reason such to learn the nature of economics with controversies in the American society and in China as well with the influence of Sino-American Economics of culture.

Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao, a lifelong student of economics for learning such inexact science from empirical evidence durimg my retirement days as an octogenarian on Monday, December 28, 2009 at 5.36 a.m.

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