Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Washington Post,Dec.22, 2009: Tidbits to share with readers

WTO rules against China on CDs. DVDs

For a description of WTO, please see the prior blog apropos of WTO, dated December 21, 2009.

Winter can bring comforts on Page E2:

1. Warm up then bundle up.
2. Take a morning walk to ease doldrums.
3. Wear a scarf to feel the difference from the neck to the whole body.
4. Take sunshine vitamin D.
5. Rinse nose with saltwater.

The above may be considered as Economics of Human Capital of Sino-American economics.

Economist Lincoln Gordon lived to age 96 on page B5. He served as US Ambassador to Brazil. I visited Brazil in 1997 for my relatives in Sao Paulo with fondest memories. Dr. Gordon was the President of Johns Hopkins University and graduated from Harvard at the age of 19, a prococious scholar. Professor John K. Galbraith was Professor Emeritus from Harvard and his book "Almost Everyone's Guide to Economics" was reviewed in the Atlantic Economic Journal, September 1979 issue for reference.

Page A15: US Recoery expectrations drive dollar up. Good news for Americans with dollars.

Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao on Tuesday, December 22, 2009 at 8.26 a.m.

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