Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Recommending :"Sonic Boom" by Gregg Easterbrook

Wall Street Journal, December 29, 2009 on page A19 Bookshelf:

The book is published by Random House 243 pages,$26

The author begins "Sonic Boom" with a portrait of Shenzhen, China - a city that did not exist a generation ago but that now has 9 million inhabitants.

Paris and London took generations to build. Atlantic and Los Angeles took half a century to reach their current glory but Shenzhen has arisen during the lifetime of its current inhabitants, a testament to the sonic qualities of its commercial dynamism. I had an opportunity to lecture at Shenzhen University years ago with fondest memories of its dynamic progress to compete with the neighbor: Hong Kong.

American Academy of Sciences estimated that 85% of economic growth is now produced by new ideas. Haier, a Chinese appliance maker is now a world-class firm with its American headquarters in Camden, South Carolina. General Electric sells 40% of their locomotives in Erie to China.

The book is reviewed by Adrian Wooldridge, management editor of The Economist.

Page B5: New Edition of "Languages of Economics" by Timothy Taylor who holds his M.A. from Stanford University. Professor George Bach taught at Stanford for many decades with his popular textbook in Economics.

Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao, one of the contributors to the textbooks by Professor Bach in 1970s and 1980s. But I am always a learner trying to compare notes with other educators in the field of economics for updated professional development and intellectual enrichment.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009 at 1.12 p.m.

Be well and Happy New Year 2010 to the readers of Sino-American Economics to stay ahead and stay informed for happenings.

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