Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Lexicographer's Dilemma: The evolution of "proper"English

Jack Lynch published the book as the title above by Walker. 326 pp. $26. Reviewed by Carolyn See in the Washington Post,Dec.4,09 on page C2:

People tend to go nuts around the English language. Of course,most of us are nuts anyway, but the lajnguage is always there, in the ether, or staring at us from a page, and if we're feeling particularly cranky, it never fails to provide a ready excure for us to fly off the handle.

Scholars went berserk, of course. And that's waht this book is about: humans soing berserk. In the end, this language mania is probably preferable to sitting on the couch watching TV, endukring an angst-attack over how Kate Hudson lets her jaw go slack when she smiles. That's truly crazy, which is whey we're fortunate to have a language over which to pitch our fits. Cf.

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