Sunday, October 4, 2009

Reflections apropos of US-China economics in action

Phoenix TV,Hong Kong reports: Yangzhou in Jiangsu Province has developed new energy industry with bearing on USA and the world. Saving cost is the goal for Sino-American Economics of Technology.

"Simplicity is Power" that is relevant to "Small is Beautiful," the best seller book by economist Shoemaker in 1970s. In Poland,Cargill helped small line stock farms. for reference to China.

It is significant to adapt to change to reboot the brain as responsie challenge of unwitting workers in USA/China.

Real economic savory involves knowing custom and traditions to bee adjusted. Let us roll up our sleeves and get to work with work ethic.

"Swarm Theory" means markets can be interactive with robust workforce for people-rich and resource-rich nation such as China and the USA. "Work and Study Cycle" may be relevant in this regard.

General Electric(GE) explores ultrasound effort in China in the years to come.

Francis Shieh a.k.a. XieShihao on Sunday, Oct.4, 2009

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