Friday, February 5, 2010

Speech by Gary Locke,Secretary of Commerce

I heard the speech from C-Span Radio at the National Press Club. It is understandable that US promotes exports. There may be a significant link: -

I would propose to start a "Language and Culture Corp" similar to "Peace Corps" with bi-lingual consultants with background and expertise in a foreign language and culture. I have reason to believe that such staff would provide facility to sell American products overseas.

For example,World Expo will take place in Shanghai starting May 2010. If the Department of Commerce and Department of Agriculture would see fit to hire Language and Culture Specialists via media plus online recruitment, American products can be sold more readily and easily. By the same token,if the skilled labor can be exchanged,such activities would be mutually beneficial to validate the Law of Comparative Advantage i.e. Doubling the principle of opportunity cost in the name of trade.

Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao,a thinker and an author of "A Glimpse of the Chinese Language" and "Keys for Economic Understanding" listed in the Library of Congress for reference on Friday, February 5,2010 at 6.12 a.m.

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