Page G1,G2: At Shenzhen plant in China, soap and cosmetics maker Lutex, one of more than 10,000 Wal-Mart suppliers in China, has taken steps to improve efficiency and reduce energy use and pollution.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a daily reader to keep readers informed about Sino-American Economics in action.
Feb.28, 2010 at 3.26 p.m.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Washington Post,Feb.28,10: A13.B1,B5 on USA/ China
Page A13: US GDP growth in 2009 -2.4
World GDP growth -2.1
China GDP growth 8.5
"The newfound confidence of China,India,and Brazil has bred expectations that their growing power will be accommodated within the international system. This already has begun to generate tensions, most noticeably between US and China."
Comment: Such so-called tension is not warranted in the name of globalization for mutual benefit re peace and economic development.
Page B5: Prof. Gregory Mankiw of Harvard,former Chairman of Council of Economic Advisers under President Bush says: "It is not like a sports contest, where one side wins and the other side loses. In fact, the opposite is true. Trade between two countries can make each country better off." His view is similar to my past blogs citing the Law of Comparative Advantage. Cf.the archives of the blogs for reference.
The conclusion of the feature article: "China is no enemy,but inflating the challenge from China could be just as dangerous as underestimating it."
Comment: Some would overestimate and others could underestimate. The point is open competition and free trade for the benefit of USA and China in the 21st century.
"A Glimpse of the Chinese Language" in English, is available free of charge at pdf as public service for better communication.
Philosophy of Confucianism would be useful for Americans to understand Chinese way of thinking. Language and culture should be studied as desideratum to promote harmony in USA and in China as well.
Francis Shieh a.k.a.Xie Shihao an advocate of mutual understanding with positive scenario for peace and economic development. Sunday, February 28,2010 at 10.18 a.m.
World GDP growth -2.1
China GDP growth 8.5
"The newfound confidence of China,India,and Brazil has bred expectations that their growing power will be accommodated within the international system. This already has begun to generate tensions, most noticeably between US and China."
Comment: Such so-called tension is not warranted in the name of globalization for mutual benefit re peace and economic development.
Page B5: Prof. Gregory Mankiw of Harvard,former Chairman of Council of Economic Advisers under President Bush says: "It is not like a sports contest, where one side wins and the other side loses. In fact, the opposite is true. Trade between two countries can make each country better off." His view is similar to my past blogs citing the Law of Comparative Advantage. Cf.the archives of the blogs for reference.
The conclusion of the feature article: "China is no enemy,but inflating the challenge from China could be just as dangerous as underestimating it."
Comment: Some would overestimate and others could underestimate. The point is open competition and free trade for the benefit of USA and China in the 21st century.
"A Glimpse of the Chinese Language" in English, is available free of charge at pdf as public service for better communication.
Philosophy of Confucianism would be useful for Americans to understand Chinese way of thinking. Language and culture should be studied as desideratum to promote harmony in USA and in China as well.
Francis Shieh a.k.a.Xie Shihao an advocate of mutual understanding with positive scenario for peace and economic development. Sunday, February 28,2010 at 10.18 a.m.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
U need 2 read or to search online 2 read to stay ahead
USAToday, Feb.26-28,2010
Page 13A: Comic cartoon: Toyota Hearings:-
Apology for 1. greed, 2. Too big too fast, 3.corporate culture, 4. US safety regulator.
Page 9B Who will win Oscar on March 7, 2010?
"The Most Dangerous Man in America is about Ellsberg who was at the RAND Corporation. I was at RAND as a colleague and teacher with Richard Moorsteen at the Department of Economics from January 1964 to September 1965. I left RAND due to budget cut and went to Surveys and Research Corporation to compile a Directory of Chinese Scientific and Research Institutes,published by Hoover Institution, Stanford University in 1971.
Ellsberg was a Harvard trained strategist to run the Vietnam War and his story still resonates. Richard Moorsteen published "Remaking China Policy" Harvard University Press,1971 and US normalized relations with China in January 1979 by President Jimmy Carter. RAND researchers claim to be ahead of US government's policy with vision.
Search www.Richard Moorsteen via for his scholarly publications in the field of economics.
George Rosen, former RAND colleague, published "Globalization and Its Contents" in 1995 citing our discussions on two pages of his book.
Search George Rosen via for his books as an authority on India's Economy.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao on Saturday,Feb.27, 2010 at 1.22 p.m.
Page 13A: Comic cartoon: Toyota Hearings:-
Apology for 1. greed, 2. Too big too fast, 3.corporate culture, 4. US safety regulator.
Page 9B Who will win Oscar on March 7, 2010?
"The Most Dangerous Man in America is about Ellsberg who was at the RAND Corporation. I was at RAND as a colleague and teacher with Richard Moorsteen at the Department of Economics from January 1964 to September 1965. I left RAND due to budget cut and went to Surveys and Research Corporation to compile a Directory of Chinese Scientific and Research Institutes,published by Hoover Institution, Stanford University in 1971.
Ellsberg was a Harvard trained strategist to run the Vietnam War and his story still resonates. Richard Moorsteen published "Remaking China Policy" Harvard University Press,1971 and US normalized relations with China in January 1979 by President Jimmy Carter. RAND researchers claim to be ahead of US government's policy with vision.
Search www.Richard Moorsteen via for his scholarly publications in the field of economics.
George Rosen, former RAND colleague, published "Globalization and Its Contents" in 1995 citing our discussions on two pages of his book.
Search George Rosen via for his books as an authority on India's Economy.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao on Saturday,Feb.27, 2010 at 1.22 p.m.
Economics of Inequality et al:Washington Post,2.27/10
Page A14: Carrie Lukas wrote to the Letter to the editor: " Women face unique challenges in society. But it's hardly empowering to wallow in the false notion that intractable discrimination condemns us to second-class earnings. The fact is, full-time working men spend more time in the office, take less time away from the workforce and accept more risk (men suffer 93% of workplace deaths) than full-time working women. These are the primary reasons for the gap.
Comment: She did not quote the source of 93% deaths. Reliable or otherwise? I wonder!
Page C7: Comics: PICKLES- Cartoon in the light vein with humor for all disciples of Mark Twain:-
The kid asks:"What's for dinner,Granma? Reply: "Someone once said,there are only two lasting gifts we can give to our children." "One is roots and the other is wings." The kid seems to understand by saying:"She says that whenever we're having carrots and KFC." It is a matter of perception and reception. A smile or lots of laughs?
Whether it is about dinner or global economic crisis,we try to get along with different types of folks to smooth our way to pitch ideas. Carrot or stick? KFC goes to China for Sino-American Economics of Business. BTW,I have been a Kentucky Colonel since 1970 but I am allergic to Chicken since a was a youngster with phobia developed when witnessing the slaughter in Shanghai.
I have the following reflection in Pin Yin system of romanization:
1.Zuo ba wang jiu,i.e. An octogenarian looking forward to be in 90s,
2.lai ri fang chang, i.e. Many more years to come,
3.bai shou qu jing, i.e. Obtaining knowledge and wisdom with white hair,
4.lao dang yi zhuang!i.e. Aging with robust body and clear mind. (hale and hearty)
Nian yu gu xi qi cheng qi,(Surpassing old age praying to be somebody;hai wai ku du pan shi ji+(Studying hard overseas for half a century plus);wang fan zu guo jian qing ren(Going back and forth-USA/China-visiting beloved folks),yan wang zi sun bu wang ben(the descendant of the Yellow Emperor would cherish his roots).
Rejuvenation at age 84 to continue my learning: In Pin Yin "Zhi wu zhi now(I feel I still have lots to learn" Such state of mind is set to endorse "Work and Study Cycle Theory" for implementation of learning knowledge and wisdom to age 100+ as centenarian-to-be. 16 more years to go! Go for it!
I hope the readers would see fit to agree with the above thoughts?!
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao on Saturday, Feb. 27, 2010 at 10.32 a.m.
Comment: She did not quote the source of 93% deaths. Reliable or otherwise? I wonder!
Page C7: Comics: PICKLES- Cartoon in the light vein with humor for all disciples of Mark Twain:-
The kid asks:"What's for dinner,Granma? Reply: "Someone once said,there are only two lasting gifts we can give to our children." "One is roots and the other is wings." The kid seems to understand by saying:"She says that whenever we're having carrots and KFC." It is a matter of perception and reception. A smile or lots of laughs?
Whether it is about dinner or global economic crisis,we try to get along with different types of folks to smooth our way to pitch ideas. Carrot or stick? KFC goes to China for Sino-American Economics of Business. BTW,I have been a Kentucky Colonel since 1970 but I am allergic to Chicken since a was a youngster with phobia developed when witnessing the slaughter in Shanghai.
I have the following reflection in Pin Yin system of romanization:
1.Zuo ba wang jiu,i.e. An octogenarian looking forward to be in 90s,
2.lai ri fang chang, i.e. Many more years to come,
3.bai shou qu jing, i.e. Obtaining knowledge and wisdom with white hair,
4.lao dang yi zhuang!i.e. Aging with robust body and clear mind. (hale and hearty)
Nian yu gu xi qi cheng qi,(Surpassing old age praying to be somebody;hai wai ku du pan shi ji+(Studying hard overseas for half a century plus);wang fan zu guo jian qing ren(Going back and forth-USA/China-visiting beloved folks),yan wang zi sun bu wang ben(the descendant of the Yellow Emperor would cherish his roots).
Rejuvenation at age 84 to continue my learning: In Pin Yin "Zhi wu zhi now(I feel I still have lots to learn" Such state of mind is set to endorse "Work and Study Cycle Theory" for implementation of learning knowledge and wisdom to age 100+ as centenarian-to-be. 16 more years to go! Go for it!
I hope the readers would see fit to agree with the above thoughts?!
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao on Saturday, Feb. 27, 2010 at 10.32 a.m.
Friday, February 26, 2010
American history and Chinese history in a nutshell
George Washington possessed physical energy, strength and stamina. He also placed significant emphasis on proper social bearing, appearance and conduct.
A leader must acquire a discipled and orderly mind - one accustomed to thinking hard as his body is inured to working hard for folks to emulate. He escaped moving his 9,000 troops across the East River under cover of darkness and heavy fog, leaving the British astonished.
Chairman Mao had similar encounters with KMT troops in Chinese history.
Washington and Mao appeared on the currencies in USA(One Dollar bill) and in China(RMB) as I have observed their accomplishment in politics with economics. Political economy is in action then and now!
February 26, 1962 President John F. Kennedy met Astronaut Lt. Col. John H. Glenn on Andrews AF base for a modified Joint Armed Services Honors Ceremony held in a hangar due to inclement weather.
We have inclement weather today,Feb.26, 2010 as well. I have also noticed Kennedy coins as a collector of metals with intrinsic value. Currencies are papers with confidence and metals have intrinsic value in philosophical context especially penny from the copper as known.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao on Feb.26, 2010 at 1.56 Andrews AF Base to have such recollections to share with readers of Sino-American Economics.
A leader must acquire a discipled and orderly mind - one accustomed to thinking hard as his body is inured to working hard for folks to emulate. He escaped moving his 9,000 troops across the East River under cover of darkness and heavy fog, leaving the British astonished.
Chairman Mao had similar encounters with KMT troops in Chinese history.
Washington and Mao appeared on the currencies in USA(One Dollar bill) and in China(RMB) as I have observed their accomplishment in politics with economics. Political economy is in action then and now!
February 26, 1962 President John F. Kennedy met Astronaut Lt. Col. John H. Glenn on Andrews AF base for a modified Joint Armed Services Honors Ceremony held in a hangar due to inclement weather.
We have inclement weather today,Feb.26, 2010 as well. I have also noticed Kennedy coins as a collector of metals with intrinsic value. Currencies are papers with confidence and metals have intrinsic value in philosophical context especially penny from the copper as known.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao on Feb.26, 2010 at 1.56 Andrews AF Base to have such recollections to share with readers of Sino-American Economics.
Patriot Act in US and National Defense Mobilization Law in China et al
Washington Post, Feb. 26, 2010 page A8:
National Security: Patriot Act provisions extended by a year in USA to President Obama for his signature apropos of Anti-Terrorism operations.
On page A23: US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan published an article entitled "Investing in students, not the banks."
"A study of national postsecondary student aid found that in 2008, two-thirds of college seniors graduated with debt averaging more than $23,000. President Obama wants to eliminate the subsidy for banks and use that money to help poor and middle-class students and adults attend college. He also wants to strengthen community colleges, give grants to states that improve college completion rates."
"The Future of Community College." was published by the Congressional Record,July 18, 1974 as a vision of an economist to promote economic development from the grassroots in America. 26, 2010: Details are given online and to be sent to President Hu for his signature as well.
Both nations are aware of the threat of terrorists in the global context in the days to come. Here is the common ground of USA/China as I have such thoughts to be shared with readers of Sino_American Economics.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao on Friday, Feb. 26, 2010 at 10.46 a.m.
National Security: Patriot Act provisions extended by a year in USA to President Obama for his signature apropos of Anti-Terrorism operations.
On page A23: US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan published an article entitled "Investing in students, not the banks."
"A study of national postsecondary student aid found that in 2008, two-thirds of college seniors graduated with debt averaging more than $23,000. President Obama wants to eliminate the subsidy for banks and use that money to help poor and middle-class students and adults attend college. He also wants to strengthen community colleges, give grants to states that improve college completion rates."
"The Future of Community College." was published by the Congressional Record,July 18, 1974 as a vision of an economist to promote economic development from the grassroots in America. 26, 2010: Details are given online and to be sent to President Hu for his signature as well.
Both nations are aware of the threat of terrorists in the global context in the days to come. Here is the common ground of USA/China as I have such thoughts to be shared with readers of Sino_American Economics.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao on Friday, Feb. 26, 2010 at 10.46 a.m.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Google has not left its China operations, saying it hopes to work things out et al
Washington Post, Feb. 25, 2010 on page A16:
The State Department quickly backed Google's decision, and Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton announced in a separate speech that the administration would fight for all global internet users to access the content of their choice.
Page 9 of Local Living in Metro Washington DC area: WELLNESS: Whip yourself into shape with the rope workout. Whipped!
It is one of the most popular classes in China as well. There is rope jumping in China.
Adequate sleep in important to maintain a clear mind with healthy body.
Moreover, food eating habits must be guarded e.g.1. lots of water such as plain, black tea and coffee. No sugar added but lots of fruit plus oatmeal,veggie,whole grains,beans,nuts plus the determination not to indulge much in sweets.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao on Thursday, Feb. 25, 2010 at 12.26 p.m.
The State Department quickly backed Google's decision, and Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton announced in a separate speech that the administration would fight for all global internet users to access the content of their choice.
Page 9 of Local Living in Metro Washington DC area: WELLNESS: Whip yourself into shape with the rope workout. Whipped!
It is one of the most popular classes in China as well. There is rope jumping in China.
Adequate sleep in important to maintain a clear mind with healthy body.
Moreover, food eating habits must be guarded e.g.1. lots of water such as plain, black tea and coffee. No sugar added but lots of fruit plus oatmeal,veggie,whole grains,beans,nuts plus the determination not to indulge much in sweets.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao on Thursday, Feb. 25, 2010 at 12.26 p.m.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Wall Street Journal, Feb.24 2010
Jittery Shoppers Dim Hope for Recovery on page A1:-
Americans show little sign of regaining the confidence that once made the world-champion shoppers, and that caution has caused retailers leary about the prospects for the economy in 2010. Conference Board said its consumer confidence index fell to 46.0 in February from 56.5 a month earlier, its lowerest point in 10 months.
However,shoppers in China are spending with zeal so PBOC has taken action to cool down the economy last week.
Such is an update of Sino-American Economics.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao watching the headlines of news to share with readers for comparison.
February 24, 2010 at 3 p.m.
Americans show little sign of regaining the confidence that once made the world-champion shoppers, and that caution has caused retailers leary about the prospects for the economy in 2010. Conference Board said its consumer confidence index fell to 46.0 in February from 56.5 a month earlier, its lowerest point in 10 months.
However,shoppers in China are spending with zeal so PBOC has taken action to cool down the economy last week.
Such is an update of Sino-American Economics.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao watching the headlines of news to share with readers for comparison.
February 24, 2010 at 3 p.m.
Energy: Common ground of USA/China
Washington Post, February 24, 2010 on page H2:
The TransAsian pipeline cost $6.7 billion to build and is the first gas pipeline out of the Caspian Region that runs east, linking Turkmenistan's massive gas basin with China's West-East Gas Pipeline. The pipeline will carry up to 40 billion cubic meters of gas by 2013, accounting for half of China's gas needs.
China's growing importance in the region has gotten the attention of the Kremlin: Prime Minister Putin signed a deal that promises to deliver 68 bcm a year to China through two new pipelines starting in Siberia.
Here is a good reference for readers re Sino-American Economics of Energy in globalization.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, an observer of economics in the global context. In Pin Yin: "lai long qu mai" in 4 Chinese words to assess the etiology with impact of economic development in humanity.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010 at 9.18 a.m.
The TransAsian pipeline cost $6.7 billion to build and is the first gas pipeline out of the Caspian Region that runs east, linking Turkmenistan's massive gas basin with China's West-East Gas Pipeline. The pipeline will carry up to 40 billion cubic meters of gas by 2013, accounting for half of China's gas needs.
China's growing importance in the region has gotten the attention of the Kremlin: Prime Minister Putin signed a deal that promises to deliver 68 bcm a year to China through two new pipelines starting in Siberia.
Here is a good reference for readers re Sino-American Economics of Energy in globalization.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, an observer of economics in the global context. In Pin Yin: "lai long qu mai" in 4 Chinese words to assess the etiology with impact of economic development in humanity.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010 at 9.18 a.m.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
The Washington Times, Feb.23, 2010/USNWR March 2010
Page A1:
The longest, deepest global recession since the Great Depression ended last summer.(sic) For the final quarter of 2009 China and India reported strong growth and US said GDP rose at 5.7%. But the recoveries of Europe and in Japan have been tentative and halting, despite government stimulus spending.
US Stimulus equal to 4.8% of GDP followed by China 4.4%.
How to face a balancing act?
My rationale below is the same as I sent my past blogs: -
There are expansionary and recessionary gaps when Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply curves intersect in a Cross Model. There is no magic or pat answer to balancing the global economy as a whole.
"US News and World Report"(USNWR) March 2010 issue:
Page 66: New beginning for jobless Americans: Taking courses at a community college with a photo. Such is empirical evidence for the article: "The Future of Community College" published in the Congressional Record, July 18, 1974 with a vision in the 20th century for the role of community colleges in the 21st century.
Page 10: Those who think US can compete with China for windmill and solar cell manufacturing is living in a fantasy world due to labor rates.(sic)
Page 16: Americans with the best shot at getting ahead will have to find new ways to exploit their skills: To educate and to train oneself is to increase knowledge + wisdom. Moreover, Americans must live frugally with no-frill simplicity in the days to come as mentioned above.
How to squeeze dollars to save: e.g. starting at home to air dry clothes as folks in China would do instead of using dryer to save energy bills.Or using hands to wash clothes for exercising finger dexterity.(sic)
There are teaching opportunities but teachers need to have graduate degrees on page 67.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a reader to share info with readers for Sino-American Economics to economize for living in a world with high costs.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010 at 1.42 p.m.
The longest, deepest global recession since the Great Depression ended last summer.(sic) For the final quarter of 2009 China and India reported strong growth and US said GDP rose at 5.7%. But the recoveries of Europe and in Japan have been tentative and halting, despite government stimulus spending.
US Stimulus equal to 4.8% of GDP followed by China 4.4%.
How to face a balancing act?
My rationale below is the same as I sent my past blogs: -
There are expansionary and recessionary gaps when Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply curves intersect in a Cross Model. There is no magic or pat answer to balancing the global economy as a whole.
"US News and World Report"(USNWR) March 2010 issue:
Page 66: New beginning for jobless Americans: Taking courses at a community college with a photo. Such is empirical evidence for the article: "The Future of Community College" published in the Congressional Record, July 18, 1974 with a vision in the 20th century for the role of community colleges in the 21st century.
Page 10: Those who think US can compete with China for windmill and solar cell manufacturing is living in a fantasy world due to labor rates.(sic)
Page 16: Americans with the best shot at getting ahead will have to find new ways to exploit their skills: To educate and to train oneself is to increase knowledge + wisdom. Moreover, Americans must live frugally with no-frill simplicity in the days to come as mentioned above.
How to squeeze dollars to save: e.g. starting at home to air dry clothes as folks in China would do instead of using dryer to save energy bills.Or using hands to wash clothes for exercising finger dexterity.(sic)
There are teaching opportunities but teachers need to have graduate degrees on page 67.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a reader to share info with readers for Sino-American Economics to economize for living in a world with high costs.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010 at 1.42 p.m.
USAToday,Feb.22,2010 page 3A: Cultural affinity
Lunar New Year Celebrated with photo published by "USAToday,"Feb.22, 2010.
Korean dancers warm up before the star of the Chinatown Lunar New Year Parade in New York City. Spectators stood 10 deep, stepping on firecrackers that popped amid floats and balloons, celebrating the Year of the Tiger. It comes every 12 years according to the Zodiac.
Here is the cultural affinity of Korean and Chinese culture with folks in Okinawa, Japan and Singaporeans also honored such great occasion. The kids in Singapore painted their face as Tigers as shown on Phoenix TV in Hong Kong. I viewed such scenes with good memories of the past years in Shanghai when I was a kid about 4 years old. I also visited Korea and Japan,Singapore decades ago and I spent one academic year in Hong Kong. Asia is doing well in economic achievement and their lifestyle is worthy of note to Non-Asians.
As a lifelong learner, one of my focus is the intercultural identity of bilingual folks. Such cultures may be amusing,interesting, productive and creative in every sense of the meaning in the specific languages.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao on Tuesday, February 23, 2010 at 9.50 a.m.
Korean dancers warm up before the star of the Chinatown Lunar New Year Parade in New York City. Spectators stood 10 deep, stepping on firecrackers that popped amid floats and balloons, celebrating the Year of the Tiger. It comes every 12 years according to the Zodiac.
Here is the cultural affinity of Korean and Chinese culture with folks in Okinawa, Japan and Singaporeans also honored such great occasion. The kids in Singapore painted their face as Tigers as shown on Phoenix TV in Hong Kong. I viewed such scenes with good memories of the past years in Shanghai when I was a kid about 4 years old. I also visited Korea and Japan,Singapore decades ago and I spent one academic year in Hong Kong. Asia is doing well in economic achievement and their lifestyle is worthy of note to Non-Asians.
As a lifelong learner, one of my focus is the intercultural identity of bilingual folks. Such cultures may be amusing,interesting, productive and creative in every sense of the meaning in the specific languages.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao on Tuesday, February 23, 2010 at 9.50 a.m.
New Products for readers to be informed in the 21st century
1.Windows Phone 7 Series: Seve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft made announcement in Spain during the Mobile World Congress. He said: "We made a grand stride moving forward with great excitement. We have the lucky number of 7 ."
In Pin Yin: The Chinese word of "Qi" implies "Qiao" meaning: skillful. Such device (sheji) is surely "qiaomiao" i.e. a ingenious product.
2. Air Mouse wearing on the hand : Deanmark firm produced a new "Air Mouse" with ingenious design and the cost is circa US$129.
Francis Shieh a.k.a.Xie Shihao keeping readers of Sino-American Economics to be up-to-date about the innovative ways in 2010.
Tuesday, February 23,2010 at 5.55 a.m.
In Pin Yin: The Chinese word of "Qi" implies "Qiao" meaning: skillful. Such device (sheji) is surely "qiaomiao" i.e. a ingenious product.
2. Air Mouse wearing on the hand : Deanmark firm produced a new "Air Mouse" with ingenious design and the cost is circa US$129.
Francis Shieh a.k.a.Xie Shihao keeping readers of Sino-American Economics to be up-to-date about the innovative ways in 2010.
Tuesday, February 23,2010 at 5.55 a.m.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Wall Street Journal, Feb.22, 2010: China and Hong Hong,SAR of PRC.
Page A13:
China attracted $8.13 billion in actual foreign direct investment in January 2010 up from a year earlier.
Actual FDI rose 7.8% in January increasing year to year for the 6th month in a row.
The figures suggest China's FDI is gradually recovering but a slowing levels, as the world's 3rd largest economy rebounds and global economies stabilize more than a year after the global financial crisis hit.
Page C7:
Hong Kong prepares for a Chinese Yuan world: "Shanghai is growing into a full-fledged international financial center and we are glad to see that happen." says Julia Leung, Hong Kong's undersecretary for financial service and the treasury and a key player in efforts to more closely bind Hong Kong and China's financial systems.
Such views were expressed by a Fulbright Senior Scholar in Hong Kong in 1990 with a vision. That was history two decades ago but there is the common assessment.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a guest lecturer at Lingnan College in Hong Kong from 1989-1990.
China attracted $8.13 billion in actual foreign direct investment in January 2010 up from a year earlier.
Actual FDI rose 7.8% in January increasing year to year for the 6th month in a row.
The figures suggest China's FDI is gradually recovering but a slowing levels, as the world's 3rd largest economy rebounds and global economies stabilize more than a year after the global financial crisis hit.
Page C7:
Hong Kong prepares for a Chinese Yuan world: "Shanghai is growing into a full-fledged international financial center and we are glad to see that happen." says Julia Leung, Hong Kong's undersecretary for financial service and the treasury and a key player in efforts to more closely bind Hong Kong and China's financial systems.
Such views were expressed by a Fulbright Senior Scholar in Hong Kong in 1990 with a vision. That was history two decades ago but there is the common assessment.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a guest lecturer at Lingnan College in Hong Kong from 1989-1990.
China leapfrogs US in imports of oil:WashPost,2/22/10
Washington Post, February 22, 2010. Today used to be George Washington's true Birthday and we celebrated earlier. Hehehahahoho all the way,Washington had to yield to the order of leaders to change the date without Washington's consent. Economic News below: -
Saudi Arabia's oil exports to the United States last year sank below 1 million barrels a day for the first time in two decades just as China's purchases climbed above theat level, highlighting a shift in the geopolitics of oil from West to East. Comment: The East and the West are One World for economic globalization.
The drop in US demand is the result of not only lower energy consumption, but also great reliance on imports from Canada and Africa.That is the change of policy.
President Obama wants to reduce dependence on foreign oil and encourage renewable fuels. Saudi Arabia, meanwhile,seeks stable markets for its large oil reserve.
China's buoyant economic growth, meanwhile, is prompting Beijing to buy more Saudi oil, a trend Riyadh has encouraged through refinery joint ventures for mutual benefit.
Comment: It is a matter of supply and demand in business in the world regardless of ideology.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao,a watcher of Sino-American economics in action relevant to other nations in the global context. In Pin Yin: "Lai long qu mai" for the Chinese description of such business dealings.
Monday, February 22, 2010 at 9.30 a.m.
Saudi Arabia's oil exports to the United States last year sank below 1 million barrels a day for the first time in two decades just as China's purchases climbed above theat level, highlighting a shift in the geopolitics of oil from West to East. Comment: The East and the West are One World for economic globalization.
The drop in US demand is the result of not only lower energy consumption, but also great reliance on imports from Canada and Africa.That is the change of policy.
President Obama wants to reduce dependence on foreign oil and encourage renewable fuels. Saudi Arabia, meanwhile,seeks stable markets for its large oil reserve.
China's buoyant economic growth, meanwhile, is prompting Beijing to buy more Saudi oil, a trend Riyadh has encouraged through refinery joint ventures for mutual benefit.
Comment: It is a matter of supply and demand in business in the world regardless of ideology.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao,a watcher of Sino-American economics in action relevant to other nations in the global context. In Pin Yin: "Lai long qu mai" for the Chinese description of such business dealings.
Monday, February 22, 2010 at 9.30 a.m.
C-Span: Secretary of Education stressing the role of community colleges in USA
US Secretary of Education Duncan spoke to Governors at the National Governors' Association on C-span radio last night with the support of the leaders in 50 States:-
The role of community colleges was emphasized for economic recovery with federal appropriation of $10 billion for the grassroots to have marketable skills to find jobs in a changing economy through training and retraining.
Such view is identical to my rationale in my publications in the 20th century with my vision for the 21st century. To wit:
1. Keys for Economic Understanding(1971) clicking used books.Or for information.
2. "The Future of Community Colleges" published by the Congressional Record,July 18, 1974.
3. Keys to Economic Understanding.(1976) Cf. for reference.
4. Work and Study Cycle Theory(1978) Doctoral dissertation listed at Georgetown University Library online catalog.
In China,vocational education is stressed recently with the same goal to providing training of marketable skills for para-professionals i.e. the gray-collar workers in dire need by the society.(Neither white collar nor blue collar)
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, earned California Community College Credential in 1961 and taught in California,Michigan and Maryland for 3 decades plus with experience of my students as workers in America.
Monday, February 22,2010 at 6.16 a.m.
The role of community colleges was emphasized for economic recovery with federal appropriation of $10 billion for the grassroots to have marketable skills to find jobs in a changing economy through training and retraining.
Such view is identical to my rationale in my publications in the 20th century with my vision for the 21st century. To wit:
1. Keys for Economic Understanding(1971) clicking used books.Or for information.
2. "The Future of Community Colleges" published by the Congressional Record,July 18, 1974.
3. Keys to Economic Understanding.(1976) Cf. for reference.
4. Work and Study Cycle Theory(1978) Doctoral dissertation listed at Georgetown University Library online catalog.
In China,vocational education is stressed recently with the same goal to providing training of marketable skills for para-professionals i.e. the gray-collar workers in dire need by the society.(Neither white collar nor blue collar)
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, earned California Community College Credential in 1961 and taught in California,Michigan and Maryland for 3 decades plus with experience of my students as workers in America.
Monday, February 22,2010 at 6.16 a.m.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Reflections on the past experience:USA/China relations
Washington Post,Feb.21, 2010 on page A4:
Alexander Meigs Haig Jr. was born on Dec. 2, 1924 in the Philadelphia suburb. He was 10 when his father died of cancer and left the family $5,000 in life insurance.
General Haig picked up a master's degree from Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. in 1962. Six of my works are listed at Georgetown University Library online catalog in the fields of China Studies and Economics as an alumnus of Georgetown University Graduate School, Class of 1950.
In January 1972, Gen. Haig led the advance team too China that laid the ground work for Nixon's historical visit. "A Glimpse of the Chinese Language" published in 1965 was a precursor of US-China relations. for reference.
Gen.Haig was president of United Technologies before being named Ronald Reagan's Secretary of State in 1981. I received a letter from Ronald Reagan when I was in Los Angeles doing statistical work at Farmers Insurance Group. I noticed that his signature was small but his later position was big as the president. What a contrast!
On the same page, First lady urges state leaders to help youths: Obama asks governors for a comprehensive plan to fight obesity.
Such news is the same as my prior blog.
The annual parade of the Chinese New Year of the Tiger will take place in Chinatown, Washington, D.C. this afternoon as per Radio WTOP.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao on Sunday, Feb.21st at 9.18 a.m.
Alexander Meigs Haig Jr. was born on Dec. 2, 1924 in the Philadelphia suburb. He was 10 when his father died of cancer and left the family $5,000 in life insurance.
General Haig picked up a master's degree from Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. in 1962. Six of my works are listed at Georgetown University Library online catalog in the fields of China Studies and Economics as an alumnus of Georgetown University Graduate School, Class of 1950.
In January 1972, Gen. Haig led the advance team too China that laid the ground work for Nixon's historical visit. "A Glimpse of the Chinese Language" published in 1965 was a precursor of US-China relations. for reference.
Gen.Haig was president of United Technologies before being named Ronald Reagan's Secretary of State in 1981. I received a letter from Ronald Reagan when I was in Los Angeles doing statistical work at Farmers Insurance Group. I noticed that his signature was small but his later position was big as the president. What a contrast!
On the same page, First lady urges state leaders to help youths: Obama asks governors for a comprehensive plan to fight obesity.
Such news is the same as my prior blog.
The annual parade of the Chinese New Year of the Tiger will take place in Chinatown, Washington, D.C. this afternoon as per Radio WTOP.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao on Sunday, Feb.21st at 9.18 a.m.
Obesity is the common ground in USA/China
First Lady Michelle Obama's initiative to fight childhood obesity is worthy of note in USA and in China.
I have seen many obese children at McDonald's in China decades ago and such initiative would deserve applause to get kids to exercise more and eat healthily.
The joint effort of parents in USA and in China should be encouraged for the future generations.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao is very much interested in the children for Sino_American Economics of Human Capital.
Sunday, February 21, 2010 at 6 a.m.
I have seen many obese children at McDonald's in China decades ago and such initiative would deserve applause to get kids to exercise more and eat healthily.
The joint effort of parents in USA and in China should be encouraged for the future generations.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao is very much interested in the children for Sino_American Economics of Human Capital.
Sunday, February 21, 2010 at 6 a.m.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Comic" Pickles" dwells on philosophy at Georgetown Graduate School
The elderly gentleman looks happy about something. He said he was just thinking... "It is looking more and more likely that I'm going to make it through life without being attacked by a shark." "Now squirrels are a different story." He encountered such in a park sitting on a bench with his old friend.
My reaction in Pin Yin system of romanization: "Tui yi bu xiang xiang: hai kuo tian kong" In English: Step back to think about borderless sea and sky as a student of cosmology and ontology with upbeat cheer to be living in the mundane world.
The above may be applied to all situation we encounter everyday in this blog for readers of Sino-Ameridan Economics of the Mindset.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao on Saturday, February 20, 2010 at 10.50 a.m.
My reaction in Pin Yin system of romanization: "Tui yi bu xiang xiang: hai kuo tian kong" In English: Step back to think about borderless sea and sky as a student of cosmology and ontology with upbeat cheer to be living in the mundane world.
The above may be applied to all situation we encounter everyday in this blog for readers of Sino-Ameridan Economics of the Mindset.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao on Saturday, February 20, 2010 at 10.50 a.m.
This Week in Andrews AF Base History with comments
Feb. 17,1972: President Richard Nixon flew to Andrews by helicopter and departed for Kaneohe Marine Corps Station Oahu Hawaii, enroute to China.
President Nixon made the historic and highly publicized trip to the Far East to help formally normalize relations between the United States and the People's Republic of China. He returned to Andrews Feb. 28, 1972.
I visit Andrews Library to blog Sino-American economics for readers online.
I encouraged Dr. Hanshil Koh,professor of law,Tokyo University to translate "How American Laws Are Made" into Japanese and Korean languages with commendation from President Nixon.
I published my paper entitled "A Glimpse of the Chinese Language" in March 1965 and Henry Kissinger was a consultant at the RAND Corporation during that period. On page 8, I hinted that China be open to the world for the benefit of Sino-American Economics. Kissinger made a trip to China in 1971. I started my blogging www. "Sino-American Economics since 2000 to date to share my thoughts with readers as my passion as a graduate student from China to witness positive Sino-American economics for mutual benefit. I was a Fulbright Senior Scholar in Hong Kong,1989-1990 to represent American scholarship for promoting market economy aprops of globalization in the 21st century.
I was in Oahu, Hawaii on Sept. 3, 1947 on my way to the University of San Francisco from Shanghai,China and attended my son's wedding in the summer of 1990 in Oahu, Hawaii. I was an honorary citizen of Honolulu,Hawaii since 1969 and was commissioned as a Kentucky Colonel in 1970 doing eleemosynary work in the United States.
I taught Economics in Beijing in 1993-1996 using the textbooks by Richard T. Gill of Harvard that I contributed in 1973,1975 and 1980 in re the reforms to a market economy in China to join the international community.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao with recollection of my past history as an octogenarian on Feb. 20, 2010 at 6.16 a.m.
President Nixon made the historic and highly publicized trip to the Far East to help formally normalize relations between the United States and the People's Republic of China. He returned to Andrews Feb. 28, 1972.
I visit Andrews Library to blog Sino-American economics for readers online.
I encouraged Dr. Hanshil Koh,professor of law,Tokyo University to translate "How American Laws Are Made" into Japanese and Korean languages with commendation from President Nixon.
I published my paper entitled "A Glimpse of the Chinese Language" in March 1965 and Henry Kissinger was a consultant at the RAND Corporation during that period. On page 8, I hinted that China be open to the world for the benefit of Sino-American Economics. Kissinger made a trip to China in 1971. I started my blogging www. "Sino-American Economics since 2000 to date to share my thoughts with readers as my passion as a graduate student from China to witness positive Sino-American economics for mutual benefit. I was a Fulbright Senior Scholar in Hong Kong,1989-1990 to represent American scholarship for promoting market economy aprops of globalization in the 21st century.
I was in Oahu, Hawaii on Sept. 3, 1947 on my way to the University of San Francisco from Shanghai,China and attended my son's wedding in the summer of 1990 in Oahu, Hawaii. I was an honorary citizen of Honolulu,Hawaii since 1969 and was commissioned as a Kentucky Colonel in 1970 doing eleemosynary work in the United States.
I taught Economics in Beijing in 1993-1996 using the textbooks by Richard T. Gill of Harvard that I contributed in 1973,1975 and 1980 in re the reforms to a market economy in China to join the international community.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao with recollection of my past history as an octogenarian on Feb. 20, 2010 at 6.16 a.m.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Wall Street Journal and Washington Times,Feb.19,2010
WSJ,2/19/10: -
Page A7: Photo of Leo Sun CEO, France of Huawei,a Chinese firm:"Innovation is a priority in France.Innovation is a priority of priorities in USA.
Page A10: International Monetary Fund (IMF) -capital controls for emerging markets. Money is flooding into emerging markets producing fears asset bubbles are forming in China, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and elsewhere particularly in real-estate markets - almost $722 billion -letting markets rip is not good for the nations cited.
Page A7: Mother Teresa stamp will be released in August or early September. There is another mother Theresa,New York with 3 sons and 1 daughter doing good works at home with hubby,an inventor with distinction.
Both made contribution to humanity,one is a religious nun and the other is a layperson with holy intent. I salute to both ladies with my highest esteem.
Washington Times Feb.19, 2010 on page A9:
Locals balk at $2 billion price tag to host US troops on bases in Okinama near China and Taiwan with a map. Folks in Okinawa has inherted Chinese cuture and honor Lunar New Year of the Tiger.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao,navigating up-to-date info to share learning as commitmen for Sino-American Economics online readers.
Friday, February 19, 2010 at 1.32 p.m.
Page A7: Photo of Leo Sun CEO, France of Huawei,a Chinese firm:"Innovation is a priority in France.Innovation is a priority of priorities in USA.
Page A10: International Monetary Fund (IMF) -capital controls for emerging markets. Money is flooding into emerging markets producing fears asset bubbles are forming in China, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and elsewhere particularly in real-estate markets - almost $722 billion -letting markets rip is not good for the nations cited.
Page A7: Mother Teresa stamp will be released in August or early September. There is another mother Theresa,New York with 3 sons and 1 daughter doing good works at home with hubby,an inventor with distinction.
Both made contribution to humanity,one is a religious nun and the other is a layperson with holy intent. I salute to both ladies with my highest esteem.
Washington Times Feb.19, 2010 on page A9:
Locals balk at $2 billion price tag to host US troops on bases in Okinama near China and Taiwan with a map. Folks in Okinawa has inherted Chinese cuture and honor Lunar New Year of the Tiger.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao,navigating up-to-date info to share learning as commitmen for Sino-American Economics online readers.
Friday, February 19, 2010 at 1.32 p.m.
Living wisely and judiciouly with recommendations
How can we live better 1.legally,2.emotionally,3. morally,4.physically,5.intellectually 6.spiritually 7. frugally 8. kindly 9. educationally 10. diligently.
1. Be law-abiding and support the Constitution with amendments as well.
2. Reduce hectic moods to practise the Doctrine of the Mean i.e. Moderation in activities.
3. Morally: Study Confucius/Mencius as the moral leader of the world.
4. Walking is a good exercise plus other related movements as work-outs.
5. Intellectual food is a MUST to sharpen the mind and warm the heart.
6. Spirituality is the way of life in the mundane world.
7. Spending money with thrifty habits especially during the financial crisis.
8. Be kind to others. Mistakes can be corrected by offering apology with contrition.
10.Diligent performance of any task is the way to success in chosen career.
Needless to say,readers would see fit to add other points or pointers for a decent living with genuine inner peace and happiness during our lifespan.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao,a learner of good demeanor in China since 1926 and my arrival in USA since 1947 to continue to seek wellness as my search of Sino-American Economics of Wellbeing in the mundane world.
Friday,February 19, 2010 at 10.40 a.m. for my daily blogging with pleasure.
1. Be law-abiding and support the Constitution with amendments as well.
2. Reduce hectic moods to practise the Doctrine of the Mean i.e. Moderation in activities.
3. Morally: Study Confucius/Mencius as the moral leader of the world.
4. Walking is a good exercise plus other related movements as work-outs.
5. Intellectual food is a MUST to sharpen the mind and warm the heart.
6. Spirituality is the way of life in the mundane world.
7. Spending money with thrifty habits especially during the financial crisis.
8. Be kind to others. Mistakes can be corrected by offering apology with contrition.
10.Diligent performance of any task is the way to success in chosen career.
Needless to say,readers would see fit to add other points or pointers for a decent living with genuine inner peace and happiness during our lifespan.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao,a learner of good demeanor in China since 1926 and my arrival in USA since 1947 to continue to seek wellness as my search of Sino-American Economics of Wellbeing in the mundane world.
Friday,February 19, 2010 at 10.40 a.m. for my daily blogging with pleasure.
Humor is to be shared to folks who enjoy the light side of life
What are you eating? A good question to keep body and soul together.
Leftover gravy on toast. ( simple eats in the name of frugality)
It looks so BLAH,so colorless. Don't you believe in garnish? A refined remark,indeed.
A meal should be like a traffic light,with something RED,something YELLOW and something GREEN.
You make a good point.Hand me that candy dish and I'll sprinkle some M&M's over the top. Close to the colors as described above.
RED means Redskin or American Indians as first Americans from Asia in American history thousand years ago.
YELLOW may mean yellow race for ethnicity:-
Asians:Chinese,Japanese,Koreans,Singaporeans,Malaysians,Thai,Indians from India and others in the Near West(Far East)
GREEN is eco-friendly color. Irish Americans and all folks to wear green on St.Patrick's Day, March 17,2010. Coming next month.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao trying to compare colorful food to understand USA as a nation of folks with multi-colors + multi-culture. Nobody would impugn the real America in the 21st century. Perhaps folks in South America may be Americans as well. Food for thought for thinkers. Hehehahahoho all the way and we shall live to be centenarians. Amen!
February 19,2010 at 6.16 a.m.
Leftover gravy on toast. ( simple eats in the name of frugality)
It looks so BLAH,so colorless. Don't you believe in garnish? A refined remark,indeed.
A meal should be like a traffic light,with something RED,something YELLOW and something GREEN.
You make a good point.Hand me that candy dish and I'll sprinkle some M&M's over the top. Close to the colors as described above.
RED means Redskin or American Indians as first Americans from Asia in American history thousand years ago.
YELLOW may mean yellow race for ethnicity:-
Asians:Chinese,Japanese,Koreans,Singaporeans,Malaysians,Thai,Indians from India and others in the Near West(Far East)
GREEN is eco-friendly color. Irish Americans and all folks to wear green on St.Patrick's Day, March 17,2010. Coming next month.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao trying to compare colorful food to understand USA as a nation of folks with multi-colors + multi-culture. Nobody would impugn the real America in the 21st century. Perhaps folks in South America may be Americans as well. Food for thought for thinkers. Hehehahahoho all the way and we shall live to be centenarians. Amen!
February 19,2010 at 6.16 a.m.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Lunar New Year Thoughts for readers of Sino-American Economics of Longevity
1. Never get old apropos of our upbeat mind as a young person.
2. To inspire others with cheerful enthusiasm.
3. Be poised, charming and articulate.
4. Cultivate positive philosophy of life reflecting the beauty of things.
5. Be an active member of the community doing eleemosynary work.
6. Count the blessings to have our talents to defy the myth of aging.
7. Age is merely a number to be discounted.
8. Be nutrition-wise and eat lots of veggies and fruits.
9. Exercises can prevent cancer and extend life.
10.Respect others and be modest with Mea Culpa as the mantra everyday.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a graduate student from Shanghai, China in 1947 as a continuing learner for educational enrichment in USA and in China.
World Expo will take place in Shanghai and I shall be a witness soon.
Thursday, Feb. 18, 2010 at 2.08 p.m.
2. To inspire others with cheerful enthusiasm.
3. Be poised, charming and articulate.
4. Cultivate positive philosophy of life reflecting the beauty of things.
5. Be an active member of the community doing eleemosynary work.
6. Count the blessings to have our talents to defy the myth of aging.
7. Age is merely a number to be discounted.
8. Be nutrition-wise and eat lots of veggies and fruits.
9. Exercises can prevent cancer and extend life.
10.Respect others and be modest with Mea Culpa as the mantra everyday.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a graduate student from Shanghai, China in 1947 as a continuing learner for educational enrichment in USA and in China.
World Expo will take place in Shanghai and I shall be a witness soon.
Thursday, Feb. 18, 2010 at 2.08 p.m.
Unemployment in USA and in China as common ground
Washington Post,February 18, 2010 on page A12:
Steven Wieting,an economist at Citigroup says: "When you can consider that the declines in employment have been so profound, it would take tremendous growth to get that back. Getting something that looks like a good growth, clip can stabilize unemployment, but regaining all that was lost will take a lot of time."
This statement is similar or identical to my previous blogs i.e. it may take months or years for recovery. Patience is a virtue and we would like to be virtuous as Confucius/Mencius advised their disciples centuries ago.
College graduates in China are having a hard time to get jobs and their counterparts in USA get part time work or underemployed re their educational background.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao encountered the same experience many decades ago in the 20th century.
Thursday, February 18, 2010 at 10.10 a.m.
Steven Wieting,an economist at Citigroup says: "When you can consider that the declines in employment have been so profound, it would take tremendous growth to get that back. Getting something that looks like a good growth, clip can stabilize unemployment, but regaining all that was lost will take a lot of time."
This statement is similar or identical to my previous blogs i.e. it may take months or years for recovery. Patience is a virtue and we would like to be virtuous as Confucius/Mencius advised their disciples centuries ago.
College graduates in China are having a hard time to get jobs and their counterparts in USA get part time work or underemployed re their educational background.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao encountered the same experience many decades ago in the 20th century.
Thursday, February 18, 2010 at 10.10 a.m.
Phoenix TV,Feb.18,2010 reports from Hong Kong
A US Navy Aircraftcarrier(capacity of more than 60 aircrafts) obtained approval from Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Beijing to visit Hong Kong.The US commander expressed good wishes to folks in Hong Kong for the Lunar New Year of Tiger and one female sailor of Chinese ancestry was delighted to have such opportunity to be able to go shopping during an interview in Mandarin.
Here is an evidence of US/China economics of business in action.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao with fond memories of my stay in Hong Kong,1989-1990 as a Fulbright Senior Scholar. Feb. 18,2010 at 5.45 a.m.
Here is an evidence of US/China economics of business in action.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao with fond memories of my stay in Hong Kong,1989-1990 as a Fulbright Senior Scholar. Feb. 18,2010 at 5.45 a.m.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Chinese language in a nutshell for your possible interest
China has more than 1.3 billion folks,almost a quarter of the population for humanity. Chinese speak the Chinese language in People's Republic of China,Hong Kong,Taiwan,Singapore,Malaysia and overseas Chinese in the world. More humans speak Chinese in the world than other languages so it is highly desirable for Non-Chinese to learn how to speak Chinese in order to be able to communicate with the Chinese on earth. Interaction develops understanding and understanding leads to peace in the world.
Chinese is unique to the fact that the written language can be read and understood by Chinese and educators in Korea and Japan re parts of Hanga and Kanji.
Folks in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces speak Wu dialect,circa 80 million and Cantonese speakers are estimated around 70 million in Guangdong,Hong Kong and many folks in USA as early settlers.
Pin Yin is the spelling of the sounds of the Chinese words. For details,read "A Glimpse of the Chinese Language" available at for pdf, free of charge for cultural enrichment with more detailed explantions than the following write-up -
Chinese words may be pictographs such as the sun, the moon etc.Ideographs are for conceptual ways and logographs and radicals for clues. There are simplified and traditonal forms of the written Chinese as a form of art re calligraphy and 4 tones in Mandarin with musical touch. More tones in other dialects. Some linguists hold the view that Shanghainese resembles the Japanese to a certain sounds.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao on Wednesday, Feb.17, 2010 at 10 a.m.
Chinese is unique to the fact that the written language can be read and understood by Chinese and educators in Korea and Japan re parts of Hanga and Kanji.
Folks in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces speak Wu dialect,circa 80 million and Cantonese speakers are estimated around 70 million in Guangdong,Hong Kong and many folks in USA as early settlers.
Pin Yin is the spelling of the sounds of the Chinese words. For details,read "A Glimpse of the Chinese Language" available at for pdf, free of charge for cultural enrichment with more detailed explantions than the following write-up -
Chinese words may be pictographs such as the sun, the moon etc.Ideographs are for conceptual ways and logographs and radicals for clues. There are simplified and traditonal forms of the written Chinese as a form of art re calligraphy and 4 tones in Mandarin with musical touch. More tones in other dialects. Some linguists hold the view that Shanghainese resembles the Japanese to a certain sounds.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao on Wednesday, Feb.17, 2010 at 10 a.m.
Foreign holdings of US Treasurys in December 2009
Washington Post,Feb.17,2010 on page A8:
"China reduced its holdings by $34.2 billion.
Foreign holdings fell $53 billion. Read below for important impact: -
Reduced further, the amount of holdings could force the government to make higher interest payments at a time of record federal deficits."
FOOD for thought!
After December, China is no longer the top foreign owner of Treasurys, dropping to second place behind Japan, which raised holdings by $11.5 billion in December.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao,a watcher of Sino-American Economics in action on Feb.17, 2010 at 7.40 a.m.
"China reduced its holdings by $34.2 billion.
Foreign holdings fell $53 billion. Read below for important impact: -
Reduced further, the amount of holdings could force the government to make higher interest payments at a time of record federal deficits."
FOOD for thought!
After December, China is no longer the top foreign owner of Treasurys, dropping to second place behind Japan, which raised holdings by $11.5 billion in December.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao,a watcher of Sino-American Economics in action on Feb.17, 2010 at 7.40 a.m.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Reminiscing Shanghai in my mind on Jan.3rd Lunar New Year
(Continued from the prior blog) I have been under the influence of Confucius/Mencius since I was a youngster and my paper was published by China Missionary Bulletin(Maryknolls in New York) dated January and February 1951 issues. That is 59 years ago.
My maternal grandma used to take me to visit Jade Buddha Temple when I was a child and my father owned three houses named "The Alley of Three Happiness" on Gordon Road in the British settlement. I visited the place years ago with my sister and the present residents remembered the former owner Zia,Shanghai dialect for Shieh.
For film buffs :Visit Old Film Cafe to check out a famous movie "Fisherman's Song" and the filmmaker(photographer) was Zhou ke,the father- in -law of my daughter. His son became my son-in-law in 1978. That is family history.
On "Dao lun wen hua ming ren jie" a visitor can ask an artist to paint a name in English or Chinese into a miniature glass snuff bottle in a flash for a set price. Such work is truly impressive.
I had my way at Berger King as per the Ad: "You have your way" in Shanghai many times. The cost is less and the berger tastes the same but the ice cream cone is far less expensive.
I also remember President Jimmy Carter announced normalization with China in December 1979 and he promotes cooperation of two nations on both sides of the Pacific as per an interview conducted by Phoenix TV of Hong Kong on February 15, 2010 for reference.
Faith is to believe what we do not see yet; the reward is to see what we believe in the days to come apropos of Sino-American economics in the works for positive ways.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao on February 16, 2010 at Largo Library because Andrews Library is closed today. At 1.52 p.m.
My maternal grandma used to take me to visit Jade Buddha Temple when I was a child and my father owned three houses named "The Alley of Three Happiness" on Gordon Road in the British settlement. I visited the place years ago with my sister and the present residents remembered the former owner Zia,Shanghai dialect for Shieh.
For film buffs :Visit Old Film Cafe to check out a famous movie "Fisherman's Song" and the filmmaker(photographer) was Zhou ke,the father- in -law of my daughter. His son became my son-in-law in 1978. That is family history.
On "Dao lun wen hua ming ren jie" a visitor can ask an artist to paint a name in English or Chinese into a miniature glass snuff bottle in a flash for a set price. Such work is truly impressive.
I had my way at Berger King as per the Ad: "You have your way" in Shanghai many times. The cost is less and the berger tastes the same but the ice cream cone is far less expensive.
I also remember President Jimmy Carter announced normalization with China in December 1979 and he promotes cooperation of two nations on both sides of the Pacific as per an interview conducted by Phoenix TV of Hong Kong on February 15, 2010 for reference.
Faith is to believe what we do not see yet; the reward is to see what we believe in the days to come apropos of Sino-American economics in the works for positive ways.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao on February 16, 2010 at Largo Library because Andrews Library is closed today. At 1.52 p.m.
World Expo in Shanghai in 2010 with thoughts from a native
1. The Chinese name of the Bund is "wai tan",the embankment of muddy waterfront. Restaurants,galleries and fashion boutiques are located.
2. Renmin Square was the former site of the race course.
3. The Park Hotel was the venue where my sister was married in early 1940s.
4. Grand Theater used to be the place to see American movies.
5. My family lived in the former French Concession with relatives nearby and they are still living there for more than six decades.
6. My father taught English at the former Anglo-Chinese college for 3 decades. He passed away when I was 7 years young.
7. The Subway Lines No. 1 and No. 2 are always crowded with riders that I encountered many times.
8. The TV are shown in public buses with songs and dances. Special gates are provided for seniors.
9.Confucian Temple is the place to pay respect of learning of a venerable teacher.
10. I started my teaching career in Shanghai since 1945 before I earned my B.A. degree in 1946 at St. John's University in Humanities and Social Sciences.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao with reflections of Shanghai,the place of my birth.
February 16,2010 at 6 a.m. Lunar Year Jan.3rd to honor the Tiger,including human tigers on earth in the mundane world. Nobody would impugn.(sic)
2. Renmin Square was the former site of the race course.
3. The Park Hotel was the venue where my sister was married in early 1940s.
4. Grand Theater used to be the place to see American movies.
5. My family lived in the former French Concession with relatives nearby and they are still living there for more than six decades.
6. My father taught English at the former Anglo-Chinese college for 3 decades. He passed away when I was 7 years young.
7. The Subway Lines No. 1 and No. 2 are always crowded with riders that I encountered many times.
8. The TV are shown in public buses with songs and dances. Special gates are provided for seniors.
9.Confucian Temple is the place to pay respect of learning of a venerable teacher.
10. I started my teaching career in Shanghai since 1945 before I earned my B.A. degree in 1946 at St. John's University in Humanities and Social Sciences.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao with reflections of Shanghai,the place of my birth.
February 16,2010 at 6 a.m. Lunar Year Jan.3rd to honor the Tiger,including human tigers on earth in the mundane world. Nobody would impugn.(sic)
Monday, February 15, 2010
USNWR Feb,Special Issue:How to Live to 100
"U.S.News and World Report" published a special issue on February 2010 on "Age 100" as milestone to be centenarians. Page 34: Photo of an aging lady with photo of a Manchurian official with robe in office as the background. My grandparents were officials for Qing Dynasty.(1644-1911)
The following items are similar or identical to my past blogs:
1.Below normal intake of calories to slow aging and extend life span. (70% at best.)
2.Laugh a lot. Laughter begets longevity.
3.Exercise: Building longer telomeres,the tiny units of DNA that cap the end of chromosomes.
4.Radiating love of life with sense of humor as a disciple of Mark Twain.
5.Good genes from active stock such as Laozi's spartan lifestyle.
6.Strong spiritual faith with meditation and contemplation. Prayers are answered.
7.Traveling: To Shanghai several times per year to reminisce the heritage. Use public transportation such as bus and subways for physical needs.
8.Engaging in creative pursuits such as blogging for intellectual delight.
9.Aging well with realistic attitude to develop aesthetics for all things.
10.Lots of fruits and veggies with flavor.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao on Monday, Feb.15,2010 at 2.40 p.m. Actually,Washington's Birthday should be February 22nd. History has been modified.
The following items are similar or identical to my past blogs:
1.Below normal intake of calories to slow aging and extend life span. (70% at best.)
2.Laugh a lot. Laughter begets longevity.
3.Exercise: Building longer telomeres,the tiny units of DNA that cap the end of chromosomes.
4.Radiating love of life with sense of humor as a disciple of Mark Twain.
5.Good genes from active stock such as Laozi's spartan lifestyle.
6.Strong spiritual faith with meditation and contemplation. Prayers are answered.
7.Traveling: To Shanghai several times per year to reminisce the heritage. Use public transportation such as bus and subways for physical needs.
8.Engaging in creative pursuits such as blogging for intellectual delight.
9.Aging well with realistic attitude to develop aesthetics for all things.
10.Lots of fruits and veggies with flavor.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao on Monday, Feb.15,2010 at 2.40 p.m. Actually,Washington's Birthday should be February 22nd. History has been modified.
Quartet and lute virtuoso craft as oundscape of Chinese history
Washington Post,Feb.15,2010 page C3: Beginning with 19th century mountain dances,the pieces advanced to 1930s Shanghai,with its jazzy night club music,tempered by disturbing images of the Sino-Japanese war.
I remember Sino-Japanese war vividly in my mind when I was a teenager in Shanghai and in Tianjin,North China.
Page A14: Photo of Zhu Zhu pets for high-tech, low-priced playthings to stay popular.
In Pin Yin: Zhu can be more than 20 Chinese words. Therefore,machine translation leave much to be desired. for Sino-American Economics with lots of errors including my name Xie Shihao.
Page A17: Robert Samuelson published a column with negative scenario. His conclusion:"Given China's growing power - and the world economy's fragile state-a showdown may do no one any good,Miscalculation is leading us down dark alleys."
My positive outlook: Cooperation and collaboration would be desirable for Sino-American Economics. Secretary of Energy Steven Chu and Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke are leading USA to have constructive cooperation with China for mutual benefit.
Page A3: China is world leader in hacked computers,US is a close second. There is the common problem in the global context. Photo: A woman uses an internet cafe in Shanghai. There are believed to be more than 10 million infected computers in China.
Francis Shieh a.k.a.Xie Shihao,an independent student of economics watching Sino-American economics in action. Monday,Feb.15,2010 at 8.38 a.m.
I remember Sino-Japanese war vividly in my mind when I was a teenager in Shanghai and in Tianjin,North China.
Page A14: Photo of Zhu Zhu pets for high-tech, low-priced playthings to stay popular.
In Pin Yin: Zhu can be more than 20 Chinese words. Therefore,machine translation leave much to be desired. for Sino-American Economics with lots of errors including my name Xie Shihao.
Page A17: Robert Samuelson published a column with negative scenario. His conclusion:"Given China's growing power - and the world economy's fragile state-a showdown may do no one any good,Miscalculation is leading us down dark alleys."
My positive outlook: Cooperation and collaboration would be desirable for Sino-American Economics. Secretary of Energy Steven Chu and Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke are leading USA to have constructive cooperation with China for mutual benefit.
Page A3: China is world leader in hacked computers,US is a close second. There is the common problem in the global context. Photo: A woman uses an internet cafe in Shanghai. There are believed to be more than 10 million infected computers in China.
Francis Shieh a.k.a.Xie Shihao,an independent student of economics watching Sino-American economics in action. Monday,Feb.15,2010 at 8.38 a.m.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Photo: Col.Norman Rosner married Shanghai-born wife in 1957
WWII bombardier's can-do attitude gave lift at work and home. Attitude is the key for survival despite of unfortunate circumstances during our lifespan.
Col. Rosner,90, passed away on January 26 at the National Naval Medical Center with his wife by his side. Despite the military's initial doubts about their marriage, the Rosners were together for 52 years. The doubts were unwarranted perception.
Love has no borders regardless of race,color,creed or age etc. when there is serendipity arranged by the Divine Providence. Fifty-two years of togetherness on earth is certainly a tribute to all concerned until the one who preceded to leave this mundane world but the soul is immortal with faith,hope and LOVE in eternity.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao on Valentine's Day on January 1st of the Year of the Tiger with reminiscence apropos of prayers for the departed. I expect to be cheerful and upbeat enjoying life with positive thinking such as reading and blogging online re Sino-American Economics as a witness of happenings of two great nations on both sides of the Pacific with fond remembrance since my arrival at San Francisco in 1947.
Sunday, February 14,2010 at 9 a.m.
Col. Rosner,90, passed away on January 26 at the National Naval Medical Center with his wife by his side. Despite the military's initial doubts about their marriage, the Rosners were together for 52 years. The doubts were unwarranted perception.
Love has no borders regardless of race,color,creed or age etc. when there is serendipity arranged by the Divine Providence. Fifty-two years of togetherness on earth is certainly a tribute to all concerned until the one who preceded to leave this mundane world but the soul is immortal with faith,hope and LOVE in eternity.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao on Valentine's Day on January 1st of the Year of the Tiger with reminiscence apropos of prayers for the departed. I expect to be cheerful and upbeat enjoying life with positive thinking such as reading and blogging online re Sino-American Economics as a witness of happenings of two great nations on both sides of the Pacific with fond remembrance since my arrival at San Francisco in 1947.
Sunday, February 14,2010 at 9 a.m.
Happy January 1st Lunar New Year of the Tiger toYOU
I have composed 4 expressions with 16 Chinese characters for your reading pleasure:
1. Qian yang hou he : good exercise in addition to walking everyday.
2. Jing shen dou sou : in fine shape with upbeat spirits.
3. Sui xin suo yu : You have your way at Berger King and elsewhere / you'll get whatsoever you desire.
4. Zi qiang bu xi : Keep on learning to be a lifelong student as the octogenarian disciple of all thinkers.
Francis Shieh aka Xie shihao on Valentine's Day with the above thoughts for YOU, the reader of Sino-American Economics of Human Capital apropos of Health.
1. Qian yang hou he : good exercise in addition to walking everyday.
2. Jing shen dou sou : in fine shape with upbeat spirits.
3. Sui xin suo yu : You have your way at Berger King and elsewhere / you'll get whatsoever you desire.
4. Zi qiang bu xi : Keep on learning to be a lifelong student as the octogenarian disciple of all thinkers.
Francis Shieh aka Xie shihao on Valentine's Day with the above thoughts for YOU, the reader of Sino-American Economics of Human Capital apropos of Health.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Reflections during the Lunar New Year's Eve
The pervasive excitement in the American media about China is attributable to China's ongoing economic reforms gaining favorable receptions with good perceptions of globalization.Global economic recovery is relevant to China's economic progress.
As an octogenarian doyen, I earned my university degree(1946) in Shanghai,the waterfront as a fusion of Chinese and western architecture and as a gateway to the world especially the upcoming World Expo starting in May 2010.
I was fortunate to learn the Chinese language(evocative in arts and music) and studied social sciences in China and in the United States as a learner seeking incisive knowledge in humanities with a purview of illuminating comparative studies since 1947 at University of San Francisco and Georgetown University Graduate School. I have related my specialized findings to macro economics that I taught in USA and in China for 4 decades) examining Chinese society with one world scene as reprise.
Such cosmopolitan approach reinforces the evidence of my daily blogs with the title of Sino-American Economics for readers to stretch mind to witness China efforts in shaping up its role in the world for cross reference.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao on Saturday,Feb.13,2010 at 3.26 p.m.
As an octogenarian doyen, I earned my university degree(1946) in Shanghai,the waterfront as a fusion of Chinese and western architecture and as a gateway to the world especially the upcoming World Expo starting in May 2010.
I was fortunate to learn the Chinese language(evocative in arts and music) and studied social sciences in China and in the United States as a learner seeking incisive knowledge in humanities with a purview of illuminating comparative studies since 1947 at University of San Francisco and Georgetown University Graduate School. I have related my specialized findings to macro economics that I taught in USA and in China for 4 decades) examining Chinese society with one world scene as reprise.
Such cosmopolitan approach reinforces the evidence of my daily blogs with the title of Sino-American Economics for readers to stretch mind to witness China efforts in shaping up its role in the world for cross reference.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao on Saturday,Feb.13,2010 at 3.26 p.m.
Global worries shake US market with scenarios
Washington Post, February 13,2010 page A16:
John Lonski, Chief economist at Moody's investors Service noted that China has been a very important customer for US exports with merchandise shipments to China growing by 38% in the 4th quarter of 2009 compared with the same period a year earlier to set a record high I am not convinced that the second hiking of China's reserve requirement within a one-month span necessarily implies that the Chinese economy is about to slow by enough so that US activity suffers materially...but it is a warning that one ought not to be complacent about the outlook for Chinese growth.
My comment: That remains to be seen. Investors are overly sensitive about such news affecting their behavior. As far as I envision,China's economy is still growing and authorities are cautious about overheating to take action in monetary policy for moderation. There is psychological impact in the stock market as I see it.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao on Feb.13, 2010 at 2.40 p.m.
John Lonski, Chief economist at Moody's investors Service noted that China has been a very important customer for US exports with merchandise shipments to China growing by 38% in the 4th quarter of 2009 compared with the same period a year earlier to set a record high I am not convinced that the second hiking of China's reserve requirement within a one-month span necessarily implies that the Chinese economy is about to slow by enough so that US activity suffers materially...but it is a warning that one ought not to be complacent about the outlook for Chinese growth.
My comment: That remains to be seen. Investors are overly sensitive about such news affecting their behavior. As far as I envision,China's economy is still growing and authorities are cautious about overheating to take action in monetary policy for moderation. There is psychological impact in the stock market as I see it.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao on Feb.13, 2010 at 2.40 p.m.
Friday, February 12, 2010
"Ge ren zi sao men qian xue" in Metro Washington,DC
The above Pin Yin system of romanization is clearly evident during the snowstorm.
The Culture of Self-centered way is seen in USA or elsewhere except those who are spiritually oriented to have concerns about others with Confucianism.
I have learned to think about others as my way of life since childhood.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao on Friday,February 12,2010 at 5.08 p.m.
The Culture of Self-centered way is seen in USA or elsewhere except those who are spiritually oriented to have concerns about others with Confucianism.
I have learned to think about others as my way of life since childhood.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao on Friday,February 12,2010 at 5.08 p.m.
Conscience Called: Daniel Ellsberg: A feature article
Washington Post,February 12,2010 page C1 and C7 with several photos of Daniel Ellsberg
Daniel Ellsberg earned his Ph.D. from Harvard in decision making theory and worked as a strategic analyst with the RAND Corpoation in Santa Monica, California in the early 1960s. I was a member of the research staff in the Department of Economics and published "A Glimpse of the Chinese Language"(March 1965) RAND Paper #3078 available at pdf free of charge at for reference. My colleague/student Richard Moorsteen who published "Remaking China Policy" Harvard University Press in 1971. I found such book at the Foreign Service Institute of the State Department when I was a faculty from April 1998-August 1999. As an economist,Moorsteen had the vision to be materialized in the 21st century. Visit and search for other works by Richard Moorsteen.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao reminiscing the past experience and events from reading the feature article today from the Washington Post on February 12,2010 at 2.02 p.m.
Daniel Ellsberg earned his Ph.D. from Harvard in decision making theory and worked as a strategic analyst with the RAND Corpoation in Santa Monica, California in the early 1960s. I was a member of the research staff in the Department of Economics and published "A Glimpse of the Chinese Language"(March 1965) RAND Paper #3078 available at pdf free of charge at for reference. My colleague/student Richard Moorsteen who published "Remaking China Policy" Harvard University Press in 1971. I found such book at the Foreign Service Institute of the State Department when I was a faculty from April 1998-August 1999. As an economist,Moorsteen had the vision to be materialized in the 21st century. Visit and search for other works by Richard Moorsteen.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao reminiscing the past experience and events from reading the feature article today from the Washington Post on February 12,2010 at 2.02 p.m.
Selected news from WashPost re Sino-American economics
Washington Post: Feb.11, 2010 page B1 and B6 with Photo of a Chinese sculptor on the granite head that will cap the Martin Luther King Jr.Memorial on the Mall.
Here we can see the exchange of human capital of skills for humanity apropos of relations of two nations on both sides of the Pacific.
Feb.10, 2010 page A12: Chairman Lou Jiwei of China Investment Corporation has 300 billion sovereign wealth fund, a computer scientist-turned-economist.
CIC's stakes in U.S.-listed companies: In a SEC filing,CIC disclosed $9.63 billion worth of stakes in about 60 US-listed firms.
Wells Fargo $31 million
Citigroup $29.8 million
Bank of America $19.9 million
AIG-related securities $14.3 million
For details,read Washington Post on page A12 for reference.
February 10,2010 Page E1,E4: The Year of the Noodles as exchange of cultural understanding of staple food. In prayers,however,"give us our daily bread" is still the traditional way and "forgive us our trespass as we forgive those that trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil." Such mantra may be universal for all homosapians regardless of race,color,creed and age et al.
Moreover, "Mea culpa" is a useful awareness to detect human behavior and to be able to get along with other good folks ( or otherwise) in the mundane world.
Economics is a study of human behavior and humankind is bound to be different in ways and means in USA,China or elsewhere.
In China,noodle dishes are a staple for birthdays and Chinese new year because they signify a long life for whoever is eating them - as long as the noodles are not cut short. The longer,the better. I remember such tradition as a youngster in Shanghai.
Fresh Shanghai noodles are my favorites as a native. Needless to say,dumplings are good for meals as well with varieties of fillings. One schoolmate asked me when I was at USF:"How did it get in there?" Evidently,he has never had Chinese food in the past. Hehehahahoho all the way and we shall be centenarians when we eat long noodles signifying longevity with chopsticks to maneuver with fun. When I was in Tokyo,the former Miss Japan noticed my handling of chopsticks. My answer: "as long as they would hold the food." However,I must admit that I may hold differently. However again,I have been able to put the food to my mouth so far as an octogenarian.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao, an observer of Sino-American Economics since my arrival in USA in 1947 as a lifelong student of human behavior. Friday,February 12,2010 at 10.02 a.m.
Here we can see the exchange of human capital of skills for humanity apropos of relations of two nations on both sides of the Pacific.
Feb.10, 2010 page A12: Chairman Lou Jiwei of China Investment Corporation has 300 billion sovereign wealth fund, a computer scientist-turned-economist.
CIC's stakes in U.S.-listed companies: In a SEC filing,CIC disclosed $9.63 billion worth of stakes in about 60 US-listed firms.
Wells Fargo $31 million
Citigroup $29.8 million
Bank of America $19.9 million
AIG-related securities $14.3 million
For details,read Washington Post on page A12 for reference.
February 10,2010 Page E1,E4: The Year of the Noodles as exchange of cultural understanding of staple food. In prayers,however,"give us our daily bread" is still the traditional way and "forgive us our trespass as we forgive those that trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil." Such mantra may be universal for all homosapians regardless of race,color,creed and age et al.
Moreover, "Mea culpa" is a useful awareness to detect human behavior and to be able to get along with other good folks ( or otherwise) in the mundane world.
Economics is a study of human behavior and humankind is bound to be different in ways and means in USA,China or elsewhere.
In China,noodle dishes are a staple for birthdays and Chinese new year because they signify a long life for whoever is eating them - as long as the noodles are not cut short. The longer,the better. I remember such tradition as a youngster in Shanghai.
Fresh Shanghai noodles are my favorites as a native. Needless to say,dumplings are good for meals as well with varieties of fillings. One schoolmate asked me when I was at USF:"How did it get in there?" Evidently,he has never had Chinese food in the past. Hehehahahoho all the way and we shall be centenarians when we eat long noodles signifying longevity with chopsticks to maneuver with fun. When I was in Tokyo,the former Miss Japan noticed my handling of chopsticks. My answer: "as long as they would hold the food." However,I must admit that I may hold differently. However again,I have been able to put the food to my mouth so far as an octogenarian.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao, an observer of Sino-American Economics since my arrival in USA in 1947 as a lifelong student of human behavior. Friday,February 12,2010 at 10.02 a.m.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Center for America-China Partnership
"A new school of US-China relations provides a complete answer for America and China's success in the 21st century." for reference.
Hon.Maurice Strong,former UN Undersecretary General and Secretary General of the 1992 UN Earth Summit,says: "Works of genius,a masterpiece."
Tom Lantos,former Chairman of the US Congress Foreign Affairs Committee,says: "I absolutely agree with the game theory based thesis of the books that neither America nor China can succeed in the 21st century if either do not ensure that both it and the other are successful."
Seymour Topping of the Council on Foreign Relations, says:"America and China becoming partners must and will become US policy toward China."
My comment: USA and China would cooperate and collaborate for the best interests of the peoples of both nations in the 21st century apropos of peace and economic development.
Francis Shieh a.k.a.Xie Shihao on Thursday, February 11, 2010 at 6.06 a.m.
Hon.Maurice Strong,former UN Undersecretary General and Secretary General of the 1992 UN Earth Summit,says: "Works of genius,a masterpiece."
Tom Lantos,former Chairman of the US Congress Foreign Affairs Committee,says: "I absolutely agree with the game theory based thesis of the books that neither America nor China can succeed in the 21st century if either do not ensure that both it and the other are successful."
Seymour Topping of the Council on Foreign Relations, says:"America and China becoming partners must and will become US policy toward China."
My comment: USA and China would cooperate and collaborate for the best interests of the peoples of both nations in the 21st century apropos of peace and economic development.
Francis Shieh a.k.a.Xie Shihao on Thursday, February 11, 2010 at 6.06 a.m.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
"Xue er bu yan""Xue yi zhi yong""Xue zhong song tan""Xue shang jia shuang"
1. "Xue er bu yan" meaning: never satisfied of learning i.e. continuing pursuit is needed for insufficient knowledge. Note: "Work and Study Cycle Theory" may be validated and implemented in USA and in China as well.
2. "Xue yi zhi yong" meaning: Learning is for practical applications. A good economic theory must be relevant as stated above.
3. "Xue zhong song tan" meaning: delivering coal during snowstorm literally, but figuratively it would mean to render needed service or to do eleemosynary work for charity.
4. "Xue shang jia shuang" meaning: snow+frost(powder-like coating) literally, but to mean bitterness adding extra pain figuratively.
The above 4 idioms would be the clear indications that machine translations are wrong in many instances as I have noted at for my original blogs in English to be translated by machine with lots of incorrect Chinese expressions.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao meaning: thanks from a hero of poetry in name only because I am not a poet but a lifelong student of Chinese and American English with my focus on philosophy of economics on Wednesday, February 10, 2010 at 6.30 p.m.
2. "Xue yi zhi yong" meaning: Learning is for practical applications. A good economic theory must be relevant as stated above.
3. "Xue zhong song tan" meaning: delivering coal during snowstorm literally, but figuratively it would mean to render needed service or to do eleemosynary work for charity.
4. "Xue shang jia shuang" meaning: snow+frost(powder-like coating) literally, but to mean bitterness adding extra pain figuratively.
The above 4 idioms would be the clear indications that machine translations are wrong in many instances as I have noted at for my original blogs in English to be translated by machine with lots of incorrect Chinese expressions.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao meaning: thanks from a hero of poetry in name only because I am not a poet but a lifelong student of Chinese and American English with my focus on philosophy of economics on Wednesday, February 10, 2010 at 6.30 p.m.
"Bing tian xue di" in Pin Yin system to describe historic snowstorm
Four Chinese words(characters) would be appropriate to delineate the snowstorm nowadays. Chinese characters are forms of art with description and the four tones in Mandarin would be forms of music.
Any student in the Chinese language can learn art and music unwittingly with intellectual delight."A Glimpse of the Chinese Language" is hereby dedicated to YOU free of charge online by clicking on at pdf format.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a lifelong student of economics and American English on February 10, 2010 at 4.36 p.m.
Sunshine starts tomorrow for a change. That is life. C'est la vie in French. "Ren sheng ye" in Pin Yin with my mindset for three Chinese words with different tones in music.
Sino-American Economics may be regarded as musical chairs as a game to be on the ball to find the seats for fun. Chop Chop/Hurry up on the double!
Any student in the Chinese language can learn art and music unwittingly with intellectual delight."A Glimpse of the Chinese Language" is hereby dedicated to YOU free of charge online by clicking on at pdf format.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a lifelong student of economics and American English on February 10, 2010 at 4.36 p.m.
Sunshine starts tomorrow for a change. That is life. C'est la vie in French. "Ren sheng ye" in Pin Yin with my mindset for three Chinese words with different tones in music.
Sino-American Economics may be regarded as musical chairs as a game to be on the ball to find the seats for fun. Chop Chop/Hurry up on the double!
Economics of Trade with foundation in contemporary issues
International trade is a way for nations to specialize to improve the productivity of human resources and realize a larger total output for nations. "Work and Study Cycle Theory" (1978)citing such visionary rationale in the conclusion of a dissertation for Sino-American economics in the 21st century. Cf. Library of Congress online catalog for reference.
Nations do trade for the reasons below:
A. The distribution of economic resources-natural,human, and capital goods - among nations is uneven: i.e.varied endowments of economic and human resources.
B. Efficient production of goods and services require different elements from nations.
Such characteristics and interaction can be detected from a variety of sources.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao, making succinct analysis and commentary for readers of
Sino-American economics in a nutshell.
February 10, 2010 with blizzard in Metro Washington for such blogging at 2.30 p.m.
Nations do trade for the reasons below:
A. The distribution of economic resources-natural,human, and capital goods - among nations is uneven: i.e.varied endowments of economic and human resources.
B. Efficient production of goods and services require different elements from nations.
Such characteristics and interaction can be detected from a variety of sources.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao, making succinct analysis and commentary for readers of
Sino-American economics in a nutshell.
February 10, 2010 with blizzard in Metro Washington for such blogging at 2.30 p.m.
Snowstorm is the time for retreat to honor Divine Providence to witness such beautiful scene in the mundane world
Blizzard with very windy condition is the time to reflect our existence on earth from Mother Nature with remembrance of paternal forebears as our human family in the mundane world. We ought to be loyal to our Creator for being here. This is far more than Winter Wonderland such as Michigan,the state I lived from 1961-1964.
Sino-Economics readers can concentrate our minds and hearts to ponder for such opportunity to have our profound thoughts. Money cannot be used at this time for our awareness re constraint of material things. White Flint Mall is closed. Most stores are not open! Thanks for the blessings to be able to blog with Sursum Corda to be followed by the mantra of " per omnia secular seculum."
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao,a thinker and a lifelong student of economic philosophy to be shared with good readers on a snowstorm day on Wednesday, February 10, 2010 at 11.32 a.m. Tomorrow we expect to see the sun for a change. That is the hectic life!
Snow will disappear this weekend and we shall resume our daily busy schedules.
Sino-Economics readers can concentrate our minds and hearts to ponder for such opportunity to have our profound thoughts. Money cannot be used at this time for our awareness re constraint of material things. White Flint Mall is closed. Most stores are not open! Thanks for the blessings to be able to blog with Sursum Corda to be followed by the mantra of " per omnia secular seculum."
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao,a thinker and a lifelong student of economic philosophy to be shared with good readers on a snowstorm day on Wednesday, February 10, 2010 at 11.32 a.m. Tomorrow we expect to see the sun for a change. That is the hectic life!
Snow will disappear this weekend and we shall resume our daily busy schedules.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
FED plots careful strategy to undo growth measures
Washington Post,Feb.9,2010 Page A1 Headlines:
"FED Chairman Ben Bernanke is betting that if the central bank is open about how it will phase out its expansive initiatives to prop up the economy, it will provide faith that the FED will not allow inflation to flare down the road."
My comment: FED is responsible for monetary policy on the basis of Irving Fisher's "Quantity Theory of Money/Equation of Exchange" as published in the Atlantic Economic Journal in 1970s. I have mentioned such in my prior blogs i.e. MV=PQ with updated repercussions.
Barry Eichengreen,Professor of Economics and Political Science published "The Dollar Dilemma": "The US government finds it easy to finance its current account deficit: the the foreign central banks that buy its debt securities are a kind of captive market. Insofar as, so long as demand is high -US interest rates are lower than they would be otherwise." In other words, China is a major buyer of US securities and such etiology is clearly evident for Sino-American economics of the real world with global context.
Francis Shieh a.k.a.Xie Shihao, the life-long learner of Economics in USA to be relevant to China since 1947 to date.
February 9, 2010 at 3.12 p.m.
Such is cited in "Keys for Economic Understanding" for reference.
Page C10: Learning a foreign language."A Glimpse of the Chinese Language" is dedicated to those who wish to learn a language of art and music. Such work is available free at pdf format at for information.
"FED Chairman Ben Bernanke is betting that if the central bank is open about how it will phase out its expansive initiatives to prop up the economy, it will provide faith that the FED will not allow inflation to flare down the road."
My comment: FED is responsible for monetary policy on the basis of Irving Fisher's "Quantity Theory of Money/Equation of Exchange" as published in the Atlantic Economic Journal in 1970s. I have mentioned such in my prior blogs i.e. MV=PQ with updated repercussions.
Barry Eichengreen,Professor of Economics and Political Science published "The Dollar Dilemma": "The US government finds it easy to finance its current account deficit: the the foreign central banks that buy its debt securities are a kind of captive market. Insofar as, so long as demand is high -US interest rates are lower than they would be otherwise." In other words, China is a major buyer of US securities and such etiology is clearly evident for Sino-American economics of the real world with global context.
Francis Shieh a.k.a.Xie Shihao, the life-long learner of Economics in USA to be relevant to China since 1947 to date.
February 9, 2010 at 3.12 p.m.
Such is cited in "Keys for Economic Understanding" for reference.
Page C10: Learning a foreign language."A Glimpse of the Chinese Language" is dedicated to those who wish to learn a language of art and music. Such work is available free at pdf format at for information.
SEC filing,China reveals vast US holdings and tidbits
Washington Post,Feb. 9, 2010:
Page A13: Sub-heading: Portfolio includes index funds, blue-chip firms: China's sovereign wealth fund has lifted the veil on its US securities holdings, revealing more than $9.6 billion of holdings in about 60 US companies.
The Chinese sovereign wealth fund also disclosed more than $1.5 billion of investments in 14 US-based index funds covering emerging markets, the Russell 2000,global materials,gold, health care,financial services and energy.
US and China are tether twins. Exchange rates are determined by supply and demand in economics. According WTOP Radio broadcast: Coke is in demand in China i.e.Coca Cola rose in needs by Chinese customers. Such is clear evidence of Sino-American Economics in action.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao on Tuesday, February 9, 2010 at 11.50 a.m.
Page A13: Sub-heading: Portfolio includes index funds, blue-chip firms: China's sovereign wealth fund has lifted the veil on its US securities holdings, revealing more than $9.6 billion of holdings in about 60 US companies.
The Chinese sovereign wealth fund also disclosed more than $1.5 billion of investments in 14 US-based index funds covering emerging markets, the Russell 2000,global materials,gold, health care,financial services and energy.
US and China are tether twins. Exchange rates are determined by supply and demand in economics. According WTOP Radio broadcast: Coke is in demand in China i.e.Coca Cola rose in needs by Chinese customers. Such is clear evidence of Sino-American Economics in action.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao on Tuesday, February 9, 2010 at 11.50 a.m.
Monday, February 8, 2010
WashPost,Feb.8, 2010 " Snow Holiday" for folks in MetroWashington
Page A15: Fareed Zakaria, editor of NEWSWEEK Published an article about China:
"China scholar Minxin Pei argues that China was not an ideological conversion to free-market capitalism. Comment: Is Pei aware of market failures with externality as shown in the real world? Has he read the Theory of Convergence by the first Nobel Laureate in Economic Science in 1969? The definition of capitalism is also vague as per the judgment of the Dutch economist Jan Tinbergen. Cf.My previous blog for such citation in details.
Zakaria wrote: "Today, China commands respect across the globe... The country does not appear ready to play a global role."(sic) Comment:China is known to play a significant role in global economic recovery.
"If American politicians cannot muster the courage to make the US economy competitive again and China perceives that it is dealing with a superpower in inexorable decline, relations between China and America will change fundamentally.If that happens, America will have plenty else to worry about as well."
The above conclusion provides no specifics with regret. Such negative scenarios with regard to USA and China would mislead the readers at best. As a way to be positive, I have reason to believe that US and China need to cooperate and collaborate in Anti-Terrorism,Energy and Trade et al for the best interests of both nations in the global context for humanity in the 21st century.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, an octogenarian blogger and an avid reader on Monday, February 8,2010 at 9.18 a.m.
"China scholar Minxin Pei argues that China was not an ideological conversion to free-market capitalism. Comment: Is Pei aware of market failures with externality as shown in the real world? Has he read the Theory of Convergence by the first Nobel Laureate in Economic Science in 1969? The definition of capitalism is also vague as per the judgment of the Dutch economist Jan Tinbergen. Cf.My previous blog for such citation in details.
Zakaria wrote: "Today, China commands respect across the globe... The country does not appear ready to play a global role."(sic) Comment:China is known to play a significant role in global economic recovery.
"If American politicians cannot muster the courage to make the US economy competitive again and China perceives that it is dealing with a superpower in inexorable decline, relations between China and America will change fundamentally.If that happens, America will have plenty else to worry about as well."
The above conclusion provides no specifics with regret. Such negative scenarios with regard to USA and China would mislead the readers at best. As a way to be positive, I have reason to believe that US and China need to cooperate and collaborate in Anti-Terrorism,Energy and Trade et al for the best interests of both nations in the global context for humanity in the 21st century.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, an octogenarian blogger and an avid reader on Monday, February 8,2010 at 9.18 a.m.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
The world is changing apropos of globalization
Making positive changes to the lifestyles of folks in Sino-American economics.
Page B7: " Make yourself happy: The route to happiness requires a lot of little steps. But you know the recommended maneuvers: Count your blessings," "take care of yourself," "love what you do." I have sent the following
blogs re formula for happiness;
Happiness is not material consumption over desire only but adding intellectual pursuit,spiritual satisfaction and good health.
Page B4:
Time to lose that liberal smirk: Nobel laureate in economic science Paul Krugman dismisses conservative arguments not simply as incorrect, but as lies. Krugman pondered the duplicity he found evident in 35 years' worth of Wall Street Journal editorial writers:"What do these people really believe? They believe that their dishonesty serves a higher truth... In Krugman's world, there is no need to take seriously the arguments of these people - only to plumb the depth of their errors and imagine hidden motives. Comment: Vested interests via their perception.
Page A4: Celebrate the Year of the Tiger with Macy's and New Tang Dynasty TV: global leader in Chinese language network TV and traditional Chinese arts,performances,staged semi-annually at the Kennedy Operas House in Washington.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao,a blogger stretching the horizon to soothe your mind. However,solitude brings peace for retreat. Whatever you do,you are OK.
Sunday, Feb. 7, 2010 at 11.32 a.m.
Page B7: " Make yourself happy: The route to happiness requires a lot of little steps. But you know the recommended maneuvers: Count your blessings," "take care of yourself," "love what you do." I have sent the following
blogs re formula for happiness;
Happiness is not material consumption over desire only but adding intellectual pursuit,spiritual satisfaction and good health.
Page B4:
Time to lose that liberal smirk: Nobel laureate in economic science Paul Krugman dismisses conservative arguments not simply as incorrect, but as lies. Krugman pondered the duplicity he found evident in 35 years' worth of Wall Street Journal editorial writers:"What do these people really believe? They believe that their dishonesty serves a higher truth... In Krugman's world, there is no need to take seriously the arguments of these people - only to plumb the depth of their errors and imagine hidden motives. Comment: Vested interests via their perception.
Page A4: Celebrate the Year of the Tiger with Macy's and New Tang Dynasty TV: global leader in Chinese language network TV and traditional Chinese arts,performances,staged semi-annually at the Kennedy Operas House in Washington.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao,a blogger stretching the horizon to soothe your mind. However,solitude brings peace for retreat. Whatever you do,you are OK.
Sunday, Feb. 7, 2010 at 11.32 a.m.
FDR Memorial shows Roosevelt with his dog,Fala. + others
Washington Post,The Mini Page, Feb. 7,2010 Page SC6: Photos: Fala reminds me of a Chinese expression which would be fitting and proper nowadays in Pin Yin: "Fa ren shen xing" 4 Chinese words(characters) i.e. providing food for thought for thinkers:
FDR led the nation out of the Great Depression. PHOTO: The sculpture shows a bread line during the Depression. FED Chairman Bernanke is specialized in the history of depression and we are out in the economic definition but a long way to economic recovery due to unemployment.
The medical condition of Depression can make a person feel like having to wind oneself up to get through the day. It can take so much out of a guy. One may experience frequent sadness,a loss of interest,lack of energy, and trouble concentrating. Please read the following in the light vein:
Washington Post Magazine,Feb.7,2010 on page 36: Gene Weingarten wrote: "The answer is for men and women to abandon all these immature fantasies and work tirelessly to find joy and fulfillment in the simple reality of each other's love and understanding."(adding since Adam and Eve.)
Reader's Digest,February 2010 issue: LAUGH!:)-
Comic Paul McGinty "I don't know why Cupid was chosen to represent Valentine's Day When I think about romance, the last thing on my mind is a short,chubby toddler coming at me with a weapon. (adding a friendly attack for fun.)
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao,blogging the positives for reader to enjoy life on earth in the mundane world.
Sunday, February 7, 2010 at 8 a.m.
FDR led the nation out of the Great Depression. PHOTO: The sculpture shows a bread line during the Depression. FED Chairman Bernanke is specialized in the history of depression and we are out in the economic definition but a long way to economic recovery due to unemployment.
The medical condition of Depression can make a person feel like having to wind oneself up to get through the day. It can take so much out of a guy. One may experience frequent sadness,a loss of interest,lack of energy, and trouble concentrating. Please read the following in the light vein:
Washington Post Magazine,Feb.7,2010 on page 36: Gene Weingarten wrote: "The answer is for men and women to abandon all these immature fantasies and work tirelessly to find joy and fulfillment in the simple reality of each other's love and understanding."(adding since Adam and Eve.)
Reader's Digest,February 2010 issue: LAUGH!:)-
Comic Paul McGinty "I don't know why Cupid was chosen to represent Valentine's Day When I think about romance, the last thing on my mind is a short,chubby toddler coming at me with a weapon. (adding a friendly attack for fun.)
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao,blogging the positives for reader to enjoy life on earth in the mundane world.
Sunday, February 7, 2010 at 8 a.m.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Craftsmanship : Common ground in USA/China
A genuine craftsman has demanded a lot of himself/herself and of others. It is a matter of mutual benefit.
Blacksmiths,shoemakers et al are being honored as skilled para-professional workers.
Agriculture,Manufacture, Commerce, and Navigation, the four pillars of prosperity, are the most thriving when left to individual enterprise.-Thomas Jefferson noted and such elements are equally stressed in China's market system after economic reforms. I have witnessed China's market system in operation from on-the-spot visits during the past years.
It would be ideal when the above-mentioned sectors can be united in cooperation and collaboration for Sino-American economics in the 21st century.
"Keys for Economic Understanding"( under used books) is designed for training the skilled labor for apprenticeship programs in agriculture,manufacture,commerce and navigation to reinforce the pillars of prosperity for bi-lateral economic activities contributing to global economic recovery.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao on Saturday, February 6, 2010 at 7.16 p.m.
Blacksmiths,shoemakers et al are being honored as skilled para-professional workers.
Agriculture,Manufacture, Commerce, and Navigation, the four pillars of prosperity, are the most thriving when left to individual enterprise.-Thomas Jefferson noted and such elements are equally stressed in China's market system after economic reforms. I have witnessed China's market system in operation from on-the-spot visits during the past years.
It would be ideal when the above-mentioned sectors can be united in cooperation and collaboration for Sino-American economics in the 21st century.
"Keys for Economic Understanding"( under used books) is designed for training the skilled labor for apprenticeship programs in agriculture,manufacture,commerce and navigation to reinforce the pillars of prosperity for bi-lateral economic activities contributing to global economic recovery.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao on Saturday, February 6, 2010 at 7.16 p.m.
Adam Smith as an economist and a philosopher
Adam Smith's philosophy provides the intellectual basis for the market economy* in USA and in China. However,his conclusion is to analyze fully the strengths and weaknesses of the market's invisible hand.
*Market economy: an economy that allocates resources through the decentralized decisions of many firms and households when they interact in markets for goods and services. I have witnessed the economies in USA and in China after reforms as well.
There are market failures: a situation in which a market left on its own fails to allocate resources efficiently. Perhaps the health care issue is a case in point for positive externality.
The community colleges are definitely a positive externality as I published "The Future of Community Colleges" in the Congressional Record,July 18, 1974.
You are the judge if a policy is justifiable to promote efficiency or equity and when it is not. Fair enough for your judgment?!
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao on a heavy snowstorm day,Saturday, February 6,2010 at 3.40 p.m.
*Market economy: an economy that allocates resources through the decentralized decisions of many firms and households when they interact in markets for goods and services. I have witnessed the economies in USA and in China after reforms as well.
There are market failures: a situation in which a market left on its own fails to allocate resources efficiently. Perhaps the health care issue is a case in point for positive externality.
The community colleges are definitely a positive externality as I published "The Future of Community Colleges" in the Congressional Record,July 18, 1974.
You are the judge if a policy is justifiable to promote efficiency or equity and when it is not. Fair enough for your judgment?!
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao on a heavy snowstorm day,Saturday, February 6,2010 at 3.40 p.m.
Diet can help depression: Antioxidants in fruits and veggies
According to scientists at London's University, a diet of fried foods,and high-fat dairy products appear to be deleterious for depression.
To fight such harmful snacks, we may enjoy the simple way of life to have "dou fu"i.e. beancurd or veggies with protein and fiber for good health.
Moreover,when we treat people with gracious manner and spend our leisure with folks who highlight our soulfulness,we can be uplifted with cheers.
Consequently,we would have moments of in-depth understanding of true way of living and rise high with hearts as light as helium with prayers.
GAIETY with joy,peace,faith,hope, charity plus spirituality to be dedicated to readers of Sino-American Economics of Human Capital.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao on Saturday, Feb. 6,2010 at 1 p.m.
To fight such harmful snacks, we may enjoy the simple way of life to have "dou fu"i.e. beancurd or veggies with protein and fiber for good health.
Moreover,when we treat people with gracious manner and spend our leisure with folks who highlight our soulfulness,we can be uplifted with cheers.
Consequently,we would have moments of in-depth understanding of true way of living and rise high with hearts as light as helium with prayers.
GAIETY with joy,peace,faith,hope, charity plus spirituality to be dedicated to readers of Sino-American Economics of Human Capital.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao on Saturday, Feb. 6,2010 at 1 p.m.
"xue zhong song tan" = to offer coal when snow comes
To my good readers of Sino-American Economics. Since Metro Washington DC area is suffering from heavy snow and I have found out that good folks are concerned about their loved ones. That is admirable for their good hearts with my profound appreciation. In Pin Yin: "xue zhong song tan shi zhen jun zi." A true gentleman/lady would deliver coal to the needy." Good folks are good,wherever they are!
There is the common ground for kind-hearted folks in USA and in China as well.
There is no difference in age,gender,race,color or creed as long as the folks are good and have faith,hope and LOVE especially to family members and friends.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao learning the culture of the East and the West to be ONE in the mundane world.
Saturday, February 6, 2010 at 10.18 a.m.
There is the common ground for kind-hearted folks in USA and in China as well.
There is no difference in age,gender,race,color or creed as long as the folks are good and have faith,hope and LOVE especially to family members and friends.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao learning the culture of the East and the West to be ONE in the mundane world.
Saturday, February 6, 2010 at 10.18 a.m.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Pandamania at the State Dept.,USA
Washington Post, Feb. 5,2010 page A16:
"We certainly wish a safe journey to Tai Shan as he departs the US...for China He is a dual citizen of ...US born, of Chinese parents. He'll always have a close link to the US and to children and adults across our country. But he is a tangible and furry manifestation of cooperation between the US and China.
Page B1: Tai Shan will be shown videos of pandas mating and get to hear tapes of female pandas calling for males.There are high hopes for Tai Shan to be the father of many offspring in the years to come.
Tai Shan's grandfather Pan Pan is the breeding program's star,having produced more than 100 offspring in his 24 years. He is a super productive Panda par excellence!
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao, an admirer of Panda for his black and white hairy furs to be protected in the winter for keeping warm to the hearts and minds of humans
Friday, Feb.5,2010 at 5.30 p.m. Tai Shan has arrived at the land of his forebear in China.
"We certainly wish a safe journey to Tai Shan as he departs the US...for China He is a dual citizen of ...US born, of Chinese parents. He'll always have a close link to the US and to children and adults across our country. But he is a tangible and furry manifestation of cooperation between the US and China.
Page B1: Tai Shan will be shown videos of pandas mating and get to hear tapes of female pandas calling for males.There are high hopes for Tai Shan to be the father of many offspring in the years to come.
Tai Shan's grandfather Pan Pan is the breeding program's star,having produced more than 100 offspring in his 24 years. He is a super productive Panda par excellence!
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao, an admirer of Panda for his black and white hairy furs to be protected in the winter for keeping warm to the hearts and minds of humans
Friday, Feb.5,2010 at 5.30 p.m. Tai Shan has arrived at the land of his forebear in China.
Speech by Gary Locke,Secretary of Commerce
I heard the speech from C-Span Radio at the National Press Club. It is understandable that US promotes exports. There may be a significant link: -
I would propose to start a "Language and Culture Corp" similar to "Peace Corps" with bi-lingual consultants with background and expertise in a foreign language and culture. I have reason to believe that such staff would provide facility to sell American products overseas.
For example,World Expo will take place in Shanghai starting May 2010. If the Department of Commerce and Department of Agriculture would see fit to hire Language and Culture Specialists via media plus online recruitment, American products can be sold more readily and easily. By the same token,if the skilled labor can be exchanged,such activities would be mutually beneficial to validate the Law of Comparative Advantage i.e. Doubling the principle of opportunity cost in the name of trade.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao,a thinker and an author of "A Glimpse of the Chinese Language" and "Keys for Economic Understanding" listed in the Library of Congress for reference on Friday, February 5,2010 at 6.12 a.m.
I would propose to start a "Language and Culture Corp" similar to "Peace Corps" with bi-lingual consultants with background and expertise in a foreign language and culture. I have reason to believe that such staff would provide facility to sell American products overseas.
For example,World Expo will take place in Shanghai starting May 2010. If the Department of Commerce and Department of Agriculture would see fit to hire Language and Culture Specialists via media plus online recruitment, American products can be sold more readily and easily. By the same token,if the skilled labor can be exchanged,such activities would be mutually beneficial to validate the Law of Comparative Advantage i.e. Doubling the principle of opportunity cost in the name of trade.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao,a thinker and an author of "A Glimpse of the Chinese Language" and "Keys for Economic Understanding" listed in the Library of Congress for reference on Friday, February 5,2010 at 6.12 a.m.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Wall Street Journal,Feb.4, 2010
Page A12: Patents in China hit a record:
Moe than 580,000 patents in 2009 Photo of Zhao takes his patented solar wheelchair for a spin in Beijing.
Page B1: Photo: A worker in Modesto California cleans tubular solar panels made by Solyndra, which recently filed for an IPO.
Page B3: Domestic air travel in China rose 21% last year, and Boeing estimates China market will need about 3,800 airplanes costing $400 billion in the next 20 years.
Page C2:Japanese "Shinsei" Bank in Chinese characters. i.e. Kanji in Japanese but in Pin Yin Chinese: "Xin sheng" There is the cultural affinity of Japanese and Chinese with nuance as variance.
Page D9: Bigger isn't always better.
Comment: More earning does not mean better way of living. How to live well is more significant and meaningful than earning income. More income may not mean better health. How to maintain good health? Proper mindset! I sent my previous blogs for your reference apropos of living well.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao on Feb. 4,2010 at 3.12 p.m.
Moe than 580,000 patents in 2009 Photo of Zhao takes his patented solar wheelchair for a spin in Beijing.
Page B1: Photo: A worker in Modesto California cleans tubular solar panels made by Solyndra, which recently filed for an IPO.
Page B3: Domestic air travel in China rose 21% last year, and Boeing estimates China market will need about 3,800 airplanes costing $400 billion in the next 20 years.
Page C2:Japanese "Shinsei" Bank in Chinese characters. i.e. Kanji in Japanese but in Pin Yin Chinese: "Xin sheng" There is the cultural affinity of Japanese and Chinese with nuance as variance.
Page D9: Bigger isn't always better.
Comment: More earning does not mean better way of living. How to live well is more significant and meaningful than earning income. More income may not mean better health. How to maintain good health? Proper mindset! I sent my previous blogs for your reference apropos of living well.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao on Feb. 4,2010 at 3.12 p.m.
Bicycling for good health in USA/China et al
East and West with Common Interest to go to work or for pleasure i.e. exercise and avoid pollution.
The world's leading magazine: BICYCLING:
Fax: 610/967-8960
Phoenix TV,Hong Kong reports: Financial investor Soros gave a speech in China and said that China is the winner for global financial crisis with his optimistic scenario.
President Obama talked to Congressional leaders:" American exports going to China for trade and other Asian nations is for the best interest of the USA. Excluding China would be a mistake."
Comment: Law of Comparative Advantage is the affirmation of opportunity cost principle.
Washington Post, February 4,2010:
Page A1,Photo of Tai Shan. He is being transported in a crate made by the same Kentucky company that built the crates that brought his parents to Washington in 2000.
Page B1,B8: Special Delivery of Tai Shan with details in charts.
As a Kentucky Colonel since 1970, I am proud for the firm in the state of Kentucky for manufacturing such product to promote Sino-American Economics.
Page A12: Japanese government faces problems over Toyota,debt and China's rise in car manufacturing.
"Japan's public debt is the highest among industrial countries as a percentage of GDP, but it is not going to be the problems that sinks the economy. For unlike the United States, which has borrowed heavily from China, Japan borrows almost exclusively from its citizens" Professor of Economic Mr. Ito and other economists said the interest rates that the Japanese government pays to borrow from its citizens are creeping upward as the pool of Japanese works and savers drains."
My comment:Such is crowding out situations in economics!
Francis Shieh a.k.a Xie Shihao doing eleemosynary work in the USA and in China.
Thursday, Feb. 4, 2010 at 10.32 a.m.
The world's leading magazine: BICYCLING:
Fax: 610/967-8960
Phoenix TV,Hong Kong reports: Financial investor Soros gave a speech in China and said that China is the winner for global financial crisis with his optimistic scenario.
President Obama talked to Congressional leaders:" American exports going to China for trade and other Asian nations is for the best interest of the USA. Excluding China would be a mistake."
Comment: Law of Comparative Advantage is the affirmation of opportunity cost principle.
Washington Post, February 4,2010:
Page A1,Photo of Tai Shan. He is being transported in a crate made by the same Kentucky company that built the crates that brought his parents to Washington in 2000.
Page B1,B8: Special Delivery of Tai Shan with details in charts.
As a Kentucky Colonel since 1970, I am proud for the firm in the state of Kentucky for manufacturing such product to promote Sino-American Economics.
Page A12: Japanese government faces problems over Toyota,debt and China's rise in car manufacturing.
"Japan's public debt is the highest among industrial countries as a percentage of GDP, but it is not going to be the problems that sinks the economy. For unlike the United States, which has borrowed heavily from China, Japan borrows almost exclusively from its citizens" Professor of Economic Mr. Ito and other economists said the interest rates that the Japanese government pays to borrow from its citizens are creeping upward as the pool of Japanese works and savers drains."
My comment:Such is crowding out situations in economics!
Francis Shieh a.k.a Xie Shihao doing eleemosynary work in the USA and in China.
Thursday, Feb. 4, 2010 at 10.32 a.m.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
USAToday, February 3 2010: Tidbits for your reference
Page 1A: How to understand $12.3 trillion debt amounts to:
$ 40,065 per person living in USA.
$ 770 a week for a year per person.
$ 110 a day for a year per person.
The above info may be relevant to all taxpayers as published by USAToday. Figures for thought!
Page 8A Smart insights from Robert Reich,columnist of "The American Prospect" magazine: The real answer is to cleaning up democracy, such as tougher rules on the revolving door between public service and private gain. Comment: Political clout yields economic dividends! Here we must promote ethics and morality of human behavior in public and private sectors for decency apropos of Sino-American Economics. There is a one-page AD as follows: -
Page 8B CNBC tonight at 9 p.m.
AMERICAN - stunning cases of sex, drugs and murder. And the stories are all real.
Some folks will do anything for money. Such may be the crux of Sino-American Economics in the dark side of human frailties.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a graduate student interested in Confucius/Mencius since 1930s and Adam Smith since 1940s with focus on philosophy including epistemology to understand the limitations of human knowledge. Etiology starts from family teaching and education in schooling with individual demeanor from childhood to manhood/womanhood.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010 at 1.08 p.m.
$ 40,065 per person living in USA.
$ 770 a week for a year per person.
$ 110 a day for a year per person.
The above info may be relevant to all taxpayers as published by USAToday. Figures for thought!
Page 8A Smart insights from Robert Reich,columnist of "The American Prospect" magazine: The real answer is to cleaning up democracy, such as tougher rules on the revolving door between public service and private gain. Comment: Political clout yields economic dividends! Here we must promote ethics and morality of human behavior in public and private sectors for decency apropos of Sino-American Economics. There is a one-page AD as follows: -
Page 8B CNBC tonight at 9 p.m.
AMERICAN - stunning cases of sex, drugs and murder. And the stories are all real.
Some folks will do anything for money. Such may be the crux of Sino-American Economics in the dark side of human frailties.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a graduate student interested in Confucius/Mencius since 1930s and Adam Smith since 1940s with focus on philosophy including epistemology to understand the limitations of human knowledge. Etiology starts from family teaching and education in schooling with individual demeanor from childhood to manhood/womanhood.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010 at 1.08 p.m.
Gaiety: To be happy and light-hearted every moment
The fruit of the spirit is LOVE, JOY, PEACE, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, Self-control, Temperance...
Read the above again. Repeat please.
Over and over as devotional words to live by in the mundane world.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao speaking my mind to blog to the readers of Sino-American Economics of Health in the mindset.
February 3, 2010 at 6 a.m.
Read the above again. Repeat please.
Over and over as devotional words to live by in the mundane world.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao speaking my mind to blog to the readers of Sino-American Economics of Health in the mindset.
February 3, 2010 at 6 a.m.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Be active to live longer on earth. Smile often and laugh a lot
Inactivity is dangerous to your health leading to heart disease. Physical activity carries health benefits. Walking is a good exercise for zero cost with plenty of benefits.
A majority of folks in USA do less than half hour of activity during the day. That may mean to doubling their risk of heart problems. Most motorists would drive a block instead of getting out of the car to render errands or waiting for the lines at Drive-Ins for banking or buying fast foods.
Here we may be able to detect folks in China as walkers or bike riders to have good health instead of going to the gym to pay club fees. Biking is useful exercise for muscles and limbs.
I have observed such lifestyle differences in USA and in China to make comparisons for the human capital of health. Let us optimize and maximize our well-being.
Words to the wise is sufficient and I am sure the readers of Sino-American Economics would get the message for your wellness.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao, an octogenarian believing a simple life with sense of humor in the mundane world.
February 2, 2010 at 1.36 p.m.
A majority of folks in USA do less than half hour of activity during the day. That may mean to doubling their risk of heart problems. Most motorists would drive a block instead of getting out of the car to render errands or waiting for the lines at Drive-Ins for banking or buying fast foods.
Here we may be able to detect folks in China as walkers or bike riders to have good health instead of going to the gym to pay club fees. Biking is useful exercise for muscles and limbs.
I have observed such lifestyle differences in USA and in China to make comparisons for the human capital of health. Let us optimize and maximize our well-being.
Words to the wise is sufficient and I am sure the readers of Sino-American Economics would get the message for your wellness.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao, an octogenarian believing a simple life with sense of humor in the mundane world.
February 2, 2010 at 1.36 p.m.
Goodbye, Tai Shan,the name of a mountain in Shandong Province,China
Washington Post, February 2, 2010 on page C10 Kidspost. I read Kidspost because I am young at heart to be child-like to enjoy life better as my daily MANTRA! To think young is to be young and to be living longer with such mindset. That is my state of mind. I still feel like a grad student from Shanghai,China in 1947. Read below for a letter from a kid: -
Dear Panda, I hope you like it in China. I know that you will like it there. I will miss you when you leave. Signed Lila with a heart in her drawing. Other drawings are published on the same page if you would find time to read all the letters from all the kids to share their love with Tai Shan.
Letter to the Editor on page A16:
"The American prince is leaving for the land of his forebeazrs. His dedicated keepers at the zoo deserve our thanks for their excellent care of him and our sympathies for what must be a heartbreaking parting. His new caretakers in China deserve our thanks for letting him stay here as long as he did and our best wishe. Please take good care of our boy, and find him a nice girl panda. May Tai Shan long serve as an ambassador of goodwill between our two nations." Signed: Ellen Lyon, Camp Hill, Pa.
I do share such feelings as a former Fulbright Senior Scholar in Hong Kong, 1989-1990 for cultural exchange between USA and China with my mixed background. However, I have not had the treatment as Tai Shan has had at the zoo. Moreover, I like sugar cane and Tai Shan loves his bamboo sticks. Hehehahahoho all the way and we shall strive to live to be centenarians.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao with thoughts in the light vein on Tuesday, February 2, 2010 at 11.08 a.m.
Dear Panda, I hope you like it in China. I know that you will like it there. I will miss you when you leave. Signed Lila with a heart in her drawing. Other drawings are published on the same page if you would find time to read all the letters from all the kids to share their love with Tai Shan.
Letter to the Editor on page A16:
"The American prince is leaving for the land of his forebeazrs. His dedicated keepers at the zoo deserve our thanks for their excellent care of him and our sympathies for what must be a heartbreaking parting. His new caretakers in China deserve our thanks for letting him stay here as long as he did and our best wishe. Please take good care of our boy, and find him a nice girl panda. May Tai Shan long serve as an ambassador of goodwill between our two nations." Signed: Ellen Lyon, Camp Hill, Pa.
I do share such feelings as a former Fulbright Senior Scholar in Hong Kong, 1989-1990 for cultural exchange between USA and China with my mixed background. However, I have not had the treatment as Tai Shan has had at the zoo. Moreover, I like sugar cane and Tai Shan loves his bamboo sticks. Hehehahahoho all the way and we shall strive to live to be centenarians.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao with thoughts in the light vein on Tuesday, February 2, 2010 at 11.08 a.m.
Economics:"Jing ji xue" in Pin Yin system of romanization of Chinese
During my seven decades career as a lifelong student since early 1940s, I found out that the subject is far more than exciting! Beyond words to express such feelings! It is no exaggeration to state that it changed my life in my mindset.
My first course on the principles of economics at St. John's University, Shanghai,China opened my eyes and ears to a new way of thinking. Economics combines the virtues of political science and psychology with languages et al. Its subject matter is society -how folks choose to lead their lives i.e. lifestyle and how they interact with one another with tradition and custom plus AD. Economics faces challenges that all societies encounter with human behavior of all folks in the mundane world.
Economists have a unique way of viewing the world,much of which cannot be learned in a few years. I am still learning as an octogenarian as a lifelong student of economics.
My intent in "Keys for Economic Understanding" ( for info) is to transmit my focus about skilled labor to make contributions to society,either in USA or in China. Such endeavor may illuminate much about the world in the name of globalization.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao on February 2,2010 at 5.55 a.m.
My first course on the principles of economics at St. John's University, Shanghai,China opened my eyes and ears to a new way of thinking. Economics combines the virtues of political science and psychology with languages et al. Its subject matter is society -how folks choose to lead their lives i.e. lifestyle and how they interact with one another with tradition and custom plus AD. Economics faces challenges that all societies encounter with human behavior of all folks in the mundane world.
Economists have a unique way of viewing the world,much of which cannot be learned in a few years. I am still learning as an octogenarian as a lifelong student of economics.
My intent in "Keys for Economic Understanding" ( for info) is to transmit my focus about skilled labor to make contributions to society,either in USA or in China. Such endeavor may illuminate much about the world in the name of globalization.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao on February 2,2010 at 5.55 a.m.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Joseph Schumpeter: Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy
Published by Harper and Row in New York Third edition. 1950. Cited by Richard T Gill of Harvard University in his textbooks in 1973 and 1975:
Joseph Schumpeter posed the question. Can Capitalism survive? He was himself a rather conservative economist, but he answered the question in the negative, indicating that this was his prediction but not necessarily his preference.
According to Schumpeter, capitalism ultimately destroys itself by its own success. Capitalism becomes weaker and weaker and Socialism is the heir apparent.(quoted i part II from 1950.
It is now 2010 in the 21st century,let us look at the headlines apropos of Sino-American Economics and find out the vision of economist Joseph Schumpeter who taught at Harvard in the 1940s in the 20th century.
The first Nobel Laureate in economic science,Jan Tingergen, an outstanding Dutch economist. Cited by Professor Richard T. Gill of Harvard in the textbooks published in 1973 and 1975:
"Do Communist and Free Economies show a converging pattern?
We are witnessing today the coexistence of two different economic sytems, the "socialist" and "capitalism" systems. The various names given to them are far from precise. Perhaps the most imprecise thing about them is the suggestion that each of these systems represents something well-defined and hence invariant. REALITY shows both to be in permanent change."
I have sent my blogs in the past by stating that so-called economic systems do not mean much. There are public and private sectors in any nation. The current headlines in the media should take note of the vision of economist Schumpeter who was the first Nobel winner in economic science in 1969. Paul Samuelson of MIT was the first American winner in 1970.
"The nature of the change can prove quite fascinating and the changes are converging movements. On the one hand each system is learning from experience and trying to overcome some of its own weaknesses. On the other hand the systems begin to influence each other more and more."
Let us watch the changes in the American economy and China's economy to learn the refinements as time goes on in the 21st century.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a lifelong graduate student from China trying to learn the applied economics in USA and in China.
February 1, 2010 at 2.10 p.m.
Joseph Schumpeter posed the question. Can Capitalism survive? He was himself a rather conservative economist, but he answered the question in the negative, indicating that this was his prediction but not necessarily his preference.
According to Schumpeter, capitalism ultimately destroys itself by its own success. Capitalism becomes weaker and weaker and Socialism is the heir apparent.(quoted i part II from 1950.
It is now 2010 in the 21st century,let us look at the headlines apropos of Sino-American Economics and find out the vision of economist Joseph Schumpeter who taught at Harvard in the 1940s in the 20th century.
The first Nobel Laureate in economic science,Jan Tingergen, an outstanding Dutch economist. Cited by Professor Richard T. Gill of Harvard in the textbooks published in 1973 and 1975:
"Do Communist and Free Economies show a converging pattern?
We are witnessing today the coexistence of two different economic sytems, the "socialist" and "capitalism" systems. The various names given to them are far from precise. Perhaps the most imprecise thing about them is the suggestion that each of these systems represents something well-defined and hence invariant. REALITY shows both to be in permanent change."
I have sent my blogs in the past by stating that so-called economic systems do not mean much. There are public and private sectors in any nation. The current headlines in the media should take note of the vision of economist Schumpeter who was the first Nobel winner in economic science in 1969. Paul Samuelson of MIT was the first American winner in 1970.
"The nature of the change can prove quite fascinating and the changes are converging movements. On the one hand each system is learning from experience and trying to overcome some of its own weaknesses. On the other hand the systems begin to influence each other more and more."
Let us watch the changes in the American economy and China's economy to learn the refinements as time goes on in the 21st century.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a lifelong graduate student from China trying to learn the applied economics in USA and in China.
February 1, 2010 at 2.10 p.m.
Realism in the vibrancy of "Economics" in the 21st century
There is the interplay between politics and economics but both fields are sciences i.e. Political Science and Economic Science as expressed by the human behavior via the various institutions in different nations.
Albert Einstein once put it,"The whole of science is nothing more than the refinement of everyone's thinking."
Political economy is an inquiry into analysis, institutions, policy with various options. As "economics" progressed through the 19th and 20th centuries,some institutions have regarded "economics" as a branch of applied mathematics than as a social science. Such fallacy may be evidenced from the real happenings in the world.
New developments relating to human behavior,dot the landscape of modern contemporary economics as I have witnessed and have sent my past blogs.
The traditional economic theories may be irrelevant but "Work and Study Cycle Theory" can be established from empirical evidence in the 21st century. for reference.
In a market economy the division of labor is vented in an incredible array of activities based upon the skills and talents of individuals. I have noted the activities in China and in the United States for many decades and have come to the conclusion that skilled labor is the source of economic growth as per my publications entitled "Keys for Economic Understadning" with focus on apprenticehip programs developed for the United States Department of Labor needed in the US and can be useful in China as well. Such is the common ground for mutual benefit to promote the skills of folks in USA and in China regardless of economic systems.
Family is seen as a set of interpersonal activities and a form of economic organization. Matrimony is a two-party contract with obligations. Pre-wedding dating may be viewed as an investment in resource about prospective mates. Being "in love" implied interdependent utility functions: Successful marriages are made by folks whose preferences and values are related regardless of race,color or creed as long as their sense of mutual caring with real love. Such is the Sino-American Economics of Union in the medical and philosophical context.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao,a product of Eastern and Western cultures from the 20th century to the 21st century and as a blogger to share my thoughts with readers.
February 1, 2010 at 10.50 a.m.
Albert Einstein once put it,"The whole of science is nothing more than the refinement of everyone's thinking."
Political economy is an inquiry into analysis, institutions, policy with various options. As "economics" progressed through the 19th and 20th centuries,some institutions have regarded "economics" as a branch of applied mathematics than as a social science. Such fallacy may be evidenced from the real happenings in the world.
New developments relating to human behavior,dot the landscape of modern contemporary economics as I have witnessed and have sent my past blogs.
The traditional economic theories may be irrelevant but "Work and Study Cycle Theory" can be established from empirical evidence in the 21st century. for reference.
In a market economy the division of labor is vented in an incredible array of activities based upon the skills and talents of individuals. I have noted the activities in China and in the United States for many decades and have come to the conclusion that skilled labor is the source of economic growth as per my publications entitled "Keys for Economic Understadning" with focus on apprenticehip programs developed for the United States Department of Labor needed in the US and can be useful in China as well. Such is the common ground for mutual benefit to promote the skills of folks in USA and in China regardless of economic systems.
Family is seen as a set of interpersonal activities and a form of economic organization. Matrimony is a two-party contract with obligations. Pre-wedding dating may be viewed as an investment in resource about prospective mates. Being "in love" implied interdependent utility functions: Successful marriages are made by folks whose preferences and values are related regardless of race,color or creed as long as their sense of mutual caring with real love. Such is the Sino-American Economics of Union in the medical and philosophical context.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao,a product of Eastern and Western cultures from the 20th century to the 21st century and as a blogger to share my thoughts with readers.
February 1, 2010 at 10.50 a.m.
Redesigning the entire financial system: Yunus,Nobel Laureate
Washington Post, Feb.1, 2010 on page A8:
With China and India spurring the global economy,Chairman of Wipro in India predicted that the difference between growth rates between the developing and developed worlds are increasingly going to become larger. The result would be more aggressively invest in emerging markets in order to maintain their own growth, which will be good for the emerging world.
Comment: Global context must be noted in the 21st century.
Yunus won the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize said that this is a good time to redesign the entiore financial sytem.
Comment: It is not hard to say but it is difficult to carry it out due to vested interests of various nations.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao watching the happening in economics on Feb. 1, 2010.
With China and India spurring the global economy,Chairman of Wipro in India predicted that the difference between growth rates between the developing and developed worlds are increasingly going to become larger. The result would be more aggressively invest in emerging markets in order to maintain their own growth, which will be good for the emerging world.
Comment: Global context must be noted in the 21st century.
Yunus won the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize said that this is a good time to redesign the entiore financial sytem.
Comment: It is not hard to say but it is difficult to carry it out due to vested interests of various nations.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao watching the happening in economics on Feb. 1, 2010.
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