When an elderly person reads "Health Reform Scare Tactics" He reacted by saying:"On the bright side, we can expect really long delays before they euthanize us!" A real joke!
In Pin Yin:"Yi xiao zhi zhi" 4 Chinese characters are fitting and proper,indeed! Moreover, Never OAO acronym for Old And Ornery! We must have our mindset to be young and be nice!
That is more forceful and courageous and deliciously philosophical. We ought to be high-minded and give ourselves blessings. We stay informed as consumers and obviously unique with much joy. Joy and upbeat are twin brothers and sisters. Stick around with such aphorism.
Unemployment data are not without controversy. The so-called standard and accepted statistical method would never be accurate due to time lag and unreported discouraged workers.
I was assigned to teach statistics for six years in 1950s and I detected such uncertainty at best.
In Pin Yin: "Yi gai er lun" would be falling into the pit in substance. Avoid such pitfalls. Any generalization would be grossly unwise and untrue!
On page B2: GOD IN GOVERNMENT: President Obama's nominee for ambassador to the Vatican is Miguel Diaz, the first Hispanic to hold the post. He is a professor at St. John's University but not in Shanghai,China. I have reason to believe that Diaz is trying to find comon ground and have pragmatic approach for the culture between the abortion rights and antiabortion sides. Confucianism would be desirable for his understanding. However, the Western scholar appears to be paying less or no attention to the moral leader in the East in addition to the moral leadership of the Holy Father (Holy Younger Brother to be exact because he was born in 1927)in Rome,the State of Vatican.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. A disciple of Confucianism by Chinese tradition with the opportunity to be exposed to Christianity in my schooling in China and in the United States. Here is the meeting venue of Sino-American Economic Philosophy to unite the East and the West on earth in the mundane world.
Saturday, August 8, 2009 at 10 a.m.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
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