1. A musician must make music, a poet must write. My Chinese given name is Shihao, meaning a poet with great sentiment.(sic) P.S. To write is to exercise the fingers,a form of exercise for health apropos of Sino-American economics of human capital.
2. Maryland Renaissance Festival: A tradition for its 33rd year! Maryland,my Maryland,I am a resident for four decades in the Atlantic coast. However,I lived in California for two decades.
3. Japanese "Honchoo" meaning real head or boss. The phonetic sound is close of "henzu" in Chinese Pin Yin meaning a harsh ancestor. Cultural affinity? Perhaps?
4. The elbow is a joint formed by the meeting of the ulna, humerus, and radius. Savvy?
5. Butterflies are more colorful in cooler climate in the Fall every year. Have you noticed?
6. He/She took a "Go now, pay later" and did not come back to beat the system in the light side. Haw-haw with boisterous laugh for longevity.
7. Every dog may have his/her day, but it is the puppies that have weak ends.
8. Imitation fireplace does not need insurance. Save premium during the financial crisis.
9. The bride did not look happy, she looked triumphant.
10. The bridegroom is the winner and the bride is the victor. Is there any difference?
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, trying to learn American culture with amusement to share with readers on Monday, August 31, 2009 at 7 a.m.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
"Thanks to the deficit, the buck stops here:" Stiglitz
Washington Post,Sunday, August 30, 09 published the above title by Nobel Winner in Economics, 2001, Professor Joseph E. Stiglitz of Columbia University. He is the former Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers during the Clinton administration.
"President Obama inherited an economic mess from Bush administration, and the cleanup comes with an inevitably high price tag. We are paying it now.
In a globalized economy, the current system is not only bad for the world, it is bad for the United States,too. In effect, as other nations hold more dollar reserves, we are exporting T-bills rather than auto et al.
The United States has seen great advantages with the dollar as the world's reserve currency of choice, particularly the ability to borrow at low interst rates seemingly without limit. But we have not seen the costs as clearly: the inevitable trade deficits, the instability, the weaker global economy. The benefits to us are likely to shrink, and rapidly so, as nations shift their holdings away from the dollar.
It is happening already, and the process is likely to accelerate. Chinese authorities have openly expressed concerns about the value of the country's vast dollar reserves. Not surprisingly, China and other nations holding lots of US debt support efforts to build a new system.
America should show leadership in helping shape this news structure and managing the transition, rather than burying its head in the sand. We may have preferred to keep the old system, in which the dollar reigned supreme, but that is no longer an option."
His insightful analysis is independent and objective and I do share his judgment as I have sent my previous blogs to express the same rationale. Here we can easily detect the close relationship of Sino-American Economics. China is a friend or a partner of the United States and two nations must work together in the 21st century.
Francis Shieh a.k.a.Xie Shihao, a lifelong student of economics, witnessing the positive economic policy with knowledge and wisdom for humanity in the global context.
Sunday, August 30, 2009 at 1.36 p.m. at Bowie Library.
"President Obama inherited an economic mess from Bush administration, and the cleanup comes with an inevitably high price tag. We are paying it now.
In a globalized economy, the current system is not only bad for the world, it is bad for the United States,too. In effect, as other nations hold more dollar reserves, we are exporting T-bills rather than auto et al.
The United States has seen great advantages with the dollar as the world's reserve currency of choice, particularly the ability to borrow at low interst rates seemingly without limit. But we have not seen the costs as clearly: the inevitable trade deficits, the instability, the weaker global economy. The benefits to us are likely to shrink, and rapidly so, as nations shift their holdings away from the dollar.
It is happening already, and the process is likely to accelerate. Chinese authorities have openly expressed concerns about the value of the country's vast dollar reserves. Not surprisingly, China and other nations holding lots of US debt support efforts to build a new system.
America should show leadership in helping shape this news structure and managing the transition, rather than burying its head in the sand. We may have preferred to keep the old system, in which the dollar reigned supreme, but that is no longer an option."
His insightful analysis is independent and objective and I do share his judgment as I have sent my previous blogs to express the same rationale. Here we can easily detect the close relationship of Sino-American Economics. China is a friend or a partner of the United States and two nations must work together in the 21st century.
Francis Shieh a.k.a.Xie Shihao, a lifelong student of economics, witnessing the positive economic policy with knowledge and wisdom for humanity in the global context.
Sunday, August 30, 2009 at 1.36 p.m. at Bowie Library.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
New York Times,August 29,09 Saturday,Headline
Page A1: Consumer Thrift in US may last after recession: Unease about future causing persistent weakness - seen as a mainstay of the economy:
Reason: Consumer sector occupies about 2/3 of GDP.
Mark Zandi, Chief economist at Moody's Economy.com:
"Lower income households can't borrow and higher income households no longer feel wealthy."
Reason: Real Estate Prices are down and stocks have not recovered yet to the previous level.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao is still in the library after glancing thru "Freak0nomics" again!
I would prefer to call "Lingonomics" in the light vein with rhetorical expressions.
August 29, 2009 at 2.22 p.m.
Reason: Consumer sector occupies about 2/3 of GDP.
Mark Zandi, Chief economist at Moody's Economy.com:
"Lower income households can't borrow and higher income households no longer feel wealthy."
Reason: Real Estate Prices are down and stocks have not recovered yet to the previous level.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao is still in the library after glancing thru "Freak0nomics" again!
I would prefer to call "Lingonomics" in the light vein with rhetorical expressions.
August 29, 2009 at 2.22 p.m.
Beryl W, Sprinkel, protege of conservative economic guru Milton Friedman
Washington Post, August 29, 2009 on page B4 published the life of economist Sprinkel who was indulging his love of music. Music is his first love but he turned to economics as the result of an excellent teacher who influenced him to study Economics. He studied with Milton Friedman at the University of Chicago, the monetarist institution. In the 1970s, Friedman had a heated debates with Walter Heller,a believer of fiscal policy. Friedman also had a debate with Galbraith for different schools in economics. Both monetary and fiscal policies cannot operate in a vacuum as FED chairman Arthur Burns stated in 1970s. Humanpower policy should be the part and parcel for economic stabilization.
Sprinkel was Chairman of Council of Economic Advisers under Reagan Administration. Such position reminds of Charles L. Schultze,Chairman of Council of Economic Advisers under President Carter. Schultze was a graduate of Georgetown University Graduate School, Class of 1950. He taught at the University of Maryland when I was teaching economics as a contemporary decades ago. Schultze, as an educator, published books but Georgetown received largest philanthropic gift from the late businessman Robert McDevitt(C'40) who donated $75 million to Georgetown. Scholars published books and business executives bequeathed his estate to establish a fund for his alma mater. Alumni got involved in different ways as legacy to benefit humanity.
Such good deeds may be good role models for folks in USA and in China as Sino-American economics in action.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao with thoughts at Beltsville Library after 495 traffic congestion for one-hour delay as a Saturday Encounter!
August 29, 2009 at 11.50 a.m.
Sprinkel was Chairman of Council of Economic Advisers under Reagan Administration. Such position reminds of Charles L. Schultze,Chairman of Council of Economic Advisers under President Carter. Schultze was a graduate of Georgetown University Graduate School, Class of 1950. He taught at the University of Maryland when I was teaching economics as a contemporary decades ago. Schultze, as an educator, published books but Georgetown received largest philanthropic gift from the late businessman Robert McDevitt(C'40) who donated $75 million to Georgetown. Scholars published books and business executives bequeathed his estate to establish a fund for his alma mater. Alumni got involved in different ways as legacy to benefit humanity.
Such good deeds may be good role models for folks in USA and in China as Sino-American economics in action.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao with thoughts at Beltsville Library after 495 traffic congestion for one-hour delay as a Saturday Encounter!
August 29, 2009 at 11.50 a.m.
Friday, August 28, 2009
USAToday,Aug.28-30, 09: Errors online with regret
Page 1A: 62% of people believe it is unlikely that they or their family member will get sick from the flu virus. Such positive scenario is healthy mindset.
Let us wait till this Fall or winter 2009 to see the happenings. It is still too early to know the future yet.
Another interesting anecdote below:-
"Lessons in life, from one Bill Gates to another. Microsoft chief's views are still shaped by father.(Genes?)
Comment: The head of a family loves the musical language and the offspring inherited the genes but they are NOT wealthy. Perhaps they are rich in spirit with faith, hope and love. No matter what they are doing, they stay humble. That is the virtue or value shared by folks in USA and in China.
Page 6A: Pat Vurro wrote her letter to the Editor of" USAToday" :-
"I lived in France for 16 years and we did not experience long waits of treatment."
Comment: I know a case when a patient had to wait in ER for five hours,two times in a hospital last summer.
She wrote further:"The USA is a great country and I'm proud of it. The European health care system is not perfect but the US needs a better health system." The evidence is proof of real cases in the real world.
Russell Harman wrote: " As an American who lived abroad in Canada, UK and Germany for 14 years, I found out US system contrasts starkly with my experience and we have to look outside our border to see several examples. Get with the program, America!" Here is another testimony by comparisons.
Comment: Comparisons beget new ways for a better system in USA." However,that remains to be seen due to the fact that some lawmakers would not budge their views: 'We are the best and we stay put for our system!'
Page 3B: " Cash is the simplest transactions and comes with no strings, fees or delayed costs."
Comment: Folks in China make payments in cash. Here is another Sino-American economic activity for reference or comparison.
"Be Careful with Rewards: Such attractions are designed to get folks to use credit cards more than we really should. In times of financial crisis, we should exercise restraint and live a simple life as Amish folks to be our role model. Amish people are hardworking Americans. They are known for their simple life for us to emulate.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, an octogenarian reader sharing information with the readers.
Friday, August 28, 2009 at 1.30 p.m.
Let us wait till this Fall or winter 2009 to see the happenings. It is still too early to know the future yet.
Another interesting anecdote below:-
"Lessons in life, from one Bill Gates to another. Microsoft chief's views are still shaped by father.(Genes?)
Comment: The head of a family loves the musical language and the offspring inherited the genes but they are NOT wealthy. Perhaps they are rich in spirit with faith, hope and love. No matter what they are doing, they stay humble. That is the virtue or value shared by folks in USA and in China.
Page 6A: Pat Vurro wrote her letter to the Editor of" USAToday" :-
"I lived in France for 16 years and we did not experience long waits of treatment."
Comment: I know a case when a patient had to wait in ER for five hours,two times in a hospital last summer.
She wrote further:"The USA is a great country and I'm proud of it. The European health care system is not perfect but the US needs a better health system." The evidence is proof of real cases in the real world.
Russell Harman wrote: " As an American who lived abroad in Canada, UK and Germany for 14 years, I found out US system contrasts starkly with my experience and we have to look outside our border to see several examples. Get with the program, America!" Here is another testimony by comparisons.
Comment: Comparisons beget new ways for a better system in USA." However,that remains to be seen due to the fact that some lawmakers would not budge their views: 'We are the best and we stay put for our system!'
Page 3B: " Cash is the simplest transactions and comes with no strings, fees or delayed costs."
Comment: Folks in China make payments in cash. Here is another Sino-American economic activity for reference or comparison.
"Be Careful with Rewards: Such attractions are designed to get folks to use credit cards more than we really should. In times of financial crisis, we should exercise restraint and live a simple life as Amish folks to be our role model. Amish people are hardworking Americans. They are known for their simple life for us to emulate.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, an octogenarian reader sharing information with the readers.
Friday, August 28, 2009 at 1.30 p.m.
Human family regardless of ethnicity with faith,hope and LOVE
Washington Post, Friday, August 28, 2009 on Page B1,B3:
With a much-awaited daughter, an Alexandria, Virginia,US family is complete with a Photo: Harper's new family: She is the girl from China,wearing bright tangerine Crocs.. The first taste of America: Berger King.
Comment: I went to Berger King in Shanghai several times. It is American cultural influence of food in Shanghai to compete with McDonalds with Asian Salad plus KFC as well. Another Sino-American Economics in evidence!
Edward M. Kennedy (1932-2009) on page A9:
He attracted and nurtured a wealth of talent with work ethic. They gave their blood, sweat and tears in Congress for the well-being of Americans. Such demeanor may be shared by folks in China too.
"Seven Steps"Qi bu zhi cai" to be dedicated to readers of Sino-American Economics with American value and Chinese wisdom: Learning from each other or one another. To wit:-
1. The more you read = "Du shu yue duo" in Pin Yin system of romanization of four Chinese characters.
2. The more you know = "Zhi shi yue duo" Ditto.
3. The more you know = "Zhi shi yue duo" leading to:(as per etiology)
4. The smarter you grow = "Cai hua zeng zhang" as the natural outcome.
5. The stronger you voice = "Fa yan qiang jian" with outspoken firm conviction.
6. Speaking your mind reasonably ="Yan zhi cheng li" as the logical consequence.
7. Making your choices judiciously = "Xuan ze jian shi" for selecting optimal options.(in all kinds of endeavor)
The above may be regarded as the proper mix of American English and Chinese proverb with a touch of the discipline of economics in life for inspiration.
Sequel to Longevity to my prior blog as another Mantra: It is a cinch so please say it in Pin Yin:-
"Maomaochangshou" living a long life to be a septuagenarian leading to be an octogenarian.
"Qiyibaisui" expecting and fitting to take good care to be a centenarian.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao,born 1926 in Shanghai, China. Written on Friday, August 28, 2009 at 10 a.m in Maryland, USA.
With a much-awaited daughter, an Alexandria, Virginia,US family is complete with a Photo: Harper's new family: She is the girl from China,wearing bright tangerine Crocs.. The first taste of America: Berger King.
Comment: I went to Berger King in Shanghai several times. It is American cultural influence of food in Shanghai to compete with McDonalds with Asian Salad plus KFC as well. Another Sino-American Economics in evidence!
Edward M. Kennedy (1932-2009) on page A9:
He attracted and nurtured a wealth of talent with work ethic. They gave their blood, sweat and tears in Congress for the well-being of Americans. Such demeanor may be shared by folks in China too.
"Seven Steps"Qi bu zhi cai" to be dedicated to readers of Sino-American Economics with American value and Chinese wisdom: Learning from each other or one another. To wit:-
1. The more you read = "Du shu yue duo" in Pin Yin system of romanization of four Chinese characters.
2. The more you know = "Zhi shi yue duo" Ditto.
3. The more you know = "Zhi shi yue duo" leading to:(as per etiology)
4. The smarter you grow = "Cai hua zeng zhang" as the natural outcome.
5. The stronger you voice = "Fa yan qiang jian" with outspoken firm conviction.
6. Speaking your mind reasonably ="Yan zhi cheng li" as the logical consequence.
7. Making your choices judiciously = "Xuan ze jian shi" for selecting optimal options.(in all kinds of endeavor)
The above may be regarded as the proper mix of American English and Chinese proverb with a touch of the discipline of economics in life for inspiration.
Sequel to Longevity to my prior blog as another Mantra: It is a cinch so please say it in Pin Yin:-
"Maomaochangshou" living a long life to be a septuagenarian leading to be an octogenarian.
"Qiyibaisui" expecting and fitting to take good care to be a centenarian.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao,born 1926 in Shanghai, China. Written on Friday, August 28, 2009 at 10 a.m in Maryland, USA.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
From "Maomao zhi nian" to "Qi yi zhi nian"
In Pin Yin system with 8 Chinese characters: From Octogenarian to be a centenarian:--
Any reader who reads the TITLE above will be an octogenarian, leading to be a centenarian.
Such is good omen for upcoming years. Reason: "Mantra" works if you believe! We believe and we can,not as a slogan but with faith,hope and LOVE.
To wit:
"Maomaozhinian" to: "qiyizhinian." Simple and clear with no hassle at all! Try and you'll make it with success and without fail. Failure is the Mom of success! It is a win-win situation.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao expecting to be a centenarian from being an octogenarian at present. That is Sino-American Economics of Human Capital apropos of Health.
Thursday,August 27, 2009 at 1.42 p.m.
Any reader who reads the TITLE above will be an octogenarian, leading to be a centenarian.
Such is good omen for upcoming years. Reason: "Mantra" works if you believe! We believe and we can,not as a slogan but with faith,hope and LOVE.
To wit:
"Maomaozhinian" to: "qiyizhinian." Simple and clear with no hassle at all! Try and you'll make it with success and without fail. Failure is the Mom of success! It is a win-win situation.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao expecting to be a centenarian from being an octogenarian at present. That is Sino-American Economics of Human Capital apropos of Health.
Thursday,August 27, 2009 at 1.42 p.m.
Wizards to return to China after 1979 trip: 30 years ago
Thirty years after the Washington Wizards became the first NBA team to visit China, veterans of the team plan a return trip next month,Sept. 5-15 to China where basketball's popularity is now soaring. Published by the WashPost's EXPRESS on Thursday, August 27, 2009 on page 16.
Washington Post,8/27/09 page B1:
Metro Section: People all think that in a bad economy they need skills for a job," said Christopher Nelson, president of St.John's. "What they don't realize is that a liberal arts education will give them skills for life, and that will get them a job." His insight is to be commended with philosophical underpinning. Liberal arts make a whole person in the mind and heart with philosophy. I was fortunate to have an opportunity to study at Georgetown University Graduate School in the late 1940s.
Such news makes me reminisce St. John's University in Shanghai where I earned my B.A. degreee in 1946 with graduate studies at Georgetown plus school of hard knocks for decades.
Gazette paper in Prince George's County: Page 5 of the WashPost,Aug.27,09:
A Bridge to China: I try to serve as a bridge between China and the USA since 1947.
Paint Branch Elementary School started to capitalize on students' interest in the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. They researched Chinese weather patterns and made diagrams comparing China's government, religions and sports with those of the United States.
I taught Economics in English when I was an expert at Beijing from 1993-1996 with happy remembrance.
Page A18: Many analysts expect consumers to remain cautious as a weak labor market and stagnant wages make it difficult to replace wealth lost in the housing and stock markets. Some analysts warn that if a recovery doesn't gain tractin by late next year, the nation could slip back into recession. Well,perhaps another stimulus package as a tool would be needed but I hope not by 2010. China's recent growth is OK so far but the recovery remains to be seen in the months ahead.
Francis Shieh,a.k.a. Xie Shihao as a peregrination octogenarians teaching and learning from China to the United States and vice versa many times to compare American English with Chinese language plus Sino-American economics in action.
Thursday, August 27, 2009 at 12.40 p.m.
Washington Post,8/27/09 page B1:
Metro Section: People all think that in a bad economy they need skills for a job," said Christopher Nelson, president of St.John's. "What they don't realize is that a liberal arts education will give them skills for life, and that will get them a job." His insight is to be commended with philosophical underpinning. Liberal arts make a whole person in the mind and heart with philosophy. I was fortunate to have an opportunity to study at Georgetown University Graduate School in the late 1940s.
Such news makes me reminisce St. John's University in Shanghai where I earned my B.A. degreee in 1946 with graduate studies at Georgetown plus school of hard knocks for decades.
Gazette paper in Prince George's County: Page 5 of the WashPost,Aug.27,09:
A Bridge to China: I try to serve as a bridge between China and the USA since 1947.
Paint Branch Elementary School started to capitalize on students' interest in the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. They researched Chinese weather patterns and made diagrams comparing China's government, religions and sports with those of the United States.
I taught Economics in English when I was an expert at Beijing from 1993-1996 with happy remembrance.
Page A18: Many analysts expect consumers to remain cautious as a weak labor market and stagnant wages make it difficult to replace wealth lost in the housing and stock markets. Some analysts warn that if a recovery doesn't gain tractin by late next year, the nation could slip back into recession. Well,perhaps another stimulus package as a tool would be needed but I hope not by 2010. China's recent growth is OK so far but the recovery remains to be seen in the months ahead.
Francis Shieh,a.k.a. Xie Shihao as a peregrination octogenarians teaching and learning from China to the United States and vice versa many times to compare American English with Chinese language plus Sino-American economics in action.
Thursday, August 27, 2009 at 12.40 p.m.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
USAToday,Aug. 25&26,09,WashTimes,8/26/09
On page 6A of" USAToday, "8/26/09: The following is cited for your deep reflection -
Ron J. Melancon wrote a letter to the Editor with his common sense! " Leaders don't have a clue what is going to happen. It looks like things are going to be OK, but I saw the faces of the many people standing in line, looking for work. We have rising foreclosures, declining tax revenue and a Congress that just wants to spend. Our credit card interest rates have increased and lines of credit have decreased, and we have a real estate bubble that is going to explode. We are in the eye of the hurricane,; wait until we come out of the eye after second wave to hit us hard!"
Comment: Fiscal and monetary policies cannot operate in a vacuum. Humanpower policy must be introduced to solve the unemployment problems NOW and in the months to come. Americans need jobs to make a living.
Such observation as written above is not untrue in the real world but we must have faith, hope and charity.
The Washington Times, 8/26/09 page A17:
"The French Model is far less attractive than economic models in Asia." A comparison is made with other nations in Europe as well. Perhaps Confucianism has some impact! In other words,we need ethics and morality to be mindful in the minds of leaders in all nations.
USAToday,8/25/09 page 7A:
Toronto, Canada: Patricia Pearson wrote:" I went to a family picnic and counted 11 octogenarians, all hale and hearty; gabbling away while dining on salad and roasted corn. How can this be? We live in a country with universal health insurance here in Canada!" Canada is not better than USA.
Comment: Corn is available in USA but we need peace of mind as a pre-requisite for good health to live to be centenarians. How can we have peace of mind? Jobs are the TOP PRIORITY to earn a living in the land of plenty and a wealthy nation with credit system to be running amack causing global financial crisis. Etiology must be studied from causes to effects.
"The point is not that the Canadian system is superior per se, but that in many ways it feel freer, and more human. As long as Americans continue to lack consensus, there will be no clarity to the objectives for reforms.
RUMOR, SLANDERS and TANGENTIAL, CONFUSING ARGUMENTS about scary bureaucratic and oppressed foreigners pining for Dr. House will be the death of the debate."
Words deserve our profound thoughts as quoted above.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao,witnessing the above with similar views as I have submitted.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009 at 2.30 p.m
Ron J. Melancon wrote a letter to the Editor with his common sense! " Leaders don't have a clue what is going to happen. It looks like things are going to be OK, but I saw the faces of the many people standing in line, looking for work. We have rising foreclosures, declining tax revenue and a Congress that just wants to spend. Our credit card interest rates have increased and lines of credit have decreased, and we have a real estate bubble that is going to explode. We are in the eye of the hurricane,; wait until we come out of the eye after second wave to hit us hard!"
Comment: Fiscal and monetary policies cannot operate in a vacuum. Humanpower policy must be introduced to solve the unemployment problems NOW and in the months to come. Americans need jobs to make a living.
Such observation as written above is not untrue in the real world but we must have faith, hope and charity.
The Washington Times, 8/26/09 page A17:
"The French Model is far less attractive than economic models in Asia." A comparison is made with other nations in Europe as well. Perhaps Confucianism has some impact! In other words,we need ethics and morality to be mindful in the minds of leaders in all nations.
USAToday,8/25/09 page 7A:
Toronto, Canada: Patricia Pearson wrote:" I went to a family picnic and counted 11 octogenarians, all hale and hearty; gabbling away while dining on salad and roasted corn. How can this be? We live in a country with universal health insurance here in Canada!" Canada is not better than USA.
Comment: Corn is available in USA but we need peace of mind as a pre-requisite for good health to live to be centenarians. How can we have peace of mind? Jobs are the TOP PRIORITY to earn a living in the land of plenty and a wealthy nation with credit system to be running amack causing global financial crisis. Etiology must be studied from causes to effects.
"The point is not that the Canadian system is superior per se, but that in many ways it feel freer, and more human. As long as Americans continue to lack consensus, there will be no clarity to the objectives for reforms.
RUMOR, SLANDERS and TANGENTIAL, CONFUSING ARGUMENTS about scary bureaucratic and oppressed foreigners pining for Dr. House will be the death of the debate."
Words deserve our profound thoughts as quoted above.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao,witnessing the above with similar views as I have submitted.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009 at 2.30 p.m
Bamboo-loving Pandas are loved by all folks+ comments
Washington Post, August 26, 2009 on page B3:
Mei Xiang, Tian Tian and Tai Shan are well known with their Chinese names in Pin Yin. For details,visit www.rand.org, click on "A Glimpse of the Chinese Language" and a copy in PDF format free of charge will pop out. Free education is the best deal for learning the Chinese language with built-in art and music.
"Zhu ben xu xin shi wo shi" is a motto because "xu xin" means "hollow heart" i.e. be modest as the way of life. I do remember such from my mother's constant sayings decades ago when I was a kid. That was in the 1930s and early 1940s.
Page A10 and EXPRESS paper page 1: -Forecast: Deficit to hit $1.6 trillion and to hit $9 trillion over 10 years!?
Prof. John Kenneth Galbraith is right !"There are those who don't know and those who don't know they don't know" for economic forecast. Only empirical evidence would tell the reality during the course of time as years go by... Moreover,bailouts and buyouts would lead to stability hopefully. That remains to be seen.
On page A5: An Ad: National Math+ Science Initiative: How about linguistic science enabling US leadership in the global context for understanding foreign languages apropos of human communication?
www.Dictyon.net,the gateway to global languages,located in Greenbelt, Maryland in Metro Washington,D.C. to render such significance services for humanity.
If folks are aware of various ethnic and cultural sensitivities,learning a language would reach another horizon in the world in the name of globalization.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao is ready and willing to learn languages when I meet folks who are able to speak another language on earth, I salute them for their talents that I do admire for better understanding of homosapiens. Needless to say,Sino-American economics do involve interpretations and translations plus transliterations for better understanding.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009 at 9.40 a.m.
Mei Xiang, Tian Tian and Tai Shan are well known with their Chinese names in Pin Yin. For details,visit www.rand.org, click on "A Glimpse of the Chinese Language" and a copy in PDF format free of charge will pop out. Free education is the best deal for learning the Chinese language with built-in art and music.
"Zhu ben xu xin shi wo shi" is a motto because "xu xin" means "hollow heart" i.e. be modest as the way of life. I do remember such from my mother's constant sayings decades ago when I was a kid. That was in the 1930s and early 1940s.
Page A10 and EXPRESS paper page 1: -Forecast: Deficit to hit $1.6 trillion and to hit $9 trillion over 10 years!?
Prof. John Kenneth Galbraith is right !"There are those who don't know and those who don't know they don't know" for economic forecast. Only empirical evidence would tell the reality during the course of time as years go by... Moreover,bailouts and buyouts would lead to stability hopefully. That remains to be seen.
On page A5: An Ad: National Math+ Science Initiative: How about linguistic science enabling US leadership in the global context for understanding foreign languages apropos of human communication?
www.Dictyon.net,the gateway to global languages,located in Greenbelt, Maryland in Metro Washington,D.C. to render such significance services for humanity.
If folks are aware of various ethnic and cultural sensitivities,learning a language would reach another horizon in the world in the name of globalization.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao is ready and willing to learn languages when I meet folks who are able to speak another language on earth, I salute them for their talents that I do admire for better understanding of homosapiens. Needless to say,Sino-American economics do involve interpretations and translations plus transliterations for better understanding.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009 at 9.40 a.m.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Obama to stick with Bernanke as FED Chief with comments
Washington Post, August 25, 2009 on page A11:
"Bernanke asked Congress for a $700 billion financial bailout, and then use that money to make huge investments in Citigroup and Bank of America, among other firms."
Comment: Funds in the Citibank and Bank of America should be OK with the decision to reappoint Bernanke. Americans and others do trust the world-renowned Citibank and Bank of America with the name as American Bank even though it is a private bank but backed by America i.e. USA with solid reputation. Big banks are too big to fail!
If confirmed, Bernanke wold face a difficult next four years. The economy is very weak, with the unemployment rate at 9.4% and likely to climb in the months ahead. The financial system remains fragile.
Comment: When I compared notes with former FED chairman Arthur F. Burns,he agreed with me apropos of humanpower training. In other words,fiscal and monetary policies cannot operate in a vacuum. Humanpower Policy is designed to generate jobs for the jobless folks.
Gene Weingarten is a humorist: weingarten@washpost.com:
"The size of the public debt, precise to the penny. It is currently at $11,605,521,079,842.13." Published by The Washington Post Magazine, August 16, 2009.
"Finally, we must address the central question of the day: How to inject humor into your workplace. My suggestion: Pranks. For example, one day you could issue a press release that the public debt has now reached "googo1," a figure that exceeds the number of atoms in the observable universe. Or perhaps: We owe it to ourselves. That sounds OK as well. We must have faith,hope and charity for all those who are involved in such a significant undertaking for humanity. China is the most populous nation in the world so USA and China must cooperate to resolve the global financial crisis. Needless to say,the World Bank and International Monetary Fund(IMF) are working for the same objective of stability and economic development in the name of globalization for all nations and all the peoples.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, trying to learn the truth in economics but "truth is multi-dimensional" as per Professor John K. Galbraith of Harvard. Harvard is rated as the best university in the world so we must respect such honorable institution.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009 at 10.56 a.m.
"Bernanke asked Congress for a $700 billion financial bailout, and then use that money to make huge investments in Citigroup and Bank of America, among other firms."
Comment: Funds in the Citibank and Bank of America should be OK with the decision to reappoint Bernanke. Americans and others do trust the world-renowned Citibank and Bank of America with the name as American Bank even though it is a private bank but backed by America i.e. USA with solid reputation. Big banks are too big to fail!
If confirmed, Bernanke wold face a difficult next four years. The economy is very weak, with the unemployment rate at 9.4% and likely to climb in the months ahead. The financial system remains fragile.
Comment: When I compared notes with former FED chairman Arthur F. Burns,he agreed with me apropos of humanpower training. In other words,fiscal and monetary policies cannot operate in a vacuum. Humanpower Policy is designed to generate jobs for the jobless folks.
Gene Weingarten is a humorist: weingarten@washpost.com:
"The size of the public debt, precise to the penny. It is currently at $11,605,521,079,842.13." Published by The Washington Post Magazine, August 16, 2009.
"Finally, we must address the central question of the day: How to inject humor into your workplace. My suggestion: Pranks. For example, one day you could issue a press release that the public debt has now reached "googo1," a figure that exceeds the number of atoms in the observable universe. Or perhaps: We owe it to ourselves. That sounds OK as well. We must have faith,hope and charity for all those who are involved in such a significant undertaking for humanity. China is the most populous nation in the world so USA and China must cooperate to resolve the global financial crisis. Needless to say,the World Bank and International Monetary Fund(IMF) are working for the same objective of stability and economic development in the name of globalization for all nations and all the peoples.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, trying to learn the truth in economics but "truth is multi-dimensional" as per Professor John K. Galbraith of Harvard. Harvard is rated as the best university in the world so we must respect such honorable institution.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009 at 10.56 a.m.
Washington Post,8/25/09 page E6: Trip to China
Yago Hunt-Laudi,16,Washington: After he developed a fever while on a student trip to China:
"I was roomed with a Chinese guy. He was a tour guide, chaperone for some UK kids. He ended up being a wonderful wonderful guy. He was showing me Chinese TV shows that were famous: This one Chinese actor was the Forest Gump of China We started getting food from the US Embassy. We were pretty happy.
They were so nice and very compassionate. It's more than compassion. It's also like respect and some form of honor. I had a couple of experiences where it showed us that being honest and honorable in society was very important."
That is the way Chinese treat guests as a tradition with culture from Confucianism:
"It's a great joy to welcome guests from far-away places" In Pin Yin: "You pang zi yuan fang lai bu yi le hu?"
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a graduate student from China since 1947 to learn the similar value of American and Chinese culture with respect and honor for guests and the elderly folks.
Here is the common ground of Sino-American Economics of Humanity.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009 at 10 a.m.
"I was roomed with a Chinese guy. He was a tour guide, chaperone for some UK kids. He ended up being a wonderful wonderful guy. He was showing me Chinese TV shows that were famous: This one Chinese actor was the Forest Gump of China We started getting food from the US Embassy. We were pretty happy.
They were so nice and very compassionate. It's more than compassion. It's also like respect and some form of honor. I had a couple of experiences where it showed us that being honest and honorable in society was very important."
That is the way Chinese treat guests as a tradition with culture from Confucianism:
"It's a great joy to welcome guests from far-away places" In Pin Yin: "You pang zi yuan fang lai bu yi le hu?"
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a graduate student from China since 1947 to learn the similar value of American and Chinese culture with respect and honor for guests and the elderly folks.
Here is the common ground of Sino-American Economics of Humanity.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009 at 10 a.m.
Monday, August 24, 2009
A short description of economics in action as an individual
Economic science needs communicators to analyze the meaning of data and such quantitative figures are to be interpreted re qualitative knowledge plus wisdom with margin of error(discrepancy) apropos of rational human behavior in the real world particularly during the age of uncertainty. Manipulation is to be avoided but the etiology must be understood without bias.
As an economist,I try to optimize my daily schedule with maximum efficiency. After I walk in the house after research in the library, I go to the kitchen and put water into a large bowl and take out food from the refrigerator to the microwave oven. Then I change into house wear and warm up food and relax by watching TV to stay smart and stay informed.
I am fully aware of the time constraint and my daily function is strictly observed for allocation of scarce resource.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao on Monday,August 24, 2009 at 9 p.m.
As an economist,I try to optimize my daily schedule with maximum efficiency. After I walk in the house after research in the library, I go to the kitchen and put water into a large bowl and take out food from the refrigerator to the microwave oven. Then I change into house wear and warm up food and relax by watching TV to stay smart and stay informed.
I am fully aware of the time constraint and my daily function is strictly observed for allocation of scarce resource.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao on Monday,August 24, 2009 at 9 p.m.
Time for budgetary truth by Joseph DioGuardi,CPA
"Soaring deficits and national debt are rising concerns:
China-which currently is owed the largest portion of our $2 trillion debt to foreign nations.
The national debt will exceed $11 trillion in 2010, and is projected to exceed $20 trillion by 2020. If the interest rates stay at 5%, the annual interest on the national debt will be more than $1 trillion in 10 years. This does not include the problems of $45 trillion of unrecorded and unfunded liabilities for Social Security and Medicare."
The citations above would be clear evidence of Sino-American Economics.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a lifelong graduate student to try to find out the nature of economics with an open-mind for such myth. August 24, 2009 at 2.42 p.m.
China-which currently is owed the largest portion of our $2 trillion debt to foreign nations.
The national debt will exceed $11 trillion in 2010, and is projected to exceed $20 trillion by 2020. If the interest rates stay at 5%, the annual interest on the national debt will be more than $1 trillion in 10 years. This does not include the problems of $45 trillion of unrecorded and unfunded liabilities for Social Security and Medicare."
The citations above would be clear evidence of Sino-American Economics.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a lifelong graduate student to try to find out the nature of economics with an open-mind for such myth. August 24, 2009 at 2.42 p.m.
Ten Expressions for the readers to peruse for fun?
1. "Hot Dog" as food, is popular in America and in the world . It is not a heated or cooked canine literally per se! In Chinese Pin Yin system of romanization: " yi ge hong chang mian bao" i.e. a red long bread. Which makes sense? You are the Judge to make a verdict.
2. The best or the worst time of the day is over when the alarm clock rings. You would be in a position to have the positive or the negative scenarios. But remember that great men or women sleep less due to the exercise of the brain to sharpen the mind for better health. Sleep less hours to optimize and to maximize your lifespan in economics!
3. Who is crazy about electricity? An electric fan!
4. The traditional marriage proposal maybe: "two can live cheaper than one" However,the correct answer would be: "a dog or a cat and a flea." Perhaps shopping in a flea market would be frugal as well.
5. The birthday gift to your beloved folks may NOT be a birthday card but American Express,Visa,Master Card or Discovery with a bit of cash in return as reciprocity.
6. The enemy of knowledge is not ignorance but illusion of knowledge without wisdom.
7. A magician claimed to be able to bring the deceased back to life. One victim paid the magician for a fee but ended in a court. The Judge said the magician unfairly influenced the victim who was already distressed. But the lawyer said the sentence was unjust. "It is based on speculation and is absolutely unfair." Would you be inclined to agree with the Judge or the Lawyer? Such may or may not be the Hotung case in Hong Kong.
8. High gas prices caused some folks to ride bikes to reduce pollution and save money. It is good exercise on the streets in the real world rather than going to the GYM and pay membership fee and ride on a bike going nowhere. Folks in China ride bikes and they may not be on a diet! Here is a good case of Sino-American Economics.
9. The musician was caught by a police for speeding. He used the term:"tempo primo" i.e. at original speed. The cop appreciated music and gave him a word of warning instead of writing a ticket for a fine. Musicians are respected for their talents to make contribution to humanity everywhere in the mundane world.
10. Sciophobia means fear of shadows except alter ego. You need not be afraid of a pal who may be as(like) a shadow,a metaphor!
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a graduate student in the exciting field of economics and an admirer of Mark Twain who is to be celebrated this year for his contribution to the light side of life for humanity.
Monday, August 24, 2009. I left Shanghai, China via SS General Gordon of the American President Lines on August 24, 1947 and stopped in Honolulu on September 3, 1947 and arrived at San Francisco on September 8, 1947. That was 62 years ago and I am an octogenarian now with memories of the past decades. At 10.22 a.m.
2. The best or the worst time of the day is over when the alarm clock rings. You would be in a position to have the positive or the negative scenarios. But remember that great men or women sleep less due to the exercise of the brain to sharpen the mind for better health. Sleep less hours to optimize and to maximize your lifespan in economics!
3. Who is crazy about electricity? An electric fan!
4. The traditional marriage proposal maybe: "two can live cheaper than one" However,the correct answer would be: "a dog or a cat and a flea." Perhaps shopping in a flea market would be frugal as well.
5. The birthday gift to your beloved folks may NOT be a birthday card but American Express,Visa,Master Card or Discovery with a bit of cash in return as reciprocity.
6. The enemy of knowledge is not ignorance but illusion of knowledge without wisdom.
7. A magician claimed to be able to bring the deceased back to life. One victim paid the magician for a fee but ended in a court. The Judge said the magician unfairly influenced the victim who was already distressed. But the lawyer said the sentence was unjust. "It is based on speculation and is absolutely unfair." Would you be inclined to agree with the Judge or the Lawyer? Such may or may not be the Hotung case in Hong Kong.
8. High gas prices caused some folks to ride bikes to reduce pollution and save money. It is good exercise on the streets in the real world rather than going to the GYM and pay membership fee and ride on a bike going nowhere. Folks in China ride bikes and they may not be on a diet! Here is a good case of Sino-American Economics.
9. The musician was caught by a police for speeding. He used the term:"tempo primo" i.e. at original speed. The cop appreciated music and gave him a word of warning instead of writing a ticket for a fine. Musicians are respected for their talents to make contribution to humanity everywhere in the mundane world.
10. Sciophobia means fear of shadows except alter ego. You need not be afraid of a pal who may be as(like) a shadow,a metaphor!
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a graduate student in the exciting field of economics and an admirer of Mark Twain who is to be celebrated this year for his contribution to the light side of life for humanity.
Monday, August 24, 2009. I left Shanghai, China via SS General Gordon of the American President Lines on August 24, 1947 and stopped in Honolulu on September 3, 1947 and arrived at San Francisco on September 8, 1947. That was 62 years ago and I am an octogenarian now with memories of the past decades. At 10.22 a.m.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
www.yaleeconomicreview.com August 2009 & America at Risk,a new book
1. Securing Land Rights for Chinese Farmers.: A Leap Forward for Stability and Growth: By Roy Prosterman, Professor Emeritus of Law at the University of Washington and Founder of the Rural Development. His article is insightful and analytical as a magnum opus.
2. Critical Analysis: The Ren Min Bi(RMB)'s Exchange Value by Frances Kim:
Forcing the RMB to appreciate would increase long-term interest rates which can prolong the effects of a recession in the economy.
This ambiguity yields only one conclusion: that to improve the demestic economy in US efforts would be better focused on other areas.
Comment: If federal funding is available,training and retraining of the labor force would be desiderata right now. When there is more skilled labor to supply the changing demands of the society, both the private sector and the public sector would have more job holders to pay tax to generate revenue for the overall economy. Jobless folks would be a waste of human resources and action must be taken as soon as possible when the authorities would see fit for such priority on the agenda to recover from the current financial crisis by reducing the rate of unemployment.
Recommending a book reviewed by faculty members in private and public institutions in USA:
"AMERICA AT RISK": The Crisis of Hope, Trust, and Caring. By Robert Perrucci and Carolyn C. Perrucci.
"Essential reading for the new Obama Administration and for all folks in the current crisis. This book connects the breakdown in trust with the corporate global policies that have stripped Americans of their jobs and dreams. The Perruccis exemplify the sociological imagination we need for the 21st century.
---Charles Derber, Boston College, a private Jesuit college.
"Hope, Trust, and Caring: three indispensable ingredients for a secure and democratic society. Perrucci and Perrucci argue that these ingredients have been eroded by institutional restructuring and an ever-growing cultural crisis over the last 30 years. It proposes an agenda to place hope, trust and caring at the center of social life. A highly readable and accessible book."
---Vicki Smith, University of California, a public university in California.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, an octogenarian faculty in private and public colleges sharing such information with readers online on Sunday, August 23 2009 at 1.46 p.m.
2. Critical Analysis: The Ren Min Bi(RMB)'s Exchange Value by Frances Kim:
Forcing the RMB to appreciate would increase long-term interest rates which can prolong the effects of a recession in the economy.
This ambiguity yields only one conclusion: that to improve the demestic economy in US efforts would be better focused on other areas.
Comment: If federal funding is available,training and retraining of the labor force would be desiderata right now. When there is more skilled labor to supply the changing demands of the society, both the private sector and the public sector would have more job holders to pay tax to generate revenue for the overall economy. Jobless folks would be a waste of human resources and action must be taken as soon as possible when the authorities would see fit for such priority on the agenda to recover from the current financial crisis by reducing the rate of unemployment.
Recommending a book reviewed by faculty members in private and public institutions in USA:
"AMERICA AT RISK": The Crisis of Hope, Trust, and Caring. By Robert Perrucci and Carolyn C. Perrucci.
"Essential reading for the new Obama Administration and for all folks in the current crisis. This book connects the breakdown in trust with the corporate global policies that have stripped Americans of their jobs and dreams. The Perruccis exemplify the sociological imagination we need for the 21st century.
---Charles Derber, Boston College, a private Jesuit college.
"Hope, Trust, and Caring: three indispensable ingredients for a secure and democratic society. Perrucci and Perrucci argue that these ingredients have been eroded by institutional restructuring and an ever-growing cultural crisis over the last 30 years. It proposes an agenda to place hope, trust and caring at the center of social life. A highly readable and accessible book."
---Vicki Smith, University of California, a public university in California.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, an octogenarian faculty in private and public colleges sharing such information with readers online on Sunday, August 23 2009 at 1.46 p.m.
Economics is a science of change and choice
I love to travel to meet folks and have an attitude to live and to learn from others.
Change that is real is change that is not willed. Face reality and unwilled change will happen.
Humility is reality to the full with Mea Culpa! Modesty would be fine and dandy!
Economics is a science of change and choice. Choice is to be made by individuals with thoughts.
I remember when I was an accountant with IBM in San Jose,California in 1957-58, I was given a Wooden Name plate on my desk. The Name Plate does not have my name but the capitalized word: THINK. There is the common ground of Sino-American Economics of Human Behavior.
The Chinese proverb: "San si er xing" Think three times before one acts.
Never "san xin er yi" Shilly-shally (procrastination) should be discouraged.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a learner to share my thoughts with readers. Have a good day with success in your undertaking.
Sunday, August 23, 2009 at 6.22 a.m.
Change that is real is change that is not willed. Face reality and unwilled change will happen.
Humility is reality to the full with Mea Culpa! Modesty would be fine and dandy!
Economics is a science of change and choice. Choice is to be made by individuals with thoughts.
I remember when I was an accountant with IBM in San Jose,California in 1957-58, I was given a Wooden Name plate on my desk. The Name Plate does not have my name but the capitalized word: THINK. There is the common ground of Sino-American Economics of Human Behavior.
The Chinese proverb: "San si er xing" Think three times before one acts.
Never "san xin er yi" Shilly-shally (procrastination) should be discouraged.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a learner to share my thoughts with readers. Have a good day with success in your undertaking.
Sunday, August 23, 2009 at 6.22 a.m.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Food is a part of culture: The meeting ground of USA and China
Every Sunday, I go to McDonald's for my favorite breakfast and meet Spanish speaking attendants to refresh my limited Spanish with amigos.
It is the fast-food establishment for hambergers but I prefer Berger King for Steakhouseberger with better taste every other days. Big Fish Sandwich is very delectable too. Needless to say,I have my Chinese food for supper for a change of taste. Food is food. My mother told me that the best tasty food is "Ji' sounds like chicken. But it is the word "hungry" since both chicken and hungry have the same phonetic sounds in Pin Yin system of romanization but the Chinese characters are different. There is the beauty of the Chinese language in calligraphy as art.
Pin Yin system is the initial way to learn the Chinese language. Needless to say, the Chinese characters must be learned for understanding the genuine Chinese language. Memory work is necessary to remember Chinese characters but it is a brainstorming act for students.
Recently, McDonald's started new Angus Beef and Asian Salad to please the taste buds of customers with varied cultural background.
When I was in Beijing, I visited several McDonald's and I also went to Berger King in Shanghai. Well, American influence is being felt to the folks in China and Chinese food is known in USA as well for cultural exchange aprops of Sino-American Economics.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao with Chinese and American educational background to enjoy American food in China and Chinese food in the United States. The world is getting smaller at the Internet age for communication with global reach.
WWW.Dictyon.net is the gateway for global languages.
Saturday, August 22, 2009 at 8.26 p.m.
It is the fast-food establishment for hambergers but I prefer Berger King for Steakhouseberger with better taste every other days. Big Fish Sandwich is very delectable too. Needless to say,I have my Chinese food for supper for a change of taste. Food is food. My mother told me that the best tasty food is "Ji' sounds like chicken. But it is the word "hungry" since both chicken and hungry have the same phonetic sounds in Pin Yin system of romanization but the Chinese characters are different. There is the beauty of the Chinese language in calligraphy as art.
Pin Yin system is the initial way to learn the Chinese language. Needless to say, the Chinese characters must be learned for understanding the genuine Chinese language. Memory work is necessary to remember Chinese characters but it is a brainstorming act for students.
Recently, McDonald's started new Angus Beef and Asian Salad to please the taste buds of customers with varied cultural background.
When I was in Beijing, I visited several McDonald's and I also went to Berger King in Shanghai. Well, American influence is being felt to the folks in China and Chinese food is known in USA as well for cultural exchange aprops of Sino-American Economics.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao with Chinese and American educational background to enjoy American food in China and Chinese food in the United States. The world is getting smaller at the Internet age for communication with global reach.
WWW.Dictyon.net is the gateway for global languages.
Saturday, August 22, 2009 at 8.26 p.m.
National Geographic Magazine,Sept. 2009 issue
An Ad for Silver Panda: Common Interest apropos of Sino-American Economics:
Everyone loves pandas, but there is one panda that has enduring value.
A personal asset of lasting value: A legacy for loved ones including US silver dollars as well.
Needless to say, First Issues of Gold Stamps do have intrinsic value plus historical significance as extra value for collectors to appreciate such beauty.
In times of economic uncertainty, few things bring peace of mind better than the rock-solid value of precious metals including US copper pennies as treasures plus Silver Dollars in the past such as 1776-1976 coins.
With a lot of humans leaving the world,elephant and many animals near extinction, ivory tusk from elephant is invaluable and priceless in the 21st century as family treasure.
Comment: Elephants do not represent the Republican Party in the United States and Donkeys are hard-working to carry the burden for folks on earth.
Perhaps readers can catch on with such sense of political economy in the light vein.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a self-appointed disciple of Mark Twain,trying to amuse readers online with aphorism to appreciate true value in the mundane world.
Saturday, August 22, 2009 at 1.46 p.m.
Everyone loves pandas, but there is one panda that has enduring value.
A personal asset of lasting value: A legacy for loved ones including US silver dollars as well.
Needless to say, First Issues of Gold Stamps do have intrinsic value plus historical significance as extra value for collectors to appreciate such beauty.
In times of economic uncertainty, few things bring peace of mind better than the rock-solid value of precious metals including US copper pennies as treasures plus Silver Dollars in the past such as 1776-1976 coins.
With a lot of humans leaving the world,elephant and many animals near extinction, ivory tusk from elephant is invaluable and priceless in the 21st century as family treasure.
Comment: Elephants do not represent the Republican Party in the United States and Donkeys are hard-working to carry the burden for folks on earth.
Perhaps readers can catch on with such sense of political economy in the light vein.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a self-appointed disciple of Mark Twain,trying to amuse readers online with aphorism to appreciate true value in the mundane world.
Saturday, August 22, 2009 at 1.46 p.m.
On Faith: Does Theology Belong in Health-Care Debate? Similar Thoughts...
Washington Post, Saturday,August 22, 2009 page B2:
"Health-care reform is an economic, political and medical issue. But it is also a deeply theological issue, a biblical issue and a moral issue." Readers may concur or demur with your own volition.
Comment: Adam Smith was an economist and a professor of moral philosophy. Confucius/Mencius were moral philosophers as well to cover human behavior without borders for all nations. "Within four seas,all are brothers and sisters!" We are all human beings and nobody would impugn.
Donna Manz wrote a letter to the Editor: To wit her succinct conclusion:
"Materialism and egocentrism versus altruism and selflessness..."
Comment: In my past blogs,I offered the Formula for Happiness: Readers may agree or disagree!? You be the Judge for your own mindset.
Happiness is NOT material consumption over desire only(money=paper?) intellectual pursuit,spiritual satisfaction,good health must be added to the Numerator. The Denominator is Human Desire relevant to human behavior.
I would like to cite the line by Donna Manz to be repeated below:
"Materialism and Egocentrism vs Altruism and Selflessness..." Such may be a struggle of the mind!?
Hark! Living is based upon the above line as "Cheer for the proper state of mind from our conscience for our way of life in the mundane world.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a lifelong student of economic philosophy on August 22, 2009 at 9.46 a.m.
"Health-care reform is an economic, political and medical issue. But it is also a deeply theological issue, a biblical issue and a moral issue." Readers may concur or demur with your own volition.
Comment: Adam Smith was an economist and a professor of moral philosophy. Confucius/Mencius were moral philosophers as well to cover human behavior without borders for all nations. "Within four seas,all are brothers and sisters!" We are all human beings and nobody would impugn.
Donna Manz wrote a letter to the Editor: To wit her succinct conclusion:
"Materialism and egocentrism versus altruism and selflessness..."
Comment: In my past blogs,I offered the Formula for Happiness: Readers may agree or disagree!? You be the Judge for your own mindset.
Happiness is NOT material consumption over desire only(money=paper?) intellectual pursuit,spiritual satisfaction,good health must be added to the Numerator. The Denominator is Human Desire relevant to human behavior.
I would like to cite the line by Donna Manz to be repeated below:
"Materialism and Egocentrism vs Altruism and Selflessness..." Such may be a struggle of the mind!?
Hark! Living is based upon the above line as "Cheer for the proper state of mind from our conscience for our way of life in the mundane world.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a lifelong student of economic philosophy on August 22, 2009 at 9.46 a.m.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Common Goal for Sino-American Economics of Human Capital
Get active. Walking or biking to burn calories to keep healthy. To be in shape with action!
Exercise is one of the best things we can do for ourselves. Moreover,such activities are free.
In China, I used to ride bike to attend university education in 1940s in the morning and taught in the afternoons. In USA, I walk everyday to feel good for my physical body.
Recommending NEWSWEEK magazine,August 24 & 31, 2009 issue: Re: USA and China: -
Niall Ferguson wrote an article on "Chimerica heading for divorce due to changing happenings in economics." For details,please search online or read current issue of Newsweek.
Ferguson's thoughts may be partly true re some frictions in trade disputes but the ultimate goal is understanding of the language and culture of China regardless of unfavorable situations in economics during the past weeks.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a promoter of learning Chinese for Americans and studying American English for Chinese in the 21st century as the goal for mutual benefit. Nobody would impugn.
Friday, August 21, 2009 at 8 p.m.
Exercise is one of the best things we can do for ourselves. Moreover,such activities are free.
In China, I used to ride bike to attend university education in 1940s in the morning and taught in the afternoons. In USA, I walk everyday to feel good for my physical body.
Recommending NEWSWEEK magazine,August 24 & 31, 2009 issue: Re: USA and China: -
Niall Ferguson wrote an article on "Chimerica heading for divorce due to changing happenings in economics." For details,please search online or read current issue of Newsweek.
Ferguson's thoughts may be partly true re some frictions in trade disputes but the ultimate goal is understanding of the language and culture of China regardless of unfavorable situations in economics during the past weeks.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a promoter of learning Chinese for Americans and studying American English for Chinese in the 21st century as the goal for mutual benefit. Nobody would impugn.
Friday, August 21, 2009 at 8 p.m.
EXTRA! EXTRA! Reading is a gift to the mind.
Reading is also a lift to the spirit. You bet it is not untrue! I may be addicted in reading to be a full man or a guy with a lively mind to be active all the time.
Washington Post is a newspaper dedicated to thoughtful readers and I like it much for my mindful action to stay ahead with timely information and articles by intellectuals such as Henry Kissinger as I read his article several days ago.
www.reuters.com published statement by Joseph Stiglitz, the Nobel Laureate in Economics dated August 21, 2009.
USATday, August 21, 2009 page 3A:
Low Key Party for Hawaii 5-0: Islanders strike easy balance for those still uneasy over statehood.
The United States officially apologized for the overthrow of the Kingdom in a bill signed by President Clinton in 1993 when I was teaching Economics in Beijing from 1993-1996.
The resolution in 1993 did not directly provide for or require any redress for native Hawaiians,it bolstered Hawaiian sovereignty claims. Some faculty members at the University of Hawaii Graduate School are advocating Independence!
As an honorary citizen of Honolulu, Hawaii, I salute Hawaii to be the 50th State in 1959 when I was teaching Economics in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California from 1958-1961 before I accepted an offer to teach in Michigan from 1961-1964 to be back to California to do research at the RAND Corporation from January 1964 to September 1965 and then came back to Washington to compile a Directory for the National Science Foundation to encourage American scientists to contact scientists in China for scientific exchanges. Such Directory was published by Hoover Institution of Stanford University in 1971.
The Washington Times,August 21, 2009 on page 8C
Top notch tutor: Olympian Silver Medalist Zhang is workijng with Hall of Famer Lou Duva with a photo of the two as published for readers.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao looking forward for another weekend to read at Borders and to blog some jokes again.
Friday, August 21, 2009 at 1.46 p.m.
Washington Post is a newspaper dedicated to thoughtful readers and I like it much for my mindful action to stay ahead with timely information and articles by intellectuals such as Henry Kissinger as I read his article several days ago.
www.reuters.com published statement by Joseph Stiglitz, the Nobel Laureate in Economics dated August 21, 2009.
USATday, August 21, 2009 page 3A:
Low Key Party for Hawaii 5-0: Islanders strike easy balance for those still uneasy over statehood.
The United States officially apologized for the overthrow of the Kingdom in a bill signed by President Clinton in 1993 when I was teaching Economics in Beijing from 1993-1996.
The resolution in 1993 did not directly provide for or require any redress for native Hawaiians,it bolstered Hawaiian sovereignty claims. Some faculty members at the University of Hawaii Graduate School are advocating Independence!
As an honorary citizen of Honolulu, Hawaii, I salute Hawaii to be the 50th State in 1959 when I was teaching Economics in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California from 1958-1961 before I accepted an offer to teach in Michigan from 1961-1964 to be back to California to do research at the RAND Corporation from January 1964 to September 1965 and then came back to Washington to compile a Directory for the National Science Foundation to encourage American scientists to contact scientists in China for scientific exchanges. Such Directory was published by Hoover Institution of Stanford University in 1971.
The Washington Times,August 21, 2009 on page 8C
Top notch tutor: Olympian Silver Medalist Zhang is workijng with Hall of Famer Lou Duva with a photo of the two as published for readers.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao looking forward for another weekend to read at Borders and to blog some jokes again.
Friday, August 21, 2009 at 1.46 p.m.
Chindex to supply China's CDC
Washington Post, August 21, 2009 on page A22:
Medical products maker Chindex International of Bethesda, Maryland said it received a contract to provide laboratory and hospital products worth $7.1 million to a Chinese health agency.
The contract with the Centers for Disease Control in the Qinghai Province is expected to ship during the current fiscal year, the company said Wednesday. I lectured to Qinghai business managers in Shanghai many years ago. Qinghai is located in the interior but businesses are doing very well and the managers traveled to Shanghai to learn management skills decades ago.
Chindex stock rose 17 cents, or 1.2%, to $14.43 Would you like to buy Chindex stocks as your investment?
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a native of Shanghai and look forward to witness Expo 2010 in Shanghai for global exposition of products from more than one hundred nations for the grand gethering for such great showplace in the world starting May 2010. American products will be shown in the American Hall being built now.
Friday, August 21, 2009 at 9.42 a.m.
Medical products maker Chindex International of Bethesda, Maryland said it received a contract to provide laboratory and hospital products worth $7.1 million to a Chinese health agency.
The contract with the Centers for Disease Control in the Qinghai Province is expected to ship during the current fiscal year, the company said Wednesday. I lectured to Qinghai business managers in Shanghai many years ago. Qinghai is located in the interior but businesses are doing very well and the managers traveled to Shanghai to learn management skills decades ago.
Chindex stock rose 17 cents, or 1.2%, to $14.43 Would you like to buy Chindex stocks as your investment?
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a native of Shanghai and look forward to witness Expo 2010 in Shanghai for global exposition of products from more than one hundred nations for the grand gethering for such great showplace in the world starting May 2010. American products will be shown in the American Hall being built now.
Friday, August 21, 2009 at 9.42 a.m.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Rose Friedman left this world at age 98? Ninety-eight
Washington Post,August 20, 2009 on page B6: Economist wrote bestsellers with husband Milton Friedman of the University of Chicago. I met Milton Friedman at the RAND Corporation in 1960s in Santa Monica,California when I was doing research in the Department of Economics.
Milton Friedman, the Nobel Laureate in Economics,(1976) passed away at age 94 and Economist John K. Galbraith of Harvard University died at age 97. Economists lived long lives to optimize and maximize their longevity. However,readers online for www.Sino-American economics can live to be centenarians due to the laughters that would cause longer living to make 100. My uncle passed away at the age 99 in Shanghai, China. He was an auditor at AIG.
Milton Friedman stressed the private sector as a monetarist after Irving Fisher and John K. Galbraith was alerted to public sector with positive and negative externalities. I am inclined to endorse Prof. Galbraith due to the realities of economics in evidence as I have sent many blogs to that effect. A book review of "Almost Everyone's Guide to Economics",published by Atlantic Economic Review,September 1979 may be searched at www.Atlantic Economic Journal online.
Books are complete when the results are shared with scholarly community. Although such sharing is accomplished in various ways, both economists meant to communicate with the readers for their views as professional educators in Economics re the science of changes and choices ad infinitum.
"Work and Study Cycle Theory" was written in 1978,for workers to continue their lifelong education to enhance productivity. Such investigation made contribution via meticulously prepared, carefully reviewed endeavors for the academic community.
The writing for "Keys for Economic Understanding""Keys to Economic Understanding" and "The Future of Community Colleges" published in the Congressional Record,July 18, 1974 was tedious but the intellectual rewards of such publications would be significant for the field in Economics.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, an octogenarian student in economic science to live and to learn with joy as a learner with upbeat attitude and positive scenario for living in the mundane world with the motto of "to optimize and to maximize" things in life in the light vein.
Thursday, August 20,2009 at the Base Library at 1 p.m.
Milton Friedman, the Nobel Laureate in Economics,(1976) passed away at age 94 and Economist John K. Galbraith of Harvard University died at age 97. Economists lived long lives to optimize and maximize their longevity. However,readers online for www.Sino-American economics can live to be centenarians due to the laughters that would cause longer living to make 100. My uncle passed away at the age 99 in Shanghai, China. He was an auditor at AIG.
Milton Friedman stressed the private sector as a monetarist after Irving Fisher and John K. Galbraith was alerted to public sector with positive and negative externalities. I am inclined to endorse Prof. Galbraith due to the realities of economics in evidence as I have sent many blogs to that effect. A book review of "Almost Everyone's Guide to Economics",published by Atlantic Economic Review,September 1979 may be searched at www.Atlantic Economic Journal online.
Books are complete when the results are shared with scholarly community. Although such sharing is accomplished in various ways, both economists meant to communicate with the readers for their views as professional educators in Economics re the science of changes and choices ad infinitum.
"Work and Study Cycle Theory" was written in 1978,for workers to continue their lifelong education to enhance productivity. Such investigation made contribution via meticulously prepared, carefully reviewed endeavors for the academic community.
The writing for "Keys for Economic Understanding""Keys to Economic Understanding" and "The Future of Community Colleges" published in the Congressional Record,July 18, 1974 was tedious but the intellectual rewards of such publications would be significant for the field in Economics.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, an octogenarian student in economic science to live and to learn with joy as a learner with upbeat attitude and positive scenario for living in the mundane world with the motto of "to optimize and to maximize" things in life in the light vein.
Thursday, August 20,2009 at the Base Library at 1 p.m.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The Washington Times,8/19/09 page A8
The Consumer Protection Agency is endorsed by leaders and consumers in USA and in China as well in the name of all consumers.:-
"The curent financial crisis, caused by irresponsible subprime lending and inadequate oversight, has demonstrated the need for comprehensive and effective consumer protection and endorsement at the federal level."
FED chairman Bernanke said in July that stripping his agency of consumer regulatory powers could hurt the economy because risk assessment and compliance monitoring of consumer and prudential regulations are closedly related.
Leaders and consumers in China are in the same line of reasoning for the wellbeing of consumers in the mundane world.
Page A18: Robert Novak, the columnist, R.I.P. He agreed with the approach of Mea Culpa with the Holy Spirit as his conversion at age 67 to have found the Kingdom of Laotianye. Moreover, he believed the supply-side of economics stressing the training and retraining of workers to supply the changing demand of a nation under financial crisis as per the past blogs.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao on August 19, 2009 at 2.22 p.m.
"The curent financial crisis, caused by irresponsible subprime lending and inadequate oversight, has demonstrated the need for comprehensive and effective consumer protection and endorsement at the federal level."
FED chairman Bernanke said in July that stripping his agency of consumer regulatory powers could hurt the economy because risk assessment and compliance monitoring of consumer and prudential regulations are closedly related.
Leaders and consumers in China are in the same line of reasoning for the wellbeing of consumers in the mundane world.
Page A18: Robert Novak, the columnist, R.I.P. He agreed with the approach of Mea Culpa with the Holy Spirit as his conversion at age 67 to have found the Kingdom of Laotianye. Moreover, he believed the supply-side of economics stressing the training and retraining of workers to supply the changing demand of a nation under financial crisis as per the past blogs.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao on August 19, 2009 at 2.22 p.m.
Rebalancing Relations with China by Dr. Henry Kissinger
Washington Post, August 19, 2009 on page A15 Former Secretary of State published an insightful article for reader's reference: Please read the following to stay informed about Sino-American Economics for knowledge and wisdom in the 21st century. To wit: -
"For decades, the global economic system was sustained by American predominance. America's appetite for consumer goods (with less cost) had sent enormous amounts of dollars to China and China lent back to us for more buying. China finds itself obliged to largely retain its Treasury holdings of nearly $1 trillion."
Such is the legacy of Confucianism of friendship as I have envisioned for years.
"China has a growing interst in reducing its dependence on American decisions. (Both USA and China are sovereign nations and both are permanent members of the Security Council of the United Nations) Since American inflation as well as deflation have become for China nightmares as grave as they are for America, the two nations face the imperative of coordinating their economic policies. (Perhaps humanpower policy apropos of training and retraining of the skilled labor would be a case in point. Cf."Keys for Economic Understanding. Cf.www.Amazon.com book category for reference.) As America's largest creditor, China has a degree of economic leverage unprecedented in the US experience." It is high time for Americans to be aware such economic realities in the 21st century.
"While the center of gravity of international affairs shifts to Asia and America finds a new role distinct from hegemony yet compatible with leadership, we need a vision of a Pacific structure based on close cooperation between America and China(as I stated in my prior blogs) but also broad enough to enable other nations bordering the Pacific to fulfill their aspirations.
I agree with Henry Kissinger's views in toto and this article is an updated version of Minxin PEI's article,published by "Foreign Policy" July/August issue 2009 that I commented several days ago in my blogs for understanding Sino-American Economics.
Henry Kissinger was a Consultant at the RAND Corporation in 1964-65 while I was a member of the research staff in the Department of Economics,1964-1965. Economist Richard Moorsteen published "Remaking China Policy" Harvard University Press, 1971 with his vision. Perhaps "A Glimpse of the Chinese Language"( published in 1965 on page 8 urging China to join the international community) would be another vision by a lifelong student of economics. Such visions are realized after several decades re empirical evidence.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 at 9.42 a.m.
"For decades, the global economic system was sustained by American predominance. America's appetite for consumer goods (with less cost) had sent enormous amounts of dollars to China and China lent back to us for more buying. China finds itself obliged to largely retain its Treasury holdings of nearly $1 trillion."
Such is the legacy of Confucianism of friendship as I have envisioned for years.
"China has a growing interst in reducing its dependence on American decisions. (Both USA and China are sovereign nations and both are permanent members of the Security Council of the United Nations) Since American inflation as well as deflation have become for China nightmares as grave as they are for America, the two nations face the imperative of coordinating their economic policies. (Perhaps humanpower policy apropos of training and retraining of the skilled labor would be a case in point. Cf."Keys for Economic Understanding. Cf.www.Amazon.com book category for reference.) As America's largest creditor, China has a degree of economic leverage unprecedented in the US experience." It is high time for Americans to be aware such economic realities in the 21st century.
"While the center of gravity of international affairs shifts to Asia and America finds a new role distinct from hegemony yet compatible with leadership, we need a vision of a Pacific structure based on close cooperation between America and China(as I stated in my prior blogs) but also broad enough to enable other nations bordering the Pacific to fulfill their aspirations.
I agree with Henry Kissinger's views in toto and this article is an updated version of Minxin PEI's article,published by "Foreign Policy" July/August issue 2009 that I commented several days ago in my blogs for understanding Sino-American Economics.
Henry Kissinger was a Consultant at the RAND Corporation in 1964-65 while I was a member of the research staff in the Department of Economics,1964-1965. Economist Richard Moorsteen published "Remaking China Policy" Harvard University Press, 1971 with his vision. Perhaps "A Glimpse of the Chinese Language"( published in 1965 on page 8 urging China to join the international community) would be another vision by a lifelong student of economics. Such visions are realized after several decades re empirical evidence.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 at 9.42 a.m.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Economics of Trade: Issues: Pin yin with metaphor/analogy
Current Tire Issues are in the spotlight and I have 16 Chinese words to describe such situations for reader's reference. Your feedback would be welcome and your comments are invited,please?
"Zhi zhi qi yi, bu zhi qi er"
"Tang lang bu chan, huang que zai hou"
Such figures of speech would have some humor if detected?
Thank you very much. Have a great day,everyday!
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, an octogenarian faculty at www.Dictyon.net on Tuesday, August 18, 2009 at 8.26 p.m.
"Zhi zhi qi yi, bu zhi qi er"
"Tang lang bu chan, huang que zai hou"
Such figures of speech would have some humor if detected?
Thank you very much. Have a great day,everyday!
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, an octogenarian faculty at www.Dictyon.net on Tuesday, August 18, 2009 at 8.26 p.m.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Sequel to Global Economic Recovery with comments
Washington Post, August 17, 2009 on page A4:
"A bigger problem looms outside of banks - in credit markets, which account for vast chunks of mortgage lending, consumer loans and commercial real estate loans.
Credit fuels housing. It fuels consumer durable goods. It fuels business investment. It's in every part of the economy. said Reinhart, an economist at the University of Maryland."
Comment: Such is a kind of multiplier effect to some degrees.
"Currently, Americans are saving more and paying down debt; the savings rate was 1.2% of disposable income in early 2008. By the second quarter of this year, that rose to 5.2%. "
Comment: Americans have adjusted lifestyle of consumption to a certain extent.
It is predicted the crisis and recession have caused savings to go much higher and that is going to slow growth of consumption even once incomes start growing. According to McKinsey Global Institute: When the savings rate goes up by a percentage point, spending decreases by more than $100 billion.
Comment: Such reduction of spending would invariably lead to lower GDP.
Michael Mussa, a fellow at the Peter G. Peterson Institute for International Economics said:"Deep recession are followed by steep recoveries and economic forecasts almost never take account of this regularity.
"he honest truth is there is incredible uncertainty in the forecast right now, " said Gertler of New York University. "Recessions are periods where the negative surprises outweigh the positive surprises. We're overdue for some more positive surprises now."
Professor John K. Galbraith published "The Age of Uncertainty" decades ago and I have cited his insights in my blogs many times.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao who believes that material success is worth working but there is no need to sacrifice the truly important, enriching and soul-satisfying part of intellectual life.
Life is a pursuit of economic philosophy as I have had such thoughts for decades.
Monday, August 17, 2009 at 7.32 p.m.
"A bigger problem looms outside of banks - in credit markets, which account for vast chunks of mortgage lending, consumer loans and commercial real estate loans.
Credit fuels housing. It fuels consumer durable goods. It fuels business investment. It's in every part of the economy. said Reinhart, an economist at the University of Maryland."
Comment: Such is a kind of multiplier effect to some degrees.
"Currently, Americans are saving more and paying down debt; the savings rate was 1.2% of disposable income in early 2008. By the second quarter of this year, that rose to 5.2%. "
Comment: Americans have adjusted lifestyle of consumption to a certain extent.
It is predicted the crisis and recession have caused savings to go much higher and that is going to slow growth of consumption even once incomes start growing. According to McKinsey Global Institute: When the savings rate goes up by a percentage point, spending decreases by more than $100 billion.
Comment: Such reduction of spending would invariably lead to lower GDP.
Michael Mussa, a fellow at the Peter G. Peterson Institute for International Economics said:"Deep recession are followed by steep recoveries and economic forecasts almost never take account of this regularity.
"he honest truth is there is incredible uncertainty in the forecast right now, " said Gertler of New York University. "Recessions are periods where the negative surprises outweigh the positive surprises. We're overdue for some more positive surprises now."
Professor John K. Galbraith published "The Age of Uncertainty" decades ago and I have cited his insights in my blogs many times.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao who believes that material success is worth working but there is no need to sacrifice the truly important, enriching and soul-satisfying part of intellectual life.
Life is a pursuit of economic philosophy as I have had such thoughts for decades.
Monday, August 17, 2009 at 7.32 p.m.
Amusing points for Americans or Chinese with a laugh
Laughter is good for human capital of health in economics:
1. An artist is not a special person but every person is a special kind of artist especially Chinese calligraphy as ideogram or ideograph. Chinese language is a form of art and music as known.
2. There is no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act has repercussions in the mind and heart of the recipient.
3. An optimist is a happy economist who has the upbeat scenario while a pessimist sees only the downturn of his/her personal finance. Life is not finance only and the best things in life is FREE.
4.Red, yellow and blue are the primary colors: Red represents happy occasions; Yellow may be suntan or the natural suntan for ethnicity and Blue indicates nobility. Red,White,Blue are the color for USA but America is multi-colored melting pot with brown or Yellow folks as well.
5.Americans and Chinese love chocolate. The English Quaker John Cadbury created the first chocolate bars and began selling them in his tea and coffee shop. Tea is a famous product from China as exports to other countries centuries ago.
6. More than 10,000 tigers live in zoos and sanctuaries around the world. I was born in the Year of the Tiger(1926) and I have traveled from China to USA and vice versa many times as a human being to gain knowledge as a learner for life.
7. I love peanuts since I was a boy but I like cashew better. The joke for Cashew is: Peanut with a cold or flu.(from bird flu to swine flu to dog flu...)
8. The nations in the world are going to do something about the flu as per WHO instructions. It may be illegal to cough but such law is hardly enforced due to human behavior for freedom.(sic)
9. Folks save money but money may be papers. So folks save papers in substance. Such thought may be regarded as profound philosophical underpinning.
10. Beware of half-truths. You may get the wrong half!
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao trying to spread humor to readers online.
August 17, 2009 at 10.30 a.m.
1. An artist is not a special person but every person is a special kind of artist especially Chinese calligraphy as ideogram or ideograph. Chinese language is a form of art and music as known.
2. There is no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act has repercussions in the mind and heart of the recipient.
3. An optimist is a happy economist who has the upbeat scenario while a pessimist sees only the downturn of his/her personal finance. Life is not finance only and the best things in life is FREE.
4.Red, yellow and blue are the primary colors: Red represents happy occasions; Yellow may be suntan or the natural suntan for ethnicity and Blue indicates nobility. Red,White,Blue are the color for USA but America is multi-colored melting pot with brown or Yellow folks as well.
5.Americans and Chinese love chocolate. The English Quaker John Cadbury created the first chocolate bars and began selling them in his tea and coffee shop. Tea is a famous product from China as exports to other countries centuries ago.
6. More than 10,000 tigers live in zoos and sanctuaries around the world. I was born in the Year of the Tiger(1926) and I have traveled from China to USA and vice versa many times as a human being to gain knowledge as a learner for life.
7. I love peanuts since I was a boy but I like cashew better. The joke for Cashew is: Peanut with a cold or flu.(from bird flu to swine flu to dog flu...)
8. The nations in the world are going to do something about the flu as per WHO instructions. It may be illegal to cough but such law is hardly enforced due to human behavior for freedom.(sic)
9. Folks save money but money may be papers. So folks save papers in substance. Such thought may be regarded as profound philosophical underpinning.
10. Beware of half-truths. You may get the wrong half!
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao trying to spread humor to readers online.
August 17, 2009 at 10.30 a.m.
Will U.S. Recovery Go Global by Robert J. Samuelson
Washington Post, August 17, 2009 on page A13:
"Developing countries would seem to be the obvious replacement for American spending as the world's economic motor. International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimates China(11.4%),India about 5% and Brazil about 3%. These countries already account for nearly half of global economic output. By comparison, the United States is also a fifth about the same as Brazil.
The Economist magazine headlines:"Asia's Astonishing Rebound" Such information is the sequel to my comments in my blog dated August 16,09 re the article by Minxin PEI published by Foreign Policy magazine in July/August 2009. The following is the impact of lifestyle of the folks to save for emergencies. Economics is a behavioral science of observation with change and choice.
The large trade imbalances fundamentally stemmed from high saving rates. In 2008, China's saving rate was an astounding 54% of GDP, Hong Kong's 35% and Taiwan's 28% as reported by economist Eswar Prasad of Cornell University. The US saving rate, including both households and businesses was 12% of GDP."
Such data may be regarded as empirical evidence. Needless to say,consumers would buy Chinese products for good quality at less cost.
Samuelson further stated:"As US and European markets have weakened, Chinese exporters have shifted to emerging market countries, such as Brazil , Egypt and other nations in Asia.
Economist Nicholas Lardy of the Peterson Institue for International Economics is more optimistic. Now China is rebuilding the safety net. Since 2005, spending on health insurance, pensions and education has roughly doubled. Such policies are designed to serve the people in the 21st century. The Editorial on China in the Washington Post today also cited the new policy for online users including user-friendly way of the West. Globalization is the best avenue to communicate with folks, both in the East and the West, for better understanding of global peace and economic development.
The global economy is at a fateful juncture. Without the prop of American spending, the world needs a new basis for mutually beneficial growth. Without it, we may face protectionism, nationalism and economic strife."
Samuelson's conclusion is the gist of Sino-American Economics as I would envision and endorse for decades. I agree with his thoughtful and insightful analysis.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a graduate student from China in 1947 to compare notes with others,to share knowledge with readers online and to seek wisdom in the long run.
Monday, August 17, 2009 at 9.52 a.m.
"Developing countries would seem to be the obvious replacement for American spending as the world's economic motor. International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimates China(11.4%),India about 5% and Brazil about 3%. These countries already account for nearly half of global economic output. By comparison, the United States is also a fifth about the same as Brazil.
The Economist magazine headlines:"Asia's Astonishing Rebound" Such information is the sequel to my comments in my blog dated August 16,09 re the article by Minxin PEI published by Foreign Policy magazine in July/August 2009. The following is the impact of lifestyle of the folks to save for emergencies. Economics is a behavioral science of observation with change and choice.
The large trade imbalances fundamentally stemmed from high saving rates. In 2008, China's saving rate was an astounding 54% of GDP, Hong Kong's 35% and Taiwan's 28% as reported by economist Eswar Prasad of Cornell University. The US saving rate, including both households and businesses was 12% of GDP."
Such data may be regarded as empirical evidence. Needless to say,consumers would buy Chinese products for good quality at less cost.
Samuelson further stated:"As US and European markets have weakened, Chinese exporters have shifted to emerging market countries, such as Brazil , Egypt and other nations in Asia.
Economist Nicholas Lardy of the Peterson Institue for International Economics is more optimistic. Now China is rebuilding the safety net. Since 2005, spending on health insurance, pensions and education has roughly doubled. Such policies are designed to serve the people in the 21st century. The Editorial on China in the Washington Post today also cited the new policy for online users including user-friendly way of the West. Globalization is the best avenue to communicate with folks, both in the East and the West, for better understanding of global peace and economic development.
The global economy is at a fateful juncture. Without the prop of American spending, the world needs a new basis for mutually beneficial growth. Without it, we may face protectionism, nationalism and economic strife."
Samuelson's conclusion is the gist of Sino-American Economics as I would envision and endorse for decades. I agree with his thoughtful and insightful analysis.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a graduate student from China in 1947 to compare notes with others,to share knowledge with readers online and to seek wisdom in the long run.
Monday, August 17, 2009 at 9.52 a.m.
Cardinal Richelieu established Chateau in 1632 in France. Its history drew interest from Chinese investors.
Chinese investors bought the wine factory in June 2009. It may be a creative new way to utilize the resources in France for the customers in China.
For many producers, the potential consumers of China have come to represent a new horizon, perhaps a source of wealth that will pull the region out of a slump brought on by overheated prices, competition from New World wines and the global recession including USA.
Researcher Liu Liu in Beijing contributed to this report and Washington Post published such news for American reference.
Such is another information for interested readers online apropos of Sino-American Economics.
Perhaps it is time to take swift and inspired action for good health i.e. Red Grape Wines.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao on Monday, August 17, 2009 at 6.12 a.m.
For many producers, the potential consumers of China have come to represent a new horizon, perhaps a source of wealth that will pull the region out of a slump brought on by overheated prices, competition from New World wines and the global recession including USA.
Researcher Liu Liu in Beijing contributed to this report and Washington Post published such news for American reference.
Such is another information for interested readers online apropos of Sino-American Economics.
Perhaps it is time to take swift and inspired action for good health i.e. Red Grape Wines.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao on Monday, August 17, 2009 at 6.12 a.m.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
A discrepancy at best for Doctored Data in Argentina
Washington Post, August 16, 2009 on page A12:
Workers at National Institute of Statistics call it crass manipulation in Buenos Aires.
Their agency altered socioeconomic data to reflect numbers palatable to the presidency.
Such case reminds me of queries by students raised from 1950s to 1990s in the 20th century apropos of "Economic Report of the President " published every February with forecasts.
"How do they know the future of the economy?" My reply was the "educated guestimates."
"Crass Manipulation" may be regarded as "utmost hyperbole?" Lingonomics in evidence?
The rate of inflation is 30% or 10%? The poverty figure in Argentina may be 23% as released by government but may be 40% by church authorities.
Well,data may or may not be evidence? The late Professor John K. Galbraith is still correct in saying that there are those who don't know and those who don't know they don't know. Such is humor in economics or in other fields as well.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao trying to appreciate Mark Twain's famous lines:" There are liars, damned liars and statisticians."
Sunday, August 16, 2009 sharing jokes with readers online in the lighter mood.
Workers at National Institute of Statistics call it crass manipulation in Buenos Aires.
Their agency altered socioeconomic data to reflect numbers palatable to the presidency.
Such case reminds me of queries by students raised from 1950s to 1990s in the 20th century apropos of "Economic Report of the President " published every February with forecasts.
"How do they know the future of the economy?" My reply was the "educated guestimates."
"Crass Manipulation" may be regarded as "utmost hyperbole?" Lingonomics in evidence?
The rate of inflation is 30% or 10%? The poverty figure in Argentina may be 23% as released by government but may be 40% by church authorities.
Well,data may or may not be evidence? The late Professor John K. Galbraith is still correct in saying that there are those who don't know and those who don't know they don't know. Such is humor in economics or in other fields as well.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao trying to appreciate Mark Twain's famous lines:" There are liars, damned liars and statisticians."
Sunday, August 16, 2009 sharing jokes with readers online in the lighter mood.
Foreign Policy,July/August 2009: USA and Asia
Minxin PEI, a senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, says his childhood in Shanghai inculcated him with an early misunderstanding of the West:"We thought the Americans were starving! We thought the capitalist bosses could beat up workers as they wished, now, he says, most Chinese get the US basically right though the role of money in politics is exaggerated. (sic) PEI cracks "Western myths" : inexorable rise of Asia,page 32. "Think Again: Don't believe the hype about decline of America and the dawn of a new Asian Age." Let us face the realities of the American economy. It is high time to be alerted to the globalization with the awareness of bi-lateral relations of USA and China. The East and the West should be ONE on the same earth.
Comment: PEI is working at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Such peace can only be obtained via the cooperation and collaboration of two nations in the 21st century. Any negative scenario would be rendering disservice to the nation if we are already aware of the judgment of American leaders :China is a creditor nation as the holder of US government securities. PEI was raised during the period of hostile relations and such bias must be updated with positive economic relations of USA and China. The World Bank, United Nations and American Nobel Winners in Economics expressed favorable views about US-China relations for world peace and economic development.
I had my childhood education and university education in Shanghai with my degree in 1946 after the World War II, we regarded US as a friendly nation and as a partner to fight aggression from Japan. I am gratified to witness US-China Strategic Dialogue as an evidence of the positive relations recently. I have reason to believe that scholars must be up-to-date in our thoughts and to stay ahead of the times.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, an octogenarian graduate student from China in 1947,envisioning the best interest of peoples of USA and China in the 21st century.
Sunday, August 16, 2009 at 2.36 p.m. Bowie Library.
Comment: PEI is working at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Such peace can only be obtained via the cooperation and collaboration of two nations in the 21st century. Any negative scenario would be rendering disservice to the nation if we are already aware of the judgment of American leaders :China is a creditor nation as the holder of US government securities. PEI was raised during the period of hostile relations and such bias must be updated with positive economic relations of USA and China. The World Bank, United Nations and American Nobel Winners in Economics expressed favorable views about US-China relations for world peace and economic development.
I had my childhood education and university education in Shanghai with my degree in 1946 after the World War II, we regarded US as a friendly nation and as a partner to fight aggression from Japan. I am gratified to witness US-China Strategic Dialogue as an evidence of the positive relations recently. I have reason to believe that scholars must be up-to-date in our thoughts and to stay ahead of the times.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, an octogenarian graduate student from China in 1947,envisioning the best interest of peoples of USA and China in the 21st century.
Sunday, August 16, 2009 at 2.36 p.m. Bowie Library.
BUSINESS WEEK magazine,Aug.24-31,09
Page 040:" The economic storm has been harrowing(zhe-mo-ren-de-shi) and now is not the time to discount the dangers that may still lurk. But you owe it to yourself to ponder the real possibility that the worst is behind us. Opening your mind to rational optimism can help you seize opportunities ahead. Optimism breeds confidence with upbeat outlook as reflected in the positive attitude."
Comment: Such rationale is exactly the same as the blogs in the past! Change of lifestyle of Americans to study Confucianism re simplicity+ serenity would be beneficial for Americans with ethics and morality to have moderation as "zhong rong zhi dao"in Pin Yin system of romanization. Yahoo cited Christian Science Monitor several days ago about Confucianism promoting better US-China relations in the 21st century as I have advocated for Confucian philosophy.
Page 012: China National Petroleum and China National Offshore Oil have offered $17 billion to buy a major stake in Argentina oil and gas producer Repsol YPF from its Spanish parent,REPOSOL. When such deal goes through ,it would mark China's biggest overseas buy ever for US reference re business deals apropos of Sino-American/US-China economics.
Page 017: All the indicators for Japan and Europe - showing that at a minimum the decline has slowed but for UK and China, we actually have positive growth.
Management Guru Peter Drucker stresses the change in the theory of business for the ability to meet the new consumer demand."
Such is identical to my reiterated focus of supplying the changing demand of sectors such as education including the study of foreign languages for communicating with other folks. Americans need to study foreign languages and Chinese must learn English, the language of international business. The East and the West do meet to enforce globalization.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao making comments after reading the current issue of Business Week magazine on Sunday, August 16, 2009 at 1.40 p.m. at Bowie Library.
Comment: Such rationale is exactly the same as the blogs in the past! Change of lifestyle of Americans to study Confucianism re simplicity+ serenity would be beneficial for Americans with ethics and morality to have moderation as "zhong rong zhi dao"in Pin Yin system of romanization. Yahoo cited Christian Science Monitor several days ago about Confucianism promoting better US-China relations in the 21st century as I have advocated for Confucian philosophy.
Page 012: China National Petroleum and China National Offshore Oil have offered $17 billion to buy a major stake in Argentina oil and gas producer Repsol YPF from its Spanish parent,REPOSOL. When such deal goes through ,it would mark China's biggest overseas buy ever for US reference re business deals apropos of Sino-American/US-China economics.
Page 017: All the indicators for Japan and Europe - showing that at a minimum the decline has slowed but for UK and China, we actually have positive growth.
Management Guru Peter Drucker stresses the change in the theory of business for the ability to meet the new consumer demand."
Such is identical to my reiterated focus of supplying the changing demand of sectors such as education including the study of foreign languages for communicating with other folks. Americans need to study foreign languages and Chinese must learn English, the language of international business. The East and the West do meet to enforce globalization.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao making comments after reading the current issue of Business Week magazine on Sunday, August 16, 2009 at 1.40 p.m. at Bowie Library.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Space Culture with success: Common Goal for US & China
When humans first went to space in the 1950s and 1960s, many rockets and satellites failed, leading to the deevelopment of processes and technologies to reduce the probability of failure. The extreme harshness of the space environment required novel technologies, but it also drove conservative design to prevent or mitigate failures. In formative years, these contradictory requirements deeply influenced its organizations and processes. The space missions, along with the fact that they were generally unique or few of a kind, led to the adoption and refinement of project management and systems engineering to develop and build rockets and spacecraft.
Acquiring, sharing, and preserving the generations of knowledge needed for its new human exploration missions will require substantial ongoing attention to good knowledge practices. Such innovative missions must continue to do so if and when Sino-American Economics would cooperate in the future.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao on Saturday, August 15, 2009 at Base Library at 3.16 p.m.
Acquiring, sharing, and preserving the generations of knowledge needed for its new human exploration missions will require substantial ongoing attention to good knowledge practices. Such innovative missions must continue to do so if and when Sino-American Economics would cooperate in the future.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao on Saturday, August 15, 2009 at Base Library at 3.16 p.m.
Excerpt(Abstract) from Washington Post,8/15/09 with comments
Page A12: Dartmouth College economist Douglas Irwin said:"I don't fear deflation. Most economists are wary about future inflation because the FED has pursued such an expansionary monetary policy." This is in line with the Keynesian Model of the Cross with expansionary gap. My brief definition of Inflation may be searched at www.baidu.com for reference.
The survey's authors cited the difference between the perception of economic recovery and actual recovery. Such is similar to my previous blogs apropos of perception and reception with empirical evidence.
Page A16: Stephen McKevitt wrote to the Editor: "It may be that the increasing birthrate in the US may be due more to the fact that fewer people have productive work to do, with many unemployed. "
Comment:"Keys for Economic Understanding" is published with the recommendation of training and retraining of the labor force to supply the demand of a changing America in the 21st century. Cf. www.Amazon.com book reference to such effect.
Page A14: Toyola leads in cash for clunkers: Corolla is No. 1 and is manufactured domestically.
I started driving Toyola Corolla in 2000 with a decision to be proven now! A vision or a coincidence!?
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a graduate student from Shanghai, China in 1947 but I am still a learner forever. To be an octogenarian with the intent to learn is to rejuvenate my youth as a "xiaohuozi" for the love of knowledge then and searching wisdom now in the 21st century.
Saturday, August 15, 2009 at 8.50 a.m.
The survey's authors cited the difference between the perception of economic recovery and actual recovery. Such is similar to my previous blogs apropos of perception and reception with empirical evidence.
Page A16: Stephen McKevitt wrote to the Editor: "It may be that the increasing birthrate in the US may be due more to the fact that fewer people have productive work to do, with many unemployed. "
Comment:"Keys for Economic Understanding" is published with the recommendation of training and retraining of the labor force to supply the demand of a changing America in the 21st century. Cf. www.Amazon.com book reference to such effect.
Page A14: Toyola leads in cash for clunkers: Corolla is No. 1 and is manufactured domestically.
I started driving Toyola Corolla in 2000 with a decision to be proven now! A vision or a coincidence!?
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a graduate student from Shanghai, China in 1947 but I am still a learner forever. To be an octogenarian with the intent to learn is to rejuvenate my youth as a "xiaohuozi" for the love of knowledge then and searching wisdom now in the 21st century.
Saturday, August 15, 2009 at 8.50 a.m.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Wall Street Journal,Aug.14, 09 GM and China+ Confucius
General Motors and China to expand low-cost exports. Page B2
Macau Credit Pact is boost for Sands. Page B3
Evidence of Sino-American Economic activities as published per se.
Moreover, I thoroughly enjoyed reading the story of Confucius in Chinese, published in Hong Kong by an author of Jinan University, Shandong Province. After reading such pocket edition, I had an opportunity to refresh my mind about my early education I received in China with intellectual utility(satisfaction) before 1947. I came to USA in 1947 after I earned my B.A. Degree in 1946.
The Guidelines of St. John's University is taken from the aphorism of Confucius. "Xue er bu si zhi wang;Si er bu xue zhi dai." We need to learn and to think simultaneously. That is the way for proper learning. I have followed such lines with tremendous joy to sharpen my wits.
When leaders follow the lines of Confucius,the nation would be led by folks with ethics and morality to be role models with the national character jof strong willpower. In other words,the nation will have the good leaders in the mundane world.
Xie Shihao a.k.a. Francis Shieh blogging at the Beltsville Public Library at 2.30 p.m. on August 14, 2009.
Macau Credit Pact is boost for Sands. Page B3
Evidence of Sino-American Economic activities as published per se.
Moreover, I thoroughly enjoyed reading the story of Confucius in Chinese, published in Hong Kong by an author of Jinan University, Shandong Province. After reading such pocket edition, I had an opportunity to refresh my mind about my early education I received in China with intellectual utility(satisfaction) before 1947. I came to USA in 1947 after I earned my B.A. Degree in 1946.
The Guidelines of St. John's University is taken from the aphorism of Confucius. "Xue er bu si zhi wang;Si er bu xue zhi dai." We need to learn and to think simultaneously. That is the way for proper learning. I have followed such lines with tremendous joy to sharpen my wits.
When leaders follow the lines of Confucius,the nation would be led by folks with ethics and morality to be role models with the national character jof strong willpower. In other words,the nation will have the good leaders in the mundane world.
Xie Shihao a.k.a. Francis Shieh blogging at the Beltsville Public Library at 2.30 p.m. on August 14, 2009.
Washington Post,Aug.14,2009 Page A11
Personal Bankruptcy surges 34%:
Filings reached 1.25 million in the year ending June 30, up 34% from the year before, as American continued to grapple with debt, unemployment and devalued homes, according to figures released Thursdy by the Administrative Office of the US Courts.
"Spun out of control ": The person grew up with a family with no financial management at all.
She is now taking responsibility for her financial mistakes and plans to file for bankruptcy protection. She is moving her family into a smaller but cheaper two-bedroom apartment so she can save money. She vows never to use credit cards again!
Well,such credit cards abuse may be the lifestyle for many folks in USA. Such habit may be useful for folks in China for reference.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao watching the lifestyles of Americans and Chinese to make comparisons and to think about Sino-American economics of culture and tradition in the 21st century.
The readers can be the judge to draw conclusions in your own mind.
Friday,August 14, 2009 at Beltsville Public Library at 11.16 a.m.
Filings reached 1.25 million in the year ending June 30, up 34% from the year before, as American continued to grapple with debt, unemployment and devalued homes, according to figures released Thursdy by the Administrative Office of the US Courts.
"Spun out of control ": The person grew up with a family with no financial management at all.
She is now taking responsibility for her financial mistakes and plans to file for bankruptcy protection. She is moving her family into a smaller but cheaper two-bedroom apartment so she can save money. She vows never to use credit cards again!
Well,such credit cards abuse may be the lifestyle for many folks in USA. Such habit may be useful for folks in China for reference.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao watching the lifestyles of Americans and Chinese to make comparisons and to think about Sino-American economics of culture and tradition in the 21st century.
The readers can be the judge to draw conclusions in your own mind.
Friday,August 14, 2009 at Beltsville Public Library at 11.16 a.m.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Phoenix TV Hong Kong reports on August 14,09
1. President Obama stresses US-China cooperation in every field of endeavor in the 21st century. He is scheduled to attend APEC in Singapore on Nov. 14-15 including a visit to China and other nations in Asia.
2. A medium-sized oil field has been discovered near the coast of China,a good news for consumers in the future.
3. President Ma offered apology for his belated action re the disaster of the Typhoon causing loss of lives and property. Perhaps it is fitting and proper to use the Chinese expression of "Mahoupao" in Pin Yin system of romanization.(sic)
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a journalist since 1950s and was elected as a member of Gallery of Living Authors in 1956.
Thursday,August 13, 2009 at 7.56 p.m.
2. A medium-sized oil field has been discovered near the coast of China,a good news for consumers in the future.
3. President Ma offered apology for his belated action re the disaster of the Typhoon causing loss of lives and property. Perhaps it is fitting and proper to use the Chinese expression of "Mahoupao" in Pin Yin system of romanization.(sic)
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a journalist since 1950s and was elected as a member of Gallery of Living Authors in 1956.
Thursday,August 13, 2009 at 7.56 p.m.
Is America through the worst of the recession?
Washington Post,August 13, 2009 on page A17:
Douglas Holtz-Eakin,former CBO director: "If America were populated only by economic statisticians then the worst would be over... Unfortunately, the labor market remains very weak.
Comment: Statistics has a time lag and there is discrepancy at best. Prof. John K. Galbraith has doubts about data as per his book entitled "Almost Everyone's Guide to Economics." cited in my prior blog with my review published by the Atlantic Economic Journal,Sept.1979 issue.
RE: Training and retraining would be desiderata for workers to upgrade skills to supply the changing demand of a society. Cf. "Keys for Economic Understanding" for details. www.Amazon.com book catalog for reference.
Alice Rivlin, former director of CBO and Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution:-
"The main reason for optimism is that the rapid deterioration of the economy has slowed down but scared consumers are hanging on to their cash."
Comment: Since consumption sector occupies around 2/3 of GDP,the behavior of consumers would have an impact on the overall economy.
Rudelph G. Penner: Fellow at the Urban Institute: The rate of economic decline has slowed. Folks tend to be more subdued and are likely to remain unhappy for a long time due to jobs.
Comment: If the first stimulus was not very effective,the second one may be on the way in the winter?
Mark Zandi, Chief economist at Moody's economy.com:
"The foreclosure crisis shows no letup. Billions of dollars in commercial mortgage defaults are in the pipeline. The economy may need another boost."
Comment: Another stimulus package may occur in the spring of 2010?
If we are aware of global context of economics by virtue of the thoughts of economists above, it would be clearly evident that Sino-American economics is totally significant for the future of US economy. I sent my past blogs in the similar veins for reference.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao on August 13, 2009 at 2.46 p.m.
Douglas Holtz-Eakin,former CBO director: "If America were populated only by economic statisticians then the worst would be over... Unfortunately, the labor market remains very weak.
Comment: Statistics has a time lag and there is discrepancy at best. Prof. John K. Galbraith has doubts about data as per his book entitled "Almost Everyone's Guide to Economics." cited in my prior blog with my review published by the Atlantic Economic Journal,Sept.1979 issue.
RE: Training and retraining would be desiderata for workers to upgrade skills to supply the changing demand of a society. Cf. "Keys for Economic Understanding" for details. www.Amazon.com book catalog for reference.
Alice Rivlin, former director of CBO and Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution:-
"The main reason for optimism is that the rapid deterioration of the economy has slowed down but scared consumers are hanging on to their cash."
Comment: Since consumption sector occupies around 2/3 of GDP,the behavior of consumers would have an impact on the overall economy.
Rudelph G. Penner: Fellow at the Urban Institute: The rate of economic decline has slowed. Folks tend to be more subdued and are likely to remain unhappy for a long time due to jobs.
Comment: If the first stimulus was not very effective,the second one may be on the way in the winter?
Mark Zandi, Chief economist at Moody's economy.com:
"The foreclosure crisis shows no letup. Billions of dollars in commercial mortgage defaults are in the pipeline. The economy may need another boost."
Comment: Another stimulus package may occur in the spring of 2010?
If we are aware of global context of economics by virtue of the thoughts of economists above, it would be clearly evident that Sino-American economics is totally significant for the future of US economy. I sent my past blogs in the similar veins for reference.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao on August 13, 2009 at 2.46 p.m.
Markets for American Businesses in China in the 21st century
EXPRESS paper,August 13, 2009 page 8: Washington Post,Aug.13,09 page A10
Geneva: The World Trade Organization(WTO) decision could open Chinese markets for American producers. Here is evidence of Sino-American economics of trade.
The Law of Comparative Advantage works well for all nations in action.
The door will be wide open into China's 1.3 billion strong market for US companies that distribute films, publish books, produce CDs and sell online downloads of popular songs.
The Chinese foreign minister Yang,born in 1950 , (age 59) said that China was committed to international trade rules and would carry out its obligations under WTO procedures. China has joined international community as I hinted in pushing Pin Yin romanization in 1965 on page 8 apropos of "A Glimpse of the Chinese Language." Available at www.rand.org , free of charge,PDF format for better understanding of China via language as a means of communication.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, an octogenarian student watching all the activities for the benefits of consumers in USA and in China. I remember Japan attacked Shanghai on August 13,1937 (when I was 11 years young in Shanghai) but I like the Japanese language with Kanji as cultural affinity. We look forward for peace and economic development in East Asia and the world. Shanghai is going to be the host for world exposition in 2010 as the pride for all nations to witness global products in Shanghai,China starting next May. American Exhibition Hall is being built now. Here is an opportunity with a Grand Show for American products to be shown to all visitors in Shanghai.
Thursday, August 13, 2009 at 12.46 p.m.
Geneva: The World Trade Organization(WTO) decision could open Chinese markets for American producers. Here is evidence of Sino-American economics of trade.
The Law of Comparative Advantage works well for all nations in action.
The door will be wide open into China's 1.3 billion strong market for US companies that distribute films, publish books, produce CDs and sell online downloads of popular songs.
The Chinese foreign minister Yang,born in 1950 , (age 59) said that China was committed to international trade rules and would carry out its obligations under WTO procedures. China has joined international community as I hinted in pushing Pin Yin romanization in 1965 on page 8 apropos of "A Glimpse of the Chinese Language." Available at www.rand.org , free of charge,PDF format for better understanding of China via language as a means of communication.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, an octogenarian student watching all the activities for the benefits of consumers in USA and in China. I remember Japan attacked Shanghai on August 13,1937 (when I was 11 years young in Shanghai) but I like the Japanese language with Kanji as cultural affinity. We look forward for peace and economic development in East Asia and the world. Shanghai is going to be the host for world exposition in 2010 as the pride for all nations to witness global products in Shanghai,China starting next May. American Exhibition Hall is being built now. Here is an opportunity with a Grand Show for American products to be shown to all visitors in Shanghai.
Thursday, August 13, 2009 at 12.46 p.m.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
The Business of Government with Clout
"Federal Computer Week" provides news,analysis and insight to help business and technology decision makers manage IT in government to deliver business results.
Published 33 times per year, every issue offers in depth coverage of: -
1. Government missions, program, policies and business cases for IT.
2. Business best practices, creating accountability, measurability along with people management.
3. Procurement stra"tegies, technology solutions and management.
If such IT can be competitive in the Health Insurance cases,perhaps the Health Care debates may reach the solution for Obamanopoly" as Harvard Professor depicted such title in National Review,dated August 10, 2009.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao citing www.FCW.com for readers online as reference.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009 at 7.20 p.m.
Published 33 times per year, every issue offers in depth coverage of: -
1. Government missions, program, policies and business cases for IT.
2. Business best practices, creating accountability, measurability along with people management.
3. Procurement stra"tegies, technology solutions and management.
If such IT can be competitive in the Health Insurance cases,perhaps the Health Care debates may reach the solution for Obamanopoly" as Harvard Professor depicted such title in National Review,dated August 10, 2009.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao citing www.FCW.com for readers online as reference.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009 at 7.20 p.m.
Obamanopoly: In which the government's tentacles choke health-care?
Professor Regina E. Herzlinger of Harvard Business School published an article entitled "OBAMANOPOLY" in "National Review" August 10, 2009.
"Citing RAND Corporation study that middle and upper income brackets with high deductible policies spent less on health care than those with low deductible policies without negatively affecting their health,she wrote a lengthy essay to that effect.
The proper role of the government in health insurance is to help subsidize those who cannot afford it, to ensure transparency so that folks can shop intelligently, and to prosecute fraud, abuse, and anti-competitive behavior. But the government should not create a state-run market that will limiit competition, inflate cost, and prevent innovation. As in the rest of the economy, the American public should shop for itself."
Query: The behavior of the management in the private sector may be questionable in terms of greed and unethical practices. It is the human behavior in the name of economics involving health care as well. Such scenes may be found in the USA and in China as well re Sino-American Economics of Human Behavior since Economics is a behavioral science.
Comment: Supposing the American consumers are not familiar with the insurance businesses and businesses in the government may be competitive,if feasible. If so,such options would be fine and dandy. Perhaps it is too early to know the complexity or duplicity(double-dealing) of the policies. Let us read the upcoming results as empirical evidence in the days to come.
"The Washington Times "published news about health care debates apropos of AARP endorsing the proposal but is denied by AARP official. Readers should read such controversial coverages. I remember the wisecrack (facetious remark):Read the small print! Or the meaning of the word may be intricate or intriguing!? The readers online may serve as the evaluator to make assessment of Health Care.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a learner trying to find out the truth in Sino-American economics. Professor John Kenneth Galbraith wrote several decades ago:"In economics,the truth is multi-dimensional" re his book entitled: "Almost Everyone's Guide in Economics." A review may be found in the Atlantic Economic Journal, September 1979 issue. Cf. www.Atlantic Economic Journal.com for reference.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009 at 2.46 p.m.
"Citing RAND Corporation study that middle and upper income brackets with high deductible policies spent less on health care than those with low deductible policies without negatively affecting their health,she wrote a lengthy essay to that effect.
The proper role of the government in health insurance is to help subsidize those who cannot afford it, to ensure transparency so that folks can shop intelligently, and to prosecute fraud, abuse, and anti-competitive behavior. But the government should not create a state-run market that will limiit competition, inflate cost, and prevent innovation. As in the rest of the economy, the American public should shop for itself."
Query: The behavior of the management in the private sector may be questionable in terms of greed and unethical practices. It is the human behavior in the name of economics involving health care as well. Such scenes may be found in the USA and in China as well re Sino-American Economics of Human Behavior since Economics is a behavioral science.
Comment: Supposing the American consumers are not familiar with the insurance businesses and businesses in the government may be competitive,if feasible. If so,such options would be fine and dandy. Perhaps it is too early to know the complexity or duplicity(double-dealing) of the policies. Let us read the upcoming results as empirical evidence in the days to come.
"The Washington Times "published news about health care debates apropos of AARP endorsing the proposal but is denied by AARP official. Readers should read such controversial coverages. I remember the wisecrack (facetious remark):Read the small print! Or the meaning of the word may be intricate or intriguing!? The readers online may serve as the evaluator to make assessment of Health Care.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a learner trying to find out the truth in Sino-American economics. Professor John Kenneth Galbraith wrote several decades ago:"In economics,the truth is multi-dimensional" re his book entitled: "Almost Everyone's Guide in Economics." A review may be found in the Atlantic Economic Journal, September 1979 issue. Cf. www.Atlantic Economic Journal.com for reference.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009 at 2.46 p.m.
Health is Human Capital in Economics for folks in USA and China as well
ALOHA to my friends from an Honorary Citizen of Honolulu,State of Hawaii.
Folks who eat more fruits and veggies as part of an overall healthy diet are likely to have a reduced risk of chronic diseases. Fruits provide nutrients vital for health and longevity.
1. A diet rich in fruits and veggies may reduce risk for stroke and other cardiovascular diseases. Pineapple is the chosen one as heritage from Hawaii. I had free pineapple juice from the Water Fountain at Royal Hawaiian Hotel on September 3, 1947 on my way to San Francisco,Sept. 8, 1947 via American Presidential Lines: SS.General Gordon departed from Shanghai on August 24, 1947. Time goes as speedy as the e-mail in the 21st century.
2. Moreover,such diet may reduce risk for type 2 diabetes. Avoid sugar but have a piece of candy once a while.
3. Also,the diet may protect against certain cancers, such as mouth,stomach and colon cancer.
4. It may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Take aspirin in case of emergency.
5. Such diet rich in potassium as banana would reduce the risk of developing kidney problem and help to decrease bone loss.
6. Lower calorie intake is desirable for good health.
7. Most fruits are low in fat, sodium and calories. None has cholesterol.
8. Fruits have vitamin C, and folic acid.
9. Prunes and juice, dried peaches and apricots, cantaloupe, honeydew melon and orange juice are proper edible arrangements.
I trust that readers online may feel invigorated with good eats especially 3 cheers for chocolate!
10. Visit MyPyramid.gov (USDA) for information about preventing cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, Kentucky Colonel from Maryland right now, wishing all readers will become centenarians and then depart from this mundane world with sense of accomplishment on the good earth as a watcher of Sino-American Economics on the go!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009 at 9.52 a.m.
Folks who eat more fruits and veggies as part of an overall healthy diet are likely to have a reduced risk of chronic diseases. Fruits provide nutrients vital for health and longevity.
1. A diet rich in fruits and veggies may reduce risk for stroke and other cardiovascular diseases. Pineapple is the chosen one as heritage from Hawaii. I had free pineapple juice from the Water Fountain at Royal Hawaiian Hotel on September 3, 1947 on my way to San Francisco,Sept. 8, 1947 via American Presidential Lines: SS.General Gordon departed from Shanghai on August 24, 1947. Time goes as speedy as the e-mail in the 21st century.
2. Moreover,such diet may reduce risk for type 2 diabetes. Avoid sugar but have a piece of candy once a while.
3. Also,the diet may protect against certain cancers, such as mouth,stomach and colon cancer.
4. It may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Take aspirin in case of emergency.
5. Such diet rich in potassium as banana would reduce the risk of developing kidney problem and help to decrease bone loss.
6. Lower calorie intake is desirable for good health.
7. Most fruits are low in fat, sodium and calories. None has cholesterol.
8. Fruits have vitamin C, and folic acid.
9. Prunes and juice, dried peaches and apricots, cantaloupe, honeydew melon and orange juice are proper edible arrangements.
I trust that readers online may feel invigorated with good eats especially 3 cheers for chocolate!
10. Visit MyPyramid.gov (USDA) for information about preventing cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, Kentucky Colonel from Maryland right now, wishing all readers will become centenarians and then depart from this mundane world with sense of accomplishment on the good earth as a watcher of Sino-American Economics on the go!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009 at 9.52 a.m.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Sequel to Aging: Reward for growing older with comments
Age is a state of mind. You better believe it. It appears that cognitive abilities shift as we get older, but not in a negative direction. I can attest such with my own situations.
As I hit upward at age 80, my cognitive functions such as knowledge and vocabulary in Chinese and English are likely to stay the same or even better. In a Chinese class this year ,I said :"I am not aware that I do know the vocabulary and idioms in Chinese but I do have in my gray matter." My student comments:" I do know that I don't know" Confucius stated centuries ago that the passing years improve our brain-functioning ability.
Our mental abilities become sharper over the years. It is attributable to brain's neutral networks develop shortcuts that provide us a mental template of how we use new info based on long terms memory stores.
Blogging as a complex reasoning skill that can plan and apply such habit to remain intact.
The advance of age:Amalgamation of experiences with knowledge. This is geriatric psychiatry working at best for homo-sapiens. Time makes us wiser and more creative.
As we have more and more assaults on the nerve cells damage caused by stress and diet as the process of oxidation within cells,the biological changes can cause the brain to retrieve and transmit information more effectively.
Stay smart and practice good health habits and exercise our mind to protect brain and push back later into life.
Fruits and veggies are among the best foods because they are rich in antioxidants, nutrients that protect our brain and body. Perhaps Adolph Hitler was aware of such remedy as a vegetarian but he was certainly an extremist.
Hypertension/high cholesterol can be treated with "Caduit" medication serving the purpose to reduce high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Blood circulation and available oxygen are essential for healthy living. Walking can be useful for our aging years as the best exercise.
The healing clout of art: Chinese language is a form of art. Studying or teaching the Chinese language can be healing per se. This is not a joke but a case in point.
Watch chronic fatigue syndrome(CFS) Such illness may be caused by nervous conditions. It's known that lifestyle/lack of sleep or environmental factors would have a bearing of such ailment.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a student of health as human capital for folks in USA and China.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009 at 1.28 p.m.
As I hit upward at age 80, my cognitive functions such as knowledge and vocabulary in Chinese and English are likely to stay the same or even better. In a Chinese class this year ,I said :"I am not aware that I do know the vocabulary and idioms in Chinese but I do have in my gray matter." My student comments:" I do know that I don't know" Confucius stated centuries ago that the passing years improve our brain-functioning ability.
Our mental abilities become sharper over the years. It is attributable to brain's neutral networks develop shortcuts that provide us a mental template of how we use new info based on long terms memory stores.
Blogging as a complex reasoning skill that can plan and apply such habit to remain intact.
The advance of age:Amalgamation of experiences with knowledge. This is geriatric psychiatry working at best for homo-sapiens. Time makes us wiser and more creative.
As we have more and more assaults on the nerve cells damage caused by stress and diet as the process of oxidation within cells,the biological changes can cause the brain to retrieve and transmit information more effectively.
Stay smart and practice good health habits and exercise our mind to protect brain and push back later into life.
Fruits and veggies are among the best foods because they are rich in antioxidants, nutrients that protect our brain and body. Perhaps Adolph Hitler was aware of such remedy as a vegetarian but he was certainly an extremist.
Hypertension/high cholesterol can be treated with "Caduit" medication serving the purpose to reduce high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Blood circulation and available oxygen are essential for healthy living. Walking can be useful for our aging years as the best exercise.
The healing clout of art: Chinese language is a form of art. Studying or teaching the Chinese language can be healing per se. This is not a joke but a case in point.
Watch chronic fatigue syndrome(CFS) Such illness may be caused by nervous conditions. It's known that lifestyle/lack of sleep or environmental factors would have a bearing of such ailment.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a student of health as human capital for folks in USA and China.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009 at 1.28 p.m.
Washington Post,8/11/09 Econ.of Recovery and Human Capital
Page A13: Professor Alan Blinder, former Vice-Chair of the Fed. published an article with insights :Stay the Stimulus Course: Such positive scenario is to be endorsed with confidence.
"Some Republicans claim such package has failed. In medicine, that would be malpractice. In politics, it's demagoguery. In reality, we need to stay the course.
Chairman Bernanke at the FED has done a great deal, and the economy's self-curative powers also have helped." An optimistic outlook is desirable and necessary as a person with knowledge and wisdom to witness the exciting drama to be unfolded in the days to come. It is the Economy for all Smart folks to come to realization.
I do concur with such views but we must see the empirical evidence during the course of time.
Page A10: Chindex posts profit on product sales,health services in China: US Business in China. in evidence for Sino-American economics in action in the 21st century.
"With a pair of small hospitals in Beijing and Shanghai, along with a clinic in Guangzhou, Chindex International is Bethesda,Maryland-based and the facility is called Shanghai United Family Hospital. Shanghai will be the host for Expo 2010 and the American Hall is being built.
Chindex has seen its stock share prices climb steadily for much of 2009 from $3.50 in March to $15.94 on Monday, up 21.2%. Investors may be interested in such promising firm in China.
HEALTH section on page E1,E4: "Aging Well at All Ages"(views from folks in their 60s)
"Prayers are worthy to be living" in the state of mind. God takes care of everybody. Staying mentally active and having a new interest everyday. Keep reading and learning about new things in the 21st century, Staying connected to friends and family."
Comment: We are never alone in our spiritual endeavor everywhere in the world without borders from our intellectual conviction. To continue to quote statements from folks at age 60+
"Aging well means being able to stay active. Being able to carry on a normal life. Being able to have a good life. Being graceful. Stay engaged with daily happenings for fun."
I am an octogenarian since 2006 and my philosophy of life is to be a lifelong student to learn new things every day to motivate my interest with avid zeal and to sharpen my brain with intellectual clout to be joyful in the mundane world. Whenever Laotianye calls,I shall be ready but in the meantime,I count the blessings with faith, hope and love for all folks on earth as a disciple of Confucius and Mencius to be a "xiaohuozi" as a graduate student from China in 1947+ Divine Spirit from my schooling with the motto of AMDG since 1938 in China with IHS at USF and Georgetown University since 1947-1950 of the 20th century in the United States.
Tuesday,August 11, 2009 at 9.56 a.m.
"Some Republicans claim such package has failed. In medicine, that would be malpractice. In politics, it's demagoguery. In reality, we need to stay the course.
Chairman Bernanke at the FED has done a great deal, and the economy's self-curative powers also have helped." An optimistic outlook is desirable and necessary as a person with knowledge and wisdom to witness the exciting drama to be unfolded in the days to come. It is the Economy for all Smart folks to come to realization.
I do concur with such views but we must see the empirical evidence during the course of time.
Page A10: Chindex posts profit on product sales,health services in China: US Business in China. in evidence for Sino-American economics in action in the 21st century.
"With a pair of small hospitals in Beijing and Shanghai, along with a clinic in Guangzhou, Chindex International is Bethesda,Maryland-based and the facility is called Shanghai United Family Hospital. Shanghai will be the host for Expo 2010 and the American Hall is being built.
Chindex has seen its stock share prices climb steadily for much of 2009 from $3.50 in March to $15.94 on Monday, up 21.2%. Investors may be interested in such promising firm in China.
HEALTH section on page E1,E4: "Aging Well at All Ages"(views from folks in their 60s)
"Prayers are worthy to be living" in the state of mind. God takes care of everybody. Staying mentally active and having a new interest everyday. Keep reading and learning about new things in the 21st century, Staying connected to friends and family."
Comment: We are never alone in our spiritual endeavor everywhere in the world without borders from our intellectual conviction. To continue to quote statements from folks at age 60+
"Aging well means being able to stay active. Being able to carry on a normal life. Being able to have a good life. Being graceful. Stay engaged with daily happenings for fun."
I am an octogenarian since 2006 and my philosophy of life is to be a lifelong student to learn new things every day to motivate my interest with avid zeal and to sharpen my brain with intellectual clout to be joyful in the mundane world. Whenever Laotianye calls,I shall be ready but in the meantime,I count the blessings with faith, hope and love for all folks on earth as a disciple of Confucius and Mencius to be a "xiaohuozi" as a graduate student from China in 1947+ Divine Spirit from my schooling with the motto of AMDG since 1938 in China with IHS at USF and Georgetown University since 1947-1950 of the 20th century in the United States.
Tuesday,August 11, 2009 at 9.56 a.m.
Monday, August 10, 2009
The Washington Times,August 10, 2009 for your perusal
Page A13: US "pretty" sure chief of Pakistan Taliban is dead. Pretty sure or Petty sure? Watch the letter "r" to understand that "r" is neither "r"eckless nor "r"ecession but "r"ight on with faith,hope and love for global peace.
Page A15: World Artists nominated Ms Betty McGinnis of Arnold,Maryland:_
Art is one of the richest ways of bringing folks of the world together. It serves as a bridge for international understanding via cultural and citizen diplomacy to know one another and to develop mutual interest for humanity. Chinese language is a form of art apropos of calligraphy. "A Glimpse of the Chinese Language" in English explains Chinese characters as a form of art. Available at www.rand.org via PDF form, free of charge for public service.
Page A19: America may be forced to retrench militarily and fiscally:
Thomas Fingar, the formet chief analyst for the 100,000 strong US intelligence network, which includes 16 agencies with a budget of $50 billion predicted that the international system would be transferred over the next 15 years to China re global wealth and economic power from the West to the East. Comment: The East and the West shall meet as ONE globe on earth.
Former Deputy Treasury Secretary Robert Altman wrote in "Foreign Affairs,"the product of the Council of Foreign Relations that the current financial crisis is a major geopolitical setback for the US and Europe moving the center of gravity to China. Such outlook should be tempered by the success of IBM and the American educational systems. However, the loss of influence is attributable to reckless profligacy of American society."
Such prediction is not necessarily the preference of economist Joseph Schumpeter when he told his students at Harvard that Socialism is not his preference but it is his prediction in 1940s. Whether economists have vision or otherwise,the future evidence remains to be seen in the years to come.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a graduate student from Shanghai,China looking forward to witness Expo 2010 in Shanghai to be watched in person or on TV or online in the 21st century with economic utilility.
Monday, August 10, 2009 at 2.40 p.m.
Page A15: World Artists nominated Ms Betty McGinnis of Arnold,Maryland:_
Art is one of the richest ways of bringing folks of the world together. It serves as a bridge for international understanding via cultural and citizen diplomacy to know one another and to develop mutual interest for humanity. Chinese language is a form of art apropos of calligraphy. "A Glimpse of the Chinese Language" in English explains Chinese characters as a form of art. Available at www.rand.org via PDF form, free of charge for public service.
Page A19: America may be forced to retrench militarily and fiscally:
Thomas Fingar, the formet chief analyst for the 100,000 strong US intelligence network, which includes 16 agencies with a budget of $50 billion predicted that the international system would be transferred over the next 15 years to China re global wealth and economic power from the West to the East. Comment: The East and the West shall meet as ONE globe on earth.
Former Deputy Treasury Secretary Robert Altman wrote in "Foreign Affairs,"the product of the Council of Foreign Relations that the current financial crisis is a major geopolitical setback for the US and Europe moving the center of gravity to China. Such outlook should be tempered by the success of IBM and the American educational systems. However, the loss of influence is attributable to reckless profligacy of American society."
Such prediction is not necessarily the preference of economist Joseph Schumpeter when he told his students at Harvard that Socialism is not his preference but it is his prediction in 1940s. Whether economists have vision or otherwise,the future evidence remains to be seen in the years to come.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a graduate student from Shanghai,China looking forward to witness Expo 2010 in Shanghai to be watched in person or on TV or online in the 21st century with economic utilility.
Monday, August 10, 2009 at 2.40 p.m.
Ten Points/Pointers as joyful reflections in living
1.Those who are givers ( not takers ) are more blessed with cheery demeanor.
2. Life is a flashlight but we need to turn the switch on as our social skills.
3. For the lifespan as centenarians, folks spend several years laughing,several decades sleeping and hanging out with family and friends. How many years for meditation and contemplation?
4. We are as young as we feel. To be a lifelong student is the way to be young to think and to learn from others. Confucius said: "San ren xing bi you wo shi ." Xiefucius reiterated such with modification that all folks are my teachers. Modesty is to be humble in my heart.
5. It may be bad manners to dip one's bread in the gravy, but it is in good taste and would be tasty if Chinese food is served.(sic)
6. English is a funny language; a fat chance and a slim chance are the same thing. Eggplant has neither egg nor plant but a veggie in my view.
7. "Pretty ugly" may be an oxymoron but it may seem to make sense if it is said so.
8. "Exact estimate" may be OK but may be an oxymoron. It depends on data to be applied in the field of economics as assumptions. Such is the trade secret of economics. You better believe it.
9. Self-control and self-discipline are required in many acts especially in driving, eatijng or any other acts with restraint or constraint.
10. Long-range planning for economic security is warranted in the 21st century if recession is present in the mundane world. Mental depression is to be avoided if 3S-2D=RCA,the formula that I sent in the past for your mental health as a field of human capital to be applied to folks in USA and in China for Sino-American Economics.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. xie shihao has the above thoughts for fun to share with readers online as freedom of expression. You may concur or demur in reading such at the spur of senior moments as an octogenarian since 2006. Salutations to YOU for your valuable time. Enjoy life with a smile.
Monday, August 10, 2009
2. Life is a flashlight but we need to turn the switch on as our social skills.
3. For the lifespan as centenarians, folks spend several years laughing,several decades sleeping and hanging out with family and friends. How many years for meditation and contemplation?
4. We are as young as we feel. To be a lifelong student is the way to be young to think and to learn from others. Confucius said: "San ren xing bi you wo shi ." Xiefucius reiterated such with modification that all folks are my teachers. Modesty is to be humble in my heart.
5. It may be bad manners to dip one's bread in the gravy, but it is in good taste and would be tasty if Chinese food is served.(sic)
6. English is a funny language; a fat chance and a slim chance are the same thing. Eggplant has neither egg nor plant but a veggie in my view.
7. "Pretty ugly" may be an oxymoron but it may seem to make sense if it is said so.
8. "Exact estimate" may be OK but may be an oxymoron. It depends on data to be applied in the field of economics as assumptions. Such is the trade secret of economics. You better believe it.
9. Self-control and self-discipline are required in many acts especially in driving, eatijng or any other acts with restraint or constraint.
10. Long-range planning for economic security is warranted in the 21st century if recession is present in the mundane world. Mental depression is to be avoided if 3S-2D=RCA,the formula that I sent in the past for your mental health as a field of human capital to be applied to folks in USA and in China for Sino-American Economics.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. xie shihao has the above thoughts for fun to share with readers online as freedom of expression. You may concur or demur in reading such at the spur of senior moments as an octogenarian since 2006. Salutations to YOU for your valuable time. Enjoy life with a smile.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Kiplinger's magazine,September 2009 and Harvard Review
Tasty returns from emerging markets: Add international flavor to portfolio providing foreign sectors can earn higher profit in the 21st century.
IMF predicts China will grow 8.5%. Laurent Saltial sees opportunity in Brazil, India and China. He recommends investment of 15% in developing markets for potential safety and profit.
Page 18: The global recession has hurt China but much less so than other countries. China's exports are suffering but China has huge and underdeveloped home market.
Matthews China fund in 2004 $88 million in assets. Today it holds $1.6 billions. The Chinese auto and truck sales were up 34% and ours were down 34%. China Fund(Scottish): 17% over past 10 years. China car market is now bigger than America's. Baidu Web Search Engine and China Mobile are firms to be watched with optimism.
Harvard International Review,summer 2009:
Justin Yifu Lin, Chief Economist at the World Bank challenged Keynesian but favored fiscal stimulus in his conclusion. He did not provide any conclusive recommendations,however.
In the 1970s, I had an opportunity to compare notes with the late Arthur F. Burns,former Chairman of the FED and he agreed with me that Humanpower Policy should be stressed because monetary and fiscal policies cannot operate in a vacuum.
My works were directed to such objectives for economic growth via training and retraining decades ago. "Work and Study Cycle Theory" is to be validated and implemented as I would envision to enhance productivity for economic growth.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a lifelong student trying to teach and to learn in the USA apropos of American English and American culture as part and parcel of Lingonomics.
Sunday, August 9, 2009 at 2.32 p.m.
IMF predicts China will grow 8.5%. Laurent Saltial sees opportunity in Brazil, India and China. He recommends investment of 15% in developing markets for potential safety and profit.
Page 18: The global recession has hurt China but much less so than other countries. China's exports are suffering but China has huge and underdeveloped home market.
Matthews China fund in 2004 $88 million in assets. Today it holds $1.6 billions. The Chinese auto and truck sales were up 34% and ours were down 34%. China Fund(Scottish): 17% over past 10 years. China car market is now bigger than America's. Baidu Web Search Engine and China Mobile are firms to be watched with optimism.
Harvard International Review,summer 2009:
Justin Yifu Lin, Chief Economist at the World Bank challenged Keynesian but favored fiscal stimulus in his conclusion. He did not provide any conclusive recommendations,however.
In the 1970s, I had an opportunity to compare notes with the late Arthur F. Burns,former Chairman of the FED and he agreed with me that Humanpower Policy should be stressed because monetary and fiscal policies cannot operate in a vacuum.
My works were directed to such objectives for economic growth via training and retraining decades ago. "Work and Study Cycle Theory" is to be validated and implemented as I would envision to enhance productivity for economic growth.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a lifelong student trying to teach and to learn in the USA apropos of American English and American culture as part and parcel of Lingonomics.
Sunday, August 9, 2009 at 2.32 p.m.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Tidbits from "Business Week" magazine,Aug.17,09 issue
Page 042: The Coming Rebound in Brazil. We visited Brazil in 1997.
Page 049: Alibaba's share price soaring. Chairman MA is doing very well in China.
Page 028: Howard Schultz of Starbucks with multi-billion $ machine in USA and in China as well.
Page 025: Blazing Days at the Shanghai Exchange. The future remains to be seen during the course of time.
Page 018: Capitalism and Free Enterprise are working well for US and China: China has human capital ,the most populous nation and US is ahead in free enterprise. Both nations are under the system of the market economy.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao with a glimpse of the articles above. Details may be read from the original copy if interested.
Saturday, August 8, 2009. In Chinese 88 sounds like Papa or Baba i.e. father or Dad. My father left this mundane world when I was only 7 years young in Shanghai,China.
Page 049: Alibaba's share price soaring. Chairman MA is doing very well in China.
Page 028: Howard Schultz of Starbucks with multi-billion $ machine in USA and in China as well.
Page 025: Blazing Days at the Shanghai Exchange. The future remains to be seen during the course of time.
Page 018: Capitalism and Free Enterprise are working well for US and China: China has human capital ,the most populous nation and US is ahead in free enterprise. Both nations are under the system of the market economy.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao with a glimpse of the articles above. Details may be read from the original copy if interested.
Saturday, August 8, 2009. In Chinese 88 sounds like Papa or Baba i.e. father or Dad. My father left this mundane world when I was only 7 years young in Shanghai,China.
Washington Post,August 8, 2009 Comics for laugh et al
When an elderly person reads "Health Reform Scare Tactics" He reacted by saying:"On the bright side, we can expect really long delays before they euthanize us!" A real joke!
In Pin Yin:"Yi xiao zhi zhi" 4 Chinese characters are fitting and proper,indeed! Moreover, Never OAO acronym for Old And Ornery! We must have our mindset to be young and be nice!
That is more forceful and courageous and deliciously philosophical. We ought to be high-minded and give ourselves blessings. We stay informed as consumers and obviously unique with much joy. Joy and upbeat are twin brothers and sisters. Stick around with such aphorism.
Unemployment data are not without controversy. The so-called standard and accepted statistical method would never be accurate due to time lag and unreported discouraged workers.
I was assigned to teach statistics for six years in 1950s and I detected such uncertainty at best.
In Pin Yin: "Yi gai er lun" would be falling into the pit in substance. Avoid such pitfalls. Any generalization would be grossly unwise and untrue!
On page B2: GOD IN GOVERNMENT: President Obama's nominee for ambassador to the Vatican is Miguel Diaz, the first Hispanic to hold the post. He is a professor at St. John's University but not in Shanghai,China. I have reason to believe that Diaz is trying to find comon ground and have pragmatic approach for the culture between the abortion rights and antiabortion sides. Confucianism would be desirable for his understanding. However, the Western scholar appears to be paying less or no attention to the moral leader in the East in addition to the moral leadership of the Holy Father (Holy Younger Brother to be exact because he was born in 1927)in Rome,the State of Vatican.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. A disciple of Confucianism by Chinese tradition with the opportunity to be exposed to Christianity in my schooling in China and in the United States. Here is the meeting venue of Sino-American Economic Philosophy to unite the East and the West on earth in the mundane world.
Saturday, August 8, 2009 at 10 a.m.
In Pin Yin:"Yi xiao zhi zhi" 4 Chinese characters are fitting and proper,indeed! Moreover, Never OAO acronym for Old And Ornery! We must have our mindset to be young and be nice!
That is more forceful and courageous and deliciously philosophical. We ought to be high-minded and give ourselves blessings. We stay informed as consumers and obviously unique with much joy. Joy and upbeat are twin brothers and sisters. Stick around with such aphorism.
Unemployment data are not without controversy. The so-called standard and accepted statistical method would never be accurate due to time lag and unreported discouraged workers.
I was assigned to teach statistics for six years in 1950s and I detected such uncertainty at best.
In Pin Yin: "Yi gai er lun" would be falling into the pit in substance. Avoid such pitfalls. Any generalization would be grossly unwise and untrue!
On page B2: GOD IN GOVERNMENT: President Obama's nominee for ambassador to the Vatican is Miguel Diaz, the first Hispanic to hold the post. He is a professor at St. John's University but not in Shanghai,China. I have reason to believe that Diaz is trying to find comon ground and have pragmatic approach for the culture between the abortion rights and antiabortion sides. Confucianism would be desirable for his understanding. However, the Western scholar appears to be paying less or no attention to the moral leader in the East in addition to the moral leadership of the Holy Father (Holy Younger Brother to be exact because he was born in 1927)in Rome,the State of Vatican.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. A disciple of Confucianism by Chinese tradition with the opportunity to be exposed to Christianity in my schooling in China and in the United States. Here is the meeting venue of Sino-American Economic Philosophy to unite the East and the West on earth in the mundane world.
Saturday, August 8, 2009 at 10 a.m.
Friday, August 7, 2009
USAToday,August 7, 09 News for reference
Page 6A: Merrill Lynch was allowed to pay out $3.6 billion in bonuses.
Laurence Edwards wrote his letter to the Editor:
Stories like this really make me feel sick about this country. Some of the money may used to help Americans who are underwater on mortgages.
Comment: Page 1B: Geithner: Financial reform due:The House approved the plan's restraints on executives' pay. Query: Including bonuses?
On the same page: Travelers chafe at sky-high cost of eating at airports. I had to pay $2 for one cookie or 12 wee small cookies for $5.20 However,I paid the same at Panda Express. Well,Panda is not greedy! Eat bamboo shoots!That's the lifestyle difference! But I remember the mantra: faith,hope and charity for all folks whose goal is to make reasonable profit! How reasonable? That's the value judgment again!
Friday,August 7 2009 at 4 p.m.
Laurence Edwards wrote his letter to the Editor:
Stories like this really make me feel sick about this country. Some of the money may used to help Americans who are underwater on mortgages.
Comment: Page 1B: Geithner: Financial reform due:The House approved the plan's restraints on executives' pay. Query: Including bonuses?
On the same page: Travelers chafe at sky-high cost of eating at airports. I had to pay $2 for one cookie or 12 wee small cookies for $5.20 However,I paid the same at Panda Express. Well,Panda is not greedy! Eat bamboo shoots!That's the lifestyle difference! But I remember the mantra: faith,hope and charity for all folks whose goal is to make reasonable profit! How reasonable? That's the value judgment again!
Friday,August 7 2009 at 4 p.m.
New York Times and Wall St.Journal:August 7, 2009
New York Times,August 7, 2009: Concerns about debts in USA and in China as well:
Page A1: Economists see a limited lift from stimulus: jobs report outlook murky!
US Debt Concern was sent on August 6, 2009 in the same rationale.
Page B1,B6:
Loan spree by China ignites fears of defaults. Many economists worry that too much of China's growth was fueled by aggressive state-directed lending that could eventually result in a soaring number of defaults and mounting government debt.
Wall Street Journal,August 7, 2009:
Page A2: Deficit a growing concern for publilc and White House:
Financial markets and Chinese lenders, who finance the deficit, are equally curious whether there is a plan emerging to deal with it.
Comment: Faith, hope and Love of America!
Page A6: Taiwan will tackle budget deficit:
Cross-strait issues are matters of mutual concern: China and Taiwan expect to sign a cooperative agreement. That is the answer to the issues.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao,a lifelong graduate student to watch the debts to be alerted to folks reading Sino-American economics online with knowledge and wisdom.
Friday,August 7, 2009 at 2.26 p.m.
Page A1: Economists see a limited lift from stimulus: jobs report outlook murky!
US Debt Concern was sent on August 6, 2009 in the same rationale.
Page B1,B6:
Loan spree by China ignites fears of defaults. Many economists worry that too much of China's growth was fueled by aggressive state-directed lending that could eventually result in a soaring number of defaults and mounting government debt.
Wall Street Journal,August 7, 2009:
Page A2: Deficit a growing concern for publilc and White House:
Financial markets and Chinese lenders, who finance the deficit, are equally curious whether there is a plan emerging to deal with it.
Comment: Faith, hope and Love of America!
Page A6: Taiwan will tackle budget deficit:
Cross-strait issues are matters of mutual concern: China and Taiwan expect to sign a cooperative agreement. That is the answer to the issues.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao,a lifelong graduate student to watch the debts to be alerted to folks reading Sino-American economics online with knowledge and wisdom.
Friday,August 7, 2009 at 2.26 p.m.
Trade Policy:Washington Post,August 7, 2009 p.A13
If President Obama backs the tariff, he risks upsetting the Chinese at a time when the United States needs China to keep buying US government debt to fund stimulus efforts.
Chinese tire makers and supplies have found allies in US tire distributors and retailers who say tariffs would raise prices, hurting cash-strapped consumers. The consuming Industries Trade Action Coalition, a group representing manufacturers and distributors, has also objected to the proposed tariff. It fears that if Obama supports tariffs on Chinese tires, it could set off an avalanche of Section 421 filings that would lead to trade wars and harm global trade.
Which option is more significant for US-China economic relations? The person with clout will have to decide soon. The Law of Comparative Advantage for bi-lateral trade should be known to all thinkers and protectionism would lead to retaliation causing global serious depression. The worst scenario would be the destructive consequences for peoples in both nations. I have reason to believe that the leader would have the wisdom to make a good decision.
The issue of issues should be the interest of American consumers who would prefer to pay lower prices to save money during the recession with high rate of unemployment under the reality of global economic downturn.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a consumer in the USA who would have empathy toward other consumers in the United States on Friday,August 7, 2009 at 10 a.m.
Chinese tire makers and supplies have found allies in US tire distributors and retailers who say tariffs would raise prices, hurting cash-strapped consumers. The consuming Industries Trade Action Coalition, a group representing manufacturers and distributors, has also objected to the proposed tariff. It fears that if Obama supports tariffs on Chinese tires, it could set off an avalanche of Section 421 filings that would lead to trade wars and harm global trade.
Which option is more significant for US-China economic relations? The person with clout will have to decide soon. The Law of Comparative Advantage for bi-lateral trade should be known to all thinkers and protectionism would lead to retaliation causing global serious depression. The worst scenario would be the destructive consequences for peoples in both nations. I have reason to believe that the leader would have the wisdom to make a good decision.
The issue of issues should be the interest of American consumers who would prefer to pay lower prices to save money during the recession with high rate of unemployment under the reality of global economic downturn.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a consumer in the USA who would have empathy toward other consumers in the United States on Friday,August 7, 2009 at 10 a.m.
Space Exploration and other thoughts
The achievement of space tourism will help develop the free enterprise economy needed for economic growth. A union will create a coalition between the enthusiastic supporters to the benefit of the same cause and the future of humanity.
China is the most populous nation on earth and Sino-American Economics may be an unison at best for homosapiens.
World space community is a vision beyond the earth. Such idea may be realized as testament to our courage and ability to imagine the possible or otherwise.
Let us change the course for commercials in economics:-
IKEA, the Swedish firm is highlighting lower prices on customers favorites. The markdowns on kitchen cabinets, sofas, curtains, cookware, storage boxs and more mundane things on earth. I find IKEA stores in different cities in USA and in Shanghai , China with reflections of the random thoughts to share with readers online. Have a nice weekend.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao,watching the scientific feats of two nations on both sides of the Pacific with focus on Hawaii as the American Asian community.
Friday,August 7, 2009 at 6.16 a.m.
China is the most populous nation on earth and Sino-American Economics may be an unison at best for homosapiens.
World space community is a vision beyond the earth. Such idea may be realized as testament to our courage and ability to imagine the possible or otherwise.
Let us change the course for commercials in economics:-
IKEA, the Swedish firm is highlighting lower prices on customers favorites. The markdowns on kitchen cabinets, sofas, curtains, cookware, storage boxs and more mundane things on earth. I find IKEA stores in different cities in USA and in Shanghai , China with reflections of the random thoughts to share with readers online. Have a nice weekend.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao,watching the scientific feats of two nations on both sides of the Pacific with focus on Hawaii as the American Asian community.
Friday,August 7, 2009 at 6.16 a.m.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Hillary Clinton began a major trip to Africa: Coincidence with China's interest
Several days ago,I sent my blog apropos of China's interest in Africa to be of reference to US.
Washington Post,August 6, 2009 on page A9: US interest in Africa for economic growth via trade. Trade will always benefit the nations based on the Law of Comparative Advantage.
In the name of globalization,both US and China would be benefited via more contacts with Africa to reap harvest for better understanding in economic growth.
Page A13: Congress will need to raise debt ceiling. Such ceiling is always subject to change.
Such happenings have occurred in the real world as evidence with the macro-economics. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the policies laid out in the budget would require the government to borrow an additional $9 trillion over the next decade.
Chairman of CEA Christina Romer will give an address for an assessment of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act at the Newseum. Her forecast will be positive and I would share such scenario as an independent watcher. However, upcoming evidence would be the real outcome of such an Act. Economics is a social science of changes and choices.
Hawaii Five-O: America's 50th state celebrates its 50th anniversay this month. Kilauea, on the big island, is one of the world's largest and most active volcanoes with luau about other islands such as Niihau, Kauai, Maui, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai and Kahoolawe.
Francis Shieh,an octogenarian honorary citizen of the City of Honolulu and the State of Hawaii with gusto as moxie(modeling after XIE) with poetic vigor i.e. "shihao" in Pin Yin system of romanization.
For Arts buff, a rising art scene is helping to reinvigorate a native culture steeped in the rich history of a fallen kingdom. Chinese language is a form of art(calligraphy) and music(tones in Mandarin) "A Glimpse of the Chinese Language" is available free of charge in PDF format at www.rand.org for cultural enrichment in art and music. When I met strangers at the airports in Cincinatti,Indianapolis,Detroit and Baltimore,they greeted me with "Nihao" Here we can detect the popularity of the Chinese language to folks in USA.
Thursday, August 6, 2009 at 12.42 p.m.
Washington Post,August 6, 2009 on page A9: US interest in Africa for economic growth via trade. Trade will always benefit the nations based on the Law of Comparative Advantage.
In the name of globalization,both US and China would be benefited via more contacts with Africa to reap harvest for better understanding in economic growth.
Page A13: Congress will need to raise debt ceiling. Such ceiling is always subject to change.
Such happenings have occurred in the real world as evidence with the macro-economics. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the policies laid out in the budget would require the government to borrow an additional $9 trillion over the next decade.
Chairman of CEA Christina Romer will give an address for an assessment of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act at the Newseum. Her forecast will be positive and I would share such scenario as an independent watcher. However, upcoming evidence would be the real outcome of such an Act. Economics is a social science of changes and choices.
Hawaii Five-O: America's 50th state celebrates its 50th anniversay this month. Kilauea, on the big island, is one of the world's largest and most active volcanoes with luau about other islands such as Niihau, Kauai, Maui, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai and Kahoolawe.
Francis Shieh,an octogenarian honorary citizen of the City of Honolulu and the State of Hawaii with gusto as moxie(modeling after XIE) with poetic vigor i.e. "shihao" in Pin Yin system of romanization.
For Arts buff, a rising art scene is helping to reinvigorate a native culture steeped in the rich history of a fallen kingdom. Chinese language is a form of art(calligraphy) and music(tones in Mandarin) "A Glimpse of the Chinese Language" is available free of charge in PDF format at www.rand.org for cultural enrichment in art and music. When I met strangers at the airports in Cincinatti,Indianapolis,Detroit and Baltimore,they greeted me with "Nihao" Here we can detect the popularity of the Chinese language to folks in USA.
Thursday, August 6, 2009 at 12.42 p.m.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Enjoying my visit in Lafayette, Indiana
Greetings to all, Our flight from BWI to Cincinnati was delayed from 6.10 a.m. to 8.10 a.m. and the flight from Cincinnati(Northern Kentucky to be exact) to Indianapolis was delayed from 11.10 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Long wait with patience as a virtue!(sic) Our arrival time was about 6 p.m. after renting a car from the airport to Lafayette meeting folks at Nanking Restaurant with an authentic Chinese banquest hosted by Prof. and Mrs. Benming Lin with our gratitude for their kind thoughtfulness. Good and kind folks are few nowadays and I feel honored to be treated as a family guest. Their lovely daughters from Santa Clara,California with two young boys and their youngest daughter from Chicago with her young daugher and younger son also attended the party for fun. Such an occasion was certainly a memorable one. The University Plaza Hotel has a computer room and I am looking forward for a continental breakfast at 6.30 a.m. The hotel provides four pillows and a small "sweet dreams" pillow with eight towels for guests to take bath or shower. I noticed the shampoo products are made in China and the towels are made in Pakistan. Well,CEOs take advantage of less expensive labor to cause trade deficits in all products made in developing nations. Moreover,American lifestyles with the credit system cause personal and family debts to be reflected in the national debts as I see it with my learning of etiology trying to understand Sino-American economics as an avid student from China since 1947.
We shall be at lunch at Apple Bee which is a chain restaurant that I am familiar with in Maryland and will visit the sacred ground of the departed family members this afternoon with faith,hope and love. Needless to say, I do pray for the repose of their souls everyday.
As an octogenarian, I am proud to see the material comforts of USA but I still think about caring folks with the Confucian culture that I was raised as a native of Shanghai. I have discovered the different lifestyles with changes and choices as the nitty-gritty of Economics as I have observed.
Thanks for reading my trip to visit family folks in a nutshell.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao looking forward to be back to Maryland with the good opportunity to utilize my background as a mature and seasoned teacher in USA regardless of my age.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009 at 6.10 a.m.
We shall be at lunch at Apple Bee which is a chain restaurant that I am familiar with in Maryland and will visit the sacred ground of the departed family members this afternoon with faith,hope and love. Needless to say, I do pray for the repose of their souls everyday.
As an octogenarian, I am proud to see the material comforts of USA but I still think about caring folks with the Confucian culture that I was raised as a native of Shanghai. I have discovered the different lifestyles with changes and choices as the nitty-gritty of Economics as I have observed.
Thanks for reading my trip to visit family folks in a nutshell.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao looking forward to be back to Maryland with the good opportunity to utilize my background as a mature and seasoned teacher in USA regardless of my age.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009 at 6.10 a.m.
Monday, August 3, 2009
"China Safari:" China in Africa for mutual benefit
A newly published book for Hillary Clinton's reference in her professional career.
"China Safari" China in Africa: By Michel, Bearet. Photo by Woods. Nation Books 306 pages $27.50
Published by USAToday,August 3, 2009 on page 4B
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao is aware of China's role in Africa. The implication may be the role of USA in Africa as well as I would envision.
"China Safari" China in Africa: By Michel, Bearet. Photo by Woods. Nation Books 306 pages $27.50
Published by USAToday,August 3, 2009 on page 4B
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao is aware of China's role in Africa. The implication may be the role of USA in Africa as well as I would envision.
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