Friday, November 7, 2008

Washington Post,Nov.7,08 page D1,D4

Markets tumble as grim data pile up: Headline on page D1.

Dow drops 10% over two days as grim economic data weigh on investors. The troubles in the labor market are the evidence since more folks are out of job causing serious recession for 2008 or even 2009. Let us hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

It has been at recession levels for months now," said Robert MacIntosh, chief economist for Eaton Vance, a Boston investment management firm. For detailed annotation of "Recession" Cf. "Keys to Economic Understanding"(1976) at or for reference.

Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao on Nov. 7th 2008. It is the starting date of winter as per Lunar Calendar known in China, Japan,Korea et al with such cultural affinity.

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