Saturday, November 15, 2008

As summit starts,emerging nations weigh new clout

Washington Post,Nov.15, 2008 on page A1: Brazil, China, India step up in diplomatic power shift. China maintains the world's largest cash reserves and the USA is going deep into debt, the definition of rich has changed. What is "RICH?"

Rich may be in material things or spirituality in the mind? Which one is more meaningful for life? Ponder the reason to get the answer from your own mind,please?

Page A11: Report from Shanghai: Chinese consumers eager to excel at the American pastime. Pizza Hut for drink and one snack for US$5.15 or 35 RMB re Chinese currency Yuan. Consumption is a liberation for folks in Shanghai in particular. Here is another happening of Sino-American Economics.

World leaders from 19 nations have been invited to attend the G-20 Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy Nov. 15 in Washington,D.C. They will be flying in and out of Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland as a historical event. I go to Andrews AF Base almost every day to the library with my own mark in history as my intellectual utility(satisfaction).

Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a lifelong student of US-China economic relations from 1947 to date as a witness of history.

November 15, 2008 at 9.35 a.m. at Andrews AF Base Library for blogging.

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