Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Common Interest for US/China:WashPost,Nov.18,08

Page A24: The consumer chiefs of the Europeaan Union and the US called on China to crack down on unsafe products,especially toys, ahead of Christmas.

Representatives from the E.U.,the United States and China met in Brussels to sign a trilateral agreement aimed at enforcing product safety standards and exchanging information on food safety.

US to open FDA offices in Beijing,Guangzhou and Shanghai. I taught in Beijing from 1993-1996,Guangzhou in 1992-1993 and lectured in universities in Shanghai many times in the field of economics.

Page A27: Martin Feldstein published an article on US automakers: The government should insist that the unions accept reductions ih wages and benefits to levels that sllow the firms to compete with imports and with non-union US auto firms. The government should insist that management eliminate dividends and restrain salaries until the firms return to profitability.

Perhaps US automakers would collaborate with Chinese automakers as Japanese and Koreans have done in China. Food for thought for such Win-Win situations if such thought may be materialized apropos of Sino-American economics for mutual benefit.

Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao on Tuesday,Nov.18, 2008 at 10.50 a.m.

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