Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The pastime may be costly and unwise for such actions

USA Today,Nov.26,2008: Page A8 -

Horse racing charges back into China. Gambling mostly banned, but new track finds a way:; Spurring economy - Jockey take a test run of the Orient Lucky City tradition in Wuhan Hubei province. Its four-day lottery event could open gates to more gambling. The Casino industry could be the biggest in the world in the years to come: A rival competitor to Las Vegas? Such is Sino-American Economics in action. I visited Wuhan several times decades ago with fond memories.

Page 1B: US financial markets will be closed in observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday. Happy Thanksgiving to the readers.

Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, an octogenarian trying to learn the Law of Possibility or the Law of Probability(sic) without any interest. However,folks in China would do such for Chinese New Year only. The aphorism : The winner wants to win more and the loser wants to get back the money. I happened to learn of a person in Hong Kong who lost his good house on the hill thereby lost his wife afterwards. Such case is unwise with great losses.

November 26,2008 at 2.38 p.m.

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