Wednesday, November 5, 2008

President-Elect Obama is going to lead the nation

ALOHA to the native of Honolulu, Hawaii. His election is the joy to the world. I have reason to believe that the new leader will make USA a better nation to take care of the colorful folks with his multi-racial background.

I wish to congratulate the new leader most sincerely as a supporter and I am sure he would be in a position to cooperate and collaborate with nations in Europe,Asia, Australia and Africa to maaintain security and peace with economic development in the world. G-20 on November 15, 2008 would be the opportunity to try to solve financial problems with World Bank and IMF. My best wishes to all the leaders from nations on earth.

Francis Shieh, a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a native of Shanghai, China and an Honorary Citizen of the City of Honolulu and the State of Hawaii. I taught in California for two decades and three years in Michigan. I also lived in New York and New Jersey in 1950s. Since 1965,I have been a resident in the State of Maryland. Nov. 5, 2008 at 6.10 a.m.

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