Monday, November 10, 2008

New York Times,Nov. 10, 2008

Page A1: China announces sweeping plan to aid economy: A $586 billion package - Report from Shanghai: Bolstering its weakening economy, a sweeping move that could also help fight the effects of the global slowdown. Here we see the impact of global crisis to China's economy.

Page A25: Nobel Laureate in Economics 2008 - Paul Krugman recommends more stimulus i.e. to add 50% of the needs of US economy. "To err on the side of too much stimulus than on the side of too little." That is his sound reasoning. I would recommend another rebate checks to taxpayers to boost the domestic consumption sector, circa 2/3 of GDP asap. Let us wait for the empirical evidence during the course of time.

USA Today, Nov.10, 2008 on page 9B: China joints US,Japan and Germany for stimulus plans.

Wall Street Journal,Page A1 on Nov.10, 2008: Chinese factory workers seeking jobs to fill applications at a Job Fair because of global slowdown with photo.

Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao,a reader to keep other readers informed about Sino-American Economics under the context "lai long qu mai" in Pin Yin of globalization.

Monday,November 10, 2008 at 2.52 p.m.

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