Thursday, January 28, 2010

Larry Dossey, M.D.,author of Prayer is Good Medicine

Dr. Dossey is the author of The New York Times Bestseller Healing Words:

"With the elegance of simplicity and the precision of science, Dosssey shows us how we can create a lasting partnership between faith and medicine." - Deepak Chopra, M.D.

Studies show that almost everyone prays when faced wit illness or grave injury - but can prayer actually help to heal us? According to physician Larry Dossey the answer is an emphatic - and jubilant - "YES!" We believe the Divine Creator with spirituality. Here is the common ground of Sino-American Economics of Health.

"Faith,hope,charity and temperance" are the words we bear in mind at all times in the mundane world with the trusted "MANTRA/incantation" Here is Sino-American Economics of Belief in the mundane world.

Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao remembering our Laotianye regardless of the technical name but the mind and heart of folks who have faith,hope,charity with temperance on earth.

Thursday,January 28, 2010 at 2.36 p.m.

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