Thursday, October 30, 2008

C-Span Radio re Congressional Hearing:Economic Recovery

Several experts provided their views about fiscal policy and monetary policy in their testimony. To my recollection, I exchanged my view with Arthur Burns decades ago apropos of efficacy of the policies. He shared with me about my thoughts on human capital. He said that I am on the right track in emphasizing structural problems. Monetary and fiscal policies do not function in a vacuum. To wit:

1. "The Future of Community Colleges" published by the Congressional Record,July 18, 1974.
2. Keys for Economic Understanding. 197l.
3. Keys to Economic Understanding. 1976.
4. Work and Study Cycle Theory. 1978.

These publications may be searched online or for reference.

Three Georgetown University professors recommended ways and means for economic recovery. Their views dovetailed the above works. Cf. Washington Post,OUTLOOK section,Oct. 19, 2008.

Francis Shieh,a blogger to share views with readers for Sino-American Economics apropos of economic recovery. October 30, 2008 at 7 a.m.

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