Tuesday, October 21, 2008

American lifestyle to be modified!? It is up to YOU.

The Washington Post published stories of families trying to have frugal living to save money to solve the problems of financial crisis. I happened to review my past blog dated May 18, 2008:

Explosion of deficits is attributable to folks in USA to live far beyond the means in government and individuals i.e. Public and Private sectors to incur deficits to be accumulated to large amount of debts as published in the media.

I have been stressing thrify living with spirituality from moral teaching as known to Adam Smith,a professor of moral philosophy and Confucius/Mencius for ethics and morality beyond the West and the East. Wall Street Journal May 17-18 issue re the consolation from philosophy of life as profound awareness rather than to be led(misled to be exact) to temptations from advertising via the media. We ought to resist such temporal desires with willpower seeking true value in life. Such letter to the Editor shares my thought for the economic problems in USA and in other nations as well.

Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao,a lifelong student of philosophy of economics to see the light for proper lifestyle in this mundane world. Donations to the less fortunate folks would be warranted in the name of eleemosynary efforts.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008 at 7.05 a.m.

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