Saturday, August 2, 2008

"Wealth, War and Wisdom" by Barton Briggs

John Wiley and Sons,Inc. 2008 $29.95

Financial economists spend less time studying the predictive power of the stock market as a whole. Daunted by the staggering breadth of variables that influence stock indexes, professors cite Paul Samuelson's maxim about the stock market having predicted 9 of the past 5 recessions, thereby cleverly dismissing the question of the stock market's prescience. (Search 70/80/90% of success in life is showing up - a strong preponderance of citatins i.e. evidence falls short or mixed -suffering extreme dislocation." My comment: There is no pat answer or correct forecast)

The author adds to the knowledge with his elegant, wonderfully crafted prose as #1 global strategist.

The botom line: Confucius said: "Study the past if you would divine the future." In Pin Yin: "Wen gu - zhi xin" Xiefuzi asserted: "Enjoy the present with credit system of VISA in all nations as financial clout to mortgage the future with interests of Faith,Hope and Love of both material and spiritual entities. In Pin Yin : " Xinxin, qiwang,cunzai shiti(real thing or rejecting mundane world apropos varied Chinese characters) de aiqing.(love)

Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao on Saturday,August 2, 2008 12.22 p.m.

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