Monday, February 25, 2008

UK Prime Minister stresses Apprenticeship for youth

C-Span Radio on Feb. 24, 2008: In order to solve youth unemployment,apprenticeship training is emphasized by Gordon Brown,the PM in UK. Cf."Keys for Economic Understanding" ( ) Such book is dedicated to American youth seeking employment with a technical skill and such training is in dire need in China as well. Here we can detect the desiderata of young folks regardless of nations. That is a part of globalization of the development of human capital. "Yi ren wei ben" in Pin Yin is also cited by leaders in China for education and training in the 21st century. The above mentioned work may be searched at to click used book for information for readers.
"XIAO" is usually positive. However,sometimes it has opposite meaning such as "xiao li cang dao" i.e. a knife is hidden under smiles or "xiao mian hu" i.e. tiger with a smiling face referring to an outwardly kind but inwardly cruel person. Watch out for folks,some folks are nice and others may be mean. That is the reality in this mundane world. I have met such people in my life with regret but I just laugh it off to forgive such negative encounter. We must be positive in every way in order to live a happy life on earth with our limited tenure as centenarians. Xie Shihao,thanks from a hero of poetry in name only. Feb.25, 2008

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