Thursday, February 21, 2008

Psalms 24-1 Spirituality for all folks

"The earth is the Lord's and all it holds; we are only temporary tenants." It is wise to be reminded so that we should be happy and make contributions in this mundane world with hehehahahoho all the way to be centenarians. Laughter begets longevity for longer life to do our best for humanity on earth. China is the most populous nation in the world and USA is the most developed nation. Two great nations must share human resources for all humankind in the name of "Laotianye" i.e. Our Lord. That is the common Sino-American economics for eternity with true wisdom,indeed! Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao on Thursday,Feb. 21, 2008 at 7.23a.m. in Maryland,USA with four week's trip to Nanjing,Rudong and Shanghai for Lunar New Year's observations with Chinese culture.

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