Sunday, February 10, 2008

I am in Shanghai now and be back to USA on Feb.18

Greetings to all, Living in the farmland in Jiangsu is certainly a learning experience. As a city guy,I am not used to such way of life. However,it is worth such ordeal during the snowstorm. I am staying at JinJiang and shall visit my sister for lunch everyday for family reunion during the Lunar New Year. Today is January 5th according to the Lunar Calendar with firework and the arrival of the Spirit of Fortune(Caishen) Money is the goal for most folks in China and in USA as well. But money is not the only goal in life for happiness. Happiness is not material consumption(MONEY IS REQUIRED) over desire only,intellectual pursuit and spiritual satisfaction plus good health must be added to the numerator over the denominator of Desire. It is my conviction.But how many folks would endorse my philosophy of life? Have a great day to my readers or former students that I cherish good memories in the past. Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao on Feb.11, 2008 in an Internet Bar in Shanghai, China.

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