Friday, November 30, 2007
Wall Street Journal,Nov.30, 2007 page A2
China,US reach accord over subsidies. Susan Schwab,the US trade ambassador announced such as evidence for US-China to work together to settle disputes to their mutual benefit. Such settlement was hailed by NAM as a pragmatic outcome. I have been advocating Sino-American economics in the positive way for mutual benefit in the 21st century for quite sometime as a student of economics. WSJ, Nov.30,2007 on Page B5: Cofounder Krumlish of Venture firm moves to Shanghai Xintiandi from San Francisco with faith in China's growth. That is the same reasoning as I have sent my blogs in the past. Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao. Nov.30, 2007
US-China to be partners:Washington Post,11/30/07
On page A23: Brzezinski,former national security adviser to President Jimmy Carter, is the author of "Second Chance: Three Presidents and the Crisis of American Superpower." He writes:" The effort to resolve by negotiations North Korea's defiance of the global nonproliferation regime may yet prove successful. If so, does that experience offer a guide for coping with the challenge posed by Iran's expanding nuclear program? Would a comprehensive dialogue on this issue between US and China be useful? It could be timely and historically expedient. I would concur with his reasoning.
On the economic front,Henry Paulson,Jr. is going to China again. He is familiar with economics in banking with his expertise as a investment banker in the past. In this connection,I wish to cite a new book entitled "Banking on Global Markets" by Chris Kolrak of Columbia University. He also published "National Cultures and International Competition." Here I can detect Chinese culture to have impacts effecting the market system in globalization. In other words,international cooperation would be furthering developments and any conflict would hinder endeavors since international banking evolved from businesses to domination by enormous transnational markets. For instance,Ping An Insurance,China's second largest life insurer,bought a 4.18% stake in Fortis for about $ 3 billion, becoming the Dutch-Belgiam financial service firm's biggest shareholder. Such access would gain success in the Chinese market. Words for the wise readers would be sufficient to see the happenstance. Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao on Nov.30, 2007
On the economic front,Henry Paulson,Jr. is going to China again. He is familiar with economics in banking with his expertise as a investment banker in the past. In this connection,I wish to cite a new book entitled "Banking on Global Markets" by Chris Kolrak of Columbia University. He also published "National Cultures and International Competition." Here I can detect Chinese culture to have impacts effecting the market system in globalization. In other words,international cooperation would be furthering developments and any conflict would hinder endeavors since international banking evolved from businesses to domination by enormous transnational markets. For instance,Ping An Insurance,China's second largest life insurer,bought a 4.18% stake in Fortis for about $ 3 billion, becoming the Dutch-Belgiam financial service firm's biggest shareholder. Such access would gain success in the Chinese market. Words for the wise readers would be sufficient to see the happenstance. Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao on Nov.30, 2007
Hank Paulson,Jr. is a friend of China to compete with EU
Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr. has taken the leading role in shaping economic policy apropos of mortgage and credit markets, and the replacement of Hubbard could strengthen the clout of Bush administration for the rest 14 months until January 20, 2009. Keith Hennessey has been with Bush administration since 2002 and he knows political economy as a remarkably talented insider with insights.
EU officials said they were reassured that China would take steps to ease trade imbalances and open China's markets.
US can compete with EU under economic policy of trade and related matters under the leadership of Paulson. He is going to China on December 12, 2007. Let us wait and see the results in the days to come. Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao. November 30, 2007 at 6.38 a.m.
EU officials said they were reassured that China would take steps to ease trade imbalances and open China's markets.
US can compete with EU under economic policy of trade and related matters under the leadership of Paulson. He is going to China on December 12, 2007. Let us wait and see the results in the days to come. Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao. November 30, 2007 at 6.38 a.m.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Briefing for US-China relations and US Economy
Washington Post's Kaplan education plans to buy a majority stake in a Chinese business that prepares students to enter British universities. It has been a minority owner in Shanghai since April and plans to provide training in finance in a partnership with Southwest University of Finance and Economics in Chengdu in western China. American Consulate General has an office in Chengdu and Citibank as well. I taught at Nanjing University of Finance and Economics in 2002. I have reason to believe that finance and economics are important for Chinese and Americans as well.
US Economy: Jeffrey Garten,a Yale School of Business professor said:" What we are seeing is a very broad rebalancing of economic and political power in the world. How true! I have been studying Political Economy since early 1940s and I am still learning the happenstance as my lifelong pursuit. Harvard's Kenneth Froot noted the ascendance of China and the dollar's monopoly as the world's dominant reserve currency is under threat. Joseph Stiglitz, a Nobel laureate economist said:"The change in mindset about the use of the dollar in reserves and the movement of the dollar out of reserves will continue to exert downward pressure." Johns Hopkins University's Riordan Roett said:"It is a loss of confidence in both the dollar and the U.S." "It may reflect the widespread dismay with the Bush administration but the next administratioin will have a steep uphill struggle." My comment: readers of this blog can have varying scenarios in the days to come for projections in your own right. Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao. Nov. 29, 2007
US Economy: Jeffrey Garten,a Yale School of Business professor said:" What we are seeing is a very broad rebalancing of economic and political power in the world. How true! I have been studying Political Economy since early 1940s and I am still learning the happenstance as my lifelong pursuit. Harvard's Kenneth Froot noted the ascendance of China and the dollar's monopoly as the world's dominant reserve currency is under threat. Joseph Stiglitz, a Nobel laureate economist said:"The change in mindset about the use of the dollar in reserves and the movement of the dollar out of reserves will continue to exert downward pressure." Johns Hopkins University's Riordan Roett said:"It is a loss of confidence in both the dollar and the U.S." "It may reflect the widespread dismay with the Bush administration but the next administratioin will have a steep uphill struggle." My comment: readers of this blog can have varying scenarios in the days to come for projections in your own right. Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao. Nov. 29, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Be relevant as a student in applied economics
Hi to folks, I try to provide real life examples in my blogs to help identify my strengths and weaknesses and hone critical skills to tackle the daily demands of my work with greater speed, savvy, and effectiveness. What I need to know to be an intelligent consumer of economics in making plans, and to use economic concepts in making decisions apropos of acquiring and allocating the resources.
In order to make sense re economics in the real world,I shall refrain from making estimates of unquantifiable data in re lifestyles of folks of Sino-American economics. Perhaps the following acronyms would do the tricks: SWOC for explanations below-
S - Strengths
W - Weaknesses
O - Opportunities
C - Challenges
The above may be applied to all folks when making decisions for true understanding of LIFE on earth.
Folklores in USA or in China with the inclusions below:
Myths, legends, jokes, proverbs,riddles,chants,oaths,tongue twisters,folk belief,folk medicine,folk song,folk speech,folk music et al.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao. November 28, 2007
In order to make sense re economics in the real world,I shall refrain from making estimates of unquantifiable data in re lifestyles of folks of Sino-American economics. Perhaps the following acronyms would do the tricks: SWOC for explanations below-
S - Strengths
W - Weaknesses
O - Opportunities
C - Challenges
The above may be applied to all folks when making decisions for true understanding of LIFE on earth.
Folklores in USA or in China with the inclusions below:
Myths, legends, jokes, proverbs,riddles,chants,oaths,tongue twisters,folk belief,folk medicine,folk song,folk speech,folk music et al.
Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao. November 28, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Economics: The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein
Published by Metropolitan. 558 pp. $28. Reviewed by Shashi Tharoor. Despite limitations, the book is a valuable addition to have attempted to rethink the post-Cold War age. Francis Fukkuyama's notion of the end of history - the idea that all societies would be governed by liberal democracy and free markets - started the process of reflection: Samuel Huntington's concept of the "clash of civilizations" underpinnedd mush of the anxiety that followed the realization that reports of history's demise were exaggerated. Thomas Frieddman's celebration of the flatness of the globalized world is now countered by Klein's argument that when disasters flatten societies, capitlists see opportunities to profit and spread their influence. Each thesis has its flaws, but each contributed to the contest of ideas about the shape and direction of our current Age of Uncertainty. My comment: The late Professor John K. Galbraith had such vision decades ago with his book entitled "The Age of Uncertainty." BRAVO to the late Professor Galbraith for his insights with vision,indeed! Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao on Tuesday,Nov.27, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
New PM Kevin Rudd promises new course on Iraq,Warming
Kevin Rudd, 50, a former diplomat who speaks fluent Chinese, urged voters to support him because Howard, 68, was out of touch with modern Australia and ill-equipped to deal with issues such as climate change et al.(Washington Post,November 25, 2007 page A17.ISSUES with comments: How many people can speak the Chinese language even though about 1/4 people in the world speak Chinese since China is in the most populous nation in the world. To resolve such issue,"A Glimpse of the Chinese Language" in English would be useful for Australians to learn the expertise of the Prime Minister i.e. English and Chinese in the light vein with humor! Needless to say,Americans would find such reference useful in order to learn the art and music simultaneously i.e. calligraphy and the tones of Chinese Mandarin. Such work may be searched at and online book catalog. It is the property of US Government when it was published by the RAND Corporation in 1965. However,there is no expiration date of such work because language has been and is still being spoken all the time ad infinitum regardless of the year of publication. Nobody would impugn,indeed! Xie Shihao aka Francis Shieh. November 26, 2007 at 6.45 a.m.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
WashPost,Nov.25,2007: The Next Clintonomics
Clinton's economic positions matter because, we are heading into a period when "it is the economy,stupid," all over again. The FED warns that the US economy is heading into a downturn, which could become a full-blown recesson" This is what I sent my blogs months ago. With the economy on a downward trajectory, this is the wild card in the 2008 presidential race. Despite some straddles and a fondness for multisyllabic solutions, Clinton right now seems the candidate well positioned to take advantage of the pocketbook issue. I am inclined to endorse such tendentious happenstance but we must wait until November 2008 to see the reality as empirical evidence. Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao. Nov.25, 2007 at 8 p.m.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
"Economics and the Roots of Terrorism" Common interests for US&China
Alan Krueger, Economics and Public Policy Professor at Princeton.It is based at London School of Economics and Political Science. Terrorism is premeditated, politically motivated violence leading to costs in economics. Terrorists are not necessarily drawn from the ranks of the poor and uneducated - they were mostly educated, middle class men from Pakistani and Jamaican families living in United Kingdom. Hernendo de Soto, author of The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else." The way is not with bigger guns but with better ideas and legal reforms that win over their largest constituency, the poor. Nobel Laureate in Economic Science Yunus said in 2006 that it was essential to put resources into improving the lives of the poor via micro loans of banks. I would stress training of marketable skills under apprenticeship programs as Prime Minister Brown of UK has been stressing at C-Span Radio address several days ago. For details,see "Keys for Economic Understanding" at online to click used book for such important topic for reducing poverty in the world. Education and Training would be the way to eliminate terrorism.Bill Clinton,Al Gore both made comments along these lines, in additon toPresident Bush,demonstrating that this is a bipartisan issue in the United States as a result of the happenstance of world events. Richard Armitage, the deputy Secretary state published an op-ed piece in the New York Times on Pakistan's problems that claimed General Musharraf has shown that he understands the seriousness of dealing with the root cause of extremism, making real efforts to improveeconomic and educational opportunities. Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao.Nov.24, 2007 at 1.37 p.m.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Former VP Al Gore winner of Nobel of the Peace prize
Former VP Al Gore plans to return to the White House after Thanksgiving. His work against global warming may be under the influence he had at Harvard apropos of the textbook by Richard T. Gill when Gore was a student at Harvard. Search Richard T. Gill of Harvard at if interested. In Gill's book,ecology is very much stressed with impact on Gore for his interest in global warming. Moreover,Gill cited the role of community college for American economic development. Cf. The Future of Community College,Congressional Record,July 18, 1974 for details. Such vision was also reflected in the State of the Union messages in 2004 and 2005. Gore has been a vocal critic of Bush's policies, while the president has been dismissive of his former opponent's work against global warming. Happy Thanksgiving to give thanks to scholars who had visions decades ago but under the spotlights lately. Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao. Nov. 22, 2007 at 11.06 a.m.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Are we all economists to a certain extent?
In one way or another we are all economists in the popular sense.(sic) We face changing prices daily. Economics matters to us, we hold our view(value) because our ethics, our ethnicity, and our educational background are built-in factors apropos of our economic views. Facts ask for explanations and explanations ask for more facts ad infinitum. That is the nature of ever- changing economics. Empirical findings from all subjects such as the following fields related to economics: anthropology,demography,ecology,geography,political science,sociology and economics per se. The lens through which we shall study the social world is that of economics. It is a compound-complex discipline that lifelong studies would still be unfinished pursuit. I started to study economics in early 1940s and I still declare unequivocally that I am always a student in the field of economics with all modesty. Xie Shihao aka Francis Shieh. Nov. 21, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
PM Brown of UK stresses apprenticeship programs
C-Span Radio Broadcast,Nov.18, 2007: Mr. Brown,the Prime Minister of UK emphasized apprenticeship programs for all UK citizens to have an educational opportunity to be trained to have marketable skills in anticipation of 500,000 apprentices in the years to come. China needs skilled labor in the days to come as well as I envisioned for USA and China as a researcher in economics. I have elaborated such dire needs in "Keys for Economic Understanding"(1971)( for info) apropos of my thoughts at United States Department of Labor as an economist in 1967. Training is sine qua non for economic development in the 21st century for the benefits of peoples of all nations to have marketable skills. Xie Shihao aka Francis Shieh on Monday, Nov. 19, 2007 at 10.55 a.m. Andrews AF Base Library.
Express-Nov.19, 2007 page 3
Headline: "Recession risk for '08 is growing:" The latest look-ahead from National Association for Business Economics. GDP is considered to be the best barometer of economic fitness. My comment: Not really! There are Gross National and Domestic Disproducts! We are at war and war costs are included in the such barometer or not!? Ponder such with insights for C+I+G+F Even though I am aware of such yardstick being used as a measure but not the well-being of the nation. Scenarios do vary with political necessity of official optimism. Who really knows the truth of compound-complex in economics? Food for thought for all readers of questionable data with doubts in the days to come. Thanks and have a great day,everyday with fun to watch economic happenings. Xie Shihao aka Francis Shieh, an octogenarian with decades of experience to read economic events in the light vein. Monday,Nov.19, 2007 at 10.15 a.m.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Mental expansion to see the macroview of Economics
To my friendly folks, I strive to have an open mind and stay in such mindset to build a bridge from my world to an intellectual realm of the spirit. I get enthusiastic about learning and oshall accomplish in gaining knowledge. My mind blossons into a worthwhile endeavor. Think different thoughts and things change to variety to be the spice of life. My awareness of interpersonal dynamics would help me to make choices that can be my pride. My focus is on building satisfying empathetic and profound demeanor. Avoiding emotions such as anger or resentment,I shall find myself to have a moral compass of cheer and joy. I believe I can be gentle and kind with a unique and artistic approach. Consequently,I shall reach out to new friends with clear frame of mind for harmony. Xie Shihao aka Francis Shieh on Sunday,Nov.18, 2007 at 6.55 a.m.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Washington Post,Nov.16, 2007 Page A33
According to the report of Joint Economic Committee of the Congress, President Bush has requested a total of $607 billion for the war and that its actual cost to our economy is $1.3 trillion. Some Republicans argued that some of its numbers are tendentious but interest costs on Iraq-related debt will be more than $23 billion for fiscal 2008. I have reason to believe that readers can draw your conclusions for the economy. If interested in details,send e-mail to:
The director of Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History ordered last-minute changes to the exhibit's script to add "scientific uncertainty" about climate change. My comment: Some scientists believe that science is always true and correct but I remember there is entropy in physics and economics. Xie Shihao aka Francis Shieh,a student of economics for decades on Nov. 17, 2007 at 8.11 p.m.
The director of Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History ordered last-minute changes to the exhibit's script to add "scientific uncertainty" about climate change. My comment: Some scientists believe that science is always true and correct but I remember there is entropy in physics and economics. Xie Shihao aka Francis Shieh,a student of economics for decades on Nov. 17, 2007 at 8.11 p.m.
US-China share the same concern
Green marketing goes to USA and China as well. Assets from mutual funds designed to meet socially responsible investing criteria jumped from $12 billion in 1995 to $179 billion in 2005,according to the to current report from the Social Investment Forum. It is Socio-Economics i.e. to serve the society apropos of relevant economics(Former VP Gore should be credited for his vision) Maryland-based Calvert,which represents the largest collection of socially responsible mutual funds, relies on its social research department to help determine whether a firm belongs in its socially responsible funds. Firms must meet rigorous financial and social review in categories that assess their treatment of the environment,workers,communities and consumers. I have reason to believe that such propinquity of common pursuits of USA and PRC would require cooperation and collaboration for the benefits of peoples in the name of humanity. Nobody would impugn,indeed! Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao,a lifelong student of economics to detect mutual economic development of two nations on both sides of the Pacific with ALOHA as an authorized Hawaiian 50,ethnicity-wise in the light vein with evidence of face value and a document from law-enforcement,Honolulu,Hawaii. Nov. 17, 2007 at 7.10 a.m.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Science and Health: US-China share the same concern
World's power plant emissions detailed: US appears to be worst carbon dioxide polluter, but China is catching up fast as published by the Washington Post on page A16 on Nov. 15,2007.
Millions of tons of carbon dioxide:
USA 2,790
China 2,680 - A new data base compiled by the Center for Global Development tracks power plants' carbon emissions worldwide. Wheeler,an economist at the World Bank said his research highlights the extent to which both USA and China need to cut their carbon dioxide emissions to avert drastic climate change. It is a question of mutual survival and each side is emitting enough to sink everything.
That is the common interests of physicists and economists in the world.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao, a student of economics for lifelong endeavor. Nov. 16, 2007 at 6.30 a.m.
Millions of tons of carbon dioxide:
USA 2,790
China 2,680 - A new data base compiled by the Center for Global Development tracks power plants' carbon emissions worldwide. Wheeler,an economist at the World Bank said his research highlights the extent to which both USA and China need to cut their carbon dioxide emissions to avert drastic climate change. It is a question of mutual survival and each side is emitting enough to sink everything.
That is the common interests of physicists and economists in the world.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao, a student of economics for lifelong endeavor. Nov. 16, 2007 at 6.30 a.m.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Sino-American Economics in the days to come
My second cousin,a scientist in the field of Physics living in Germany with Ph.D. and Sc.D. sent me the following:
"The most important nation in the world for the USA is not UK,Germany,Saudi Arabia,Russia or Iraq. China holds that distinction,it is also the nation the US can least do without. Without its willingness to buy an almost unlimited supply of US Treasury bonds,there would be no American spending miracle. Without a spending miracle there would be no economic growth. In other words, without China the US superpower would lose a significant share of its economic clout. The Americans receive Chinese products with the gap about $5 billion a week." My comment: Chinese goods are less expensive and American consumers want to pay less for bargains. China's foreign exchange reserve is about $1.4 trillion. Cf."Economist" magazine,a useful reference to get the up-to-date info about China's economy.
My comments for the mutual benefits of USA and China: To motivate and to encourage the training of skilled labor force to enhance productivity in the long run. Such policy would be desirable for two nations to cooperate and collaborate on both sides of the Pacific. "Keys for Economic Understanding""Keys to Economic Understanding" and "Work and Study Cycle Theory" ( or for details)Plus "The Future of Community Colleges"published by the Congressional Record,July 18, 1974 and "Macroeconomics of Stabilization" published by White House Conference on Balanced Economic Growth in August 1978. Such works may be useful references for the humanity in the 21st century I am a student of economics since l940s in the 20th century. Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao on Thursday,Nov.15, 2007 at 6.25 a.m.
"The most important nation in the world for the USA is not UK,Germany,Saudi Arabia,Russia or Iraq. China holds that distinction,it is also the nation the US can least do without. Without its willingness to buy an almost unlimited supply of US Treasury bonds,there would be no American spending miracle. Without a spending miracle there would be no economic growth. In other words, without China the US superpower would lose a significant share of its economic clout. The Americans receive Chinese products with the gap about $5 billion a week." My comment: Chinese goods are less expensive and American consumers want to pay less for bargains. China's foreign exchange reserve is about $1.4 trillion. Cf."Economist" magazine,a useful reference to get the up-to-date info about China's economy.
My comments for the mutual benefits of USA and China: To motivate and to encourage the training of skilled labor force to enhance productivity in the long run. Such policy would be desirable for two nations to cooperate and collaborate on both sides of the Pacific. "Keys for Economic Understanding""Keys to Economic Understanding" and "Work and Study Cycle Theory" ( or for details)Plus "The Future of Community Colleges"published by the Congressional Record,July 18, 1974 and "Macroeconomics of Stabilization" published by White House Conference on Balanced Economic Growth in August 1978. Such works may be useful references for the humanity in the 21st century I am a student of economics since l940s in the 20th century. Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao on Thursday,Nov.15, 2007 at 6.25 a.m.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Washington Post,Nov.13, 2007 Business D1,D3
Private Equity attracted by explosive growth: From buying real estate to financing technology firms to partnering with Chinese investors, some private-equity managers say, quite simply, that China is the future. With its economy expanding at four times the rate of that of the United States and with four times as many people, China has enough potential for explosive growth that it could dominate the investment scene for the next centry. economists say.
Page D3: Michael Pralle, a real estate investment executive, McLean, said urban land values could go off the charts as a wave of people nearly twice the population of Japan are expected to migrate from rural areas to cities, creating massive demand for housing, offices and retail stores.This century will be China's century in the way that the 20th century was America's century or the 19th century was the United Kingdom's century. China will be the most important economic phenomenon of our generation.
TPG, a Texas firm known in China for providing $350 million to Lenovo so it could buy IBM's computer hardware business.
My comment: I have sent blogs during the past years as a student of economics with vision to be shared by other economists as investors via Washington Post,Business Section today as headlines. Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao. Nov. 13, 2007 at 10.07 a.m.
Page D3: Michael Pralle, a real estate investment executive, McLean, said urban land values could go off the charts as a wave of people nearly twice the population of Japan are expected to migrate from rural areas to cities, creating massive demand for housing, offices and retail stores.This century will be China's century in the way that the 20th century was America's century or the 19th century was the United Kingdom's century. China will be the most important economic phenomenon of our generation.
TPG, a Texas firm known in China for providing $350 million to Lenovo so it could buy IBM's computer hardware business.
My comment: I have sent blogs during the past years as a student of economics with vision to be shared by other economists as investors via Washington Post,Business Section today as headlines. Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao. Nov. 13, 2007 at 10.07 a.m.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Chinese language and culture for knowing China
China is dynamic and indispensable for globalization with more than 1/5 of the population of the world. Intellectual exploration on China would reveal the customs,traditions,social and etiquette in a lively and informative style to all folks who seek to integrate seamlessly into diverse cultures other than the Western heritage. China is the world's fastest rising economic powerhouse. I honor the strong bond of lifetime friendship that is forging through shared expertise at NUFE 2001 to date as my recent teaching effort. Shanghai is the city on the sea for "Shang-hai" Situated at the center of China's vast eastern coastlines,Shanghai is conveniently located near the mouth of its most productive river system, the Yanzi River. In order to learn about China,Chinese language and culture would be needed for understanding. "A Glimpse of the Chinese Language" is useful for all English-speaking folks to be aware of the basic Chinese language in Pin Yin system of romanization. Chinese culture may be studied from Confucianism. Philosophy of Mencius is also dedicated to those who wish to have knowledge of Chinese culture. Xie Shihao on Monday,Nov.12, 2007 A possible remedy? if interested in health such as stigma of depression on campus in USA(Washpost,Nov 6,2007 on page F4) "Economic strains of rising tuition and added pressures on international students, who have to adapt to cultural and language differences in addition to academic stress. A recent American Health Association survey found that nearly half of all college students report feeling depressed at some point during their time in school." Such news coverage would demand scholars including scientists to pay attention to the fields of economics,culture and language. It is high time for folks to study economics,culture and languages(Chinese and English) in order to be able to overcome depression with continuing studies as I have been pursuing as a lifelong student ad infinitum. "Work and Study Cycle Theory" is hereby dedicated to reduce the symptoms of such medical problems with intellectual endeavors. Xie Shihao aka Francis Shieh. Nov.12, 2007 at 6.30 a.m.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Harmonious society traces back to harmony at home
Loving a person and caring for one are not the same. True love of two genders would lead to matrimony but trifling romance ends as exboy friends or exgirl friends for the rolling stones. My wide range and broad spiritual interests make living more exciting,fascinating and fulfilling. I strive to be kind to all folks as my way of treating fellow homo sapiens. I also distract myself with works of art and beauty such as music and nature as my hobby without reservation. Having fun and uplifting other folks would be a good habit to form for intellectual communication and cultural exchnges especially re Pin Yin system of romanization. Xie Shihao aka Francis Shieh on Sunday,Nov.11, 2007 at 8.27 p.m.
Nov.10 and Nov.11, 2007: Our Daily Bread
To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven. The Good Life: Beware of covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses. Laotianye, help us to be content, whatever we possess;protect us from the foolish lie that "more" brings happiness. The good life is found in the richness of the Creator.
Doing well: If you really fulfill the royal law accoring to the Scripture, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." you do well. Let the road be rough and dreary, and its end far out of sight;Foot it bravely, strong or weary;trust in Laotianye and do the right. Love is at the heart of obedience. Obey parents with LOVE plus FILIAL PIETY! That is the Chinese culture,indeed! Xie Shihao aka Francis Shieh. Sunday,Nov.11, 2007
Doing well: If you really fulfill the royal law accoring to the Scripture, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." you do well. Let the road be rough and dreary, and its end far out of sight;Foot it bravely, strong or weary;trust in Laotianye and do the right. Love is at the heart of obedience. Obey parents with LOVE plus FILIAL PIETY! That is the Chinese culture,indeed! Xie Shihao aka Francis Shieh. Sunday,Nov.11, 2007
Saturday, November 10, 2007
China and its Chineseness has remained
China is essentially unchanged except the new policy of encouraging the gifted and talented with entrepreneural ability to create prosperity and eager to absorb new ideas. The new policy to honor traditional festivals such as Qing Ming(clear and bright)to honor the departed in Heaven and Duan Wu Jie are holidays for the Chinese custom endorsed by the folks in China. Western misconception of so-called "inscrutability" is actually a reflection of the lack of understanding of the Chinese language and culture as the way of life in China. Confucius first defined filial piety as the culture of respect and deference to the parents. Folks in China would not suffer the stigma over age 40 in the youth obsessed West. Such issue is to be noted by Sino-American economics for costs and benefits. You be the Judge. Fair enough? Have a great day! Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao,an octogenarian to be admired in China and in USA as well hopefully. Nov.10, 2007
Be a supplier and a demander simultaneously
To my friends as readers of my blog, I am always in a generous mood because it is more blessed to give for my family traditon. However,I would welcome any inputs once in a while for reciprocity. The old line maybe: Three days for fish and guests. But I eat fish for reason of health and guests are always welcome for companionship. I would share dreams,visions and inklings with family and friends for togetherness. I believe in balance as a student of economics for 6 decades. Take 40 winks or a walk to brighten my mood with good thoughts apropos of the proper attitude. I would add diligent and helpful folks to my team everyday with cooperative joy. I can tolerate listening to other viewpoints for fun regardless of far-fetched thoughts. My network is a cherished asset and to reduce any liability for the net worth in life. I shall continue to be warm, captivating and enthusiastic with constructive measures as my daily routine plus charisma. Such seemingly difficult mission are inescapably linked with eventual success as my positive living in this mundane world. Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao on Saturday, Nov.10, 2007 at 6.33 a.m.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Cultue: Customs and civilization for appreciative understanding
To understand a culture, one must first understand the people apropos of the values i.e. family,work ethics,education such as creativity,spontaneity and knowledge) et al) and traditions they live by, as well as customs and etiquette re the snippets of information in a nutshell. Chineseness is an ethnicity and Americanism would mean custom, belief, trait, phrase, etc. originating in the United States. As Chinese and American,bi-lingual scholars can contribute to the homeland as teachers of English and Chinese with built-in economics in English for China's role in globalization. Moreover,Chinese language, as a part and parcel of culture, would be useful for American role with macro-view of the world. Economics is for the marketplaces of ideas for both nations. There are hedonistic barbopping Chinese and Americans,fashion-conscious Chinese and Americans,techno-nerds and ball fans for games in China and in the USA. I have my dream and hope to appreciate beauty even the poorest can enjoy the sun and the moon as free goods in very nook and corner on both sides of the Pacific. The educated would be falling in love and seek self-esteem and the respect of others. Respect for teachers remains strong in China as reflected by the Chinese culture of traditional reverence for learning. According to a study by the World Bank,China's literacy rates are the highest in the developing world. The busy Americans are seeking for money as the be-all and end-all in life. Such may or may not be incomprehensible to folks in terms of Confucianism with the touch of Western influence in China. The Chinese would stress the family with the ideal of calm and self-restraint but the Westerners would hesitate to share savings with family as individuals. Teddy Roosevelt had the vision of "rugged individualism" decades ago. From the Chinese perspective, the Westerners treat strangers like friends and that Westerners would treat family like strangers to a certain degree. There is Sino-American Economics for readers to absorb,digest and ponder for such repercussions in the 21st century. Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao on Thursday,Nov.8, 2007 at 8.45 p.m.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Culture of kindness or road rage?
Henry David Thoreau said:"City life is millions of people being lonesome together." i.e. incivility is prevalent from cities to cities in this world. Folks are busy for their own businesses. They have some conflicts for competition with stress. Friendly gestures can hardly be found nowadays. Everybody is in haste, rushing and rushing. Too busy to be kind? Common courtesies are disregarded or forgotten. The young have copied the ill-manners of their elders? Let us ponder such habits and return to civility for kindness as time-honored tradition. That should be the way of life apropos of Sino-American economics of conduct for good behavior. Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao on Nov. 7, 2007 at 8.40 p.m.
Counting our blessings being alive for Thanksgiving
First of all,we must be grateful that we are living in this high-tech world with exciting new Google products to enjoy in this century. Therefore,we should be happy with lots of things with magnetic and hypnotic clouts. We honor useful and positive info but ignore useless or negative informatin. Consequently, we can see the world through an artist's mind via media on daily basis in a cheerful and jovial mood. When we interact with other folks who are witty and we can be witty as well with humor as smart people with soft and gentle software in a hardware environ. We can be inspired to learn new things everyday. As I sent my blogs in the past,inflationary recession is on the horizon but we can exercise restraint. A life of simplicity may be good for our health re longevity. Gas may cost $4 per gallon in the near future but we may walk or ride bikes as folks do in other countries. To get to the personal side,love without friendship is meaningless deceit. REMAIN IN A LIGHT HEART/MIND with A POSITIVE ATTITUDE. For example,when my kid brother ( at USF )lost his wallet in Shanghai,I suggested that he should consider such mishap as his donation to a less fortunate person voluntarily. Supposing his wallet was robbed,it would be involuntary donation. He had the former incident as a blessing for comparison. Moreover,a lost thing is lost but the state of mind is more important for one's mindset apropos of health. A medical doctor said to a patient who is expected to leave this world for " a good rest." That is rhetoric at best but it is true for all mortals in this mundane world. We must realize that our souls are immortal and our spirit shall live in eternity with our faith,hope and love. Francis Shieh(maybe searched at Google) aka Xie Shihao on Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2007 at 6.45 a.m.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
The Creed of Americans as the spirit of America
I am an American citizen.(since 1954)
I am an ethnic Chinese by face value.
I am under the jurisdiction of American law with Chinese culture.
I have common interests of USA and China.
Sino-American Economics would be the basis for understanding.
I am a lifelong learner to bridge the gaps.
My mission is to witness positive relations of USA and China.
Such goal is the interests of all Americans in the 21st century.
America and China must work together for peace and development.
Thanksgiving is an American tradition.
Spring Festival for Lunar New Year observance is Chinese culture.
I honor both as an American of Chinese ancestry.
I am an American citizen.
I do defend justice and fairplay.
No discrimination for minorities as my dream.
I will never forget my motherland.
All Americans have our roots.
To honor our roots without fail.
Americans are Americans.
First Americans were Asians.
As Asian Americans,we are first Americans from American history.
The above 21 lines are my gut feelings but would be subject to readers to modify with my appreciation as fellow Americans. Non-American views are welcome as well as fellow human beings on earth in this mundane world.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao on Tuesday,Nov. 6, 2007 at 6.35 a.m.
I am an ethnic Chinese by face value.
I am under the jurisdiction of American law with Chinese culture.
I have common interests of USA and China.
Sino-American Economics would be the basis for understanding.
I am a lifelong learner to bridge the gaps.
My mission is to witness positive relations of USA and China.
Such goal is the interests of all Americans in the 21st century.
America and China must work together for peace and development.
Thanksgiving is an American tradition.
Spring Festival for Lunar New Year observance is Chinese culture.
I honor both as an American of Chinese ancestry.
I am an American citizen.
I do defend justice and fairplay.
No discrimination for minorities as my dream.
I will never forget my motherland.
All Americans have our roots.
To honor our roots without fail.
Americans are Americans.
First Americans were Asians.
As Asian Americans,we are first Americans from American history.
The above 21 lines are my gut feelings but would be subject to readers to modify with my appreciation as fellow Americans. Non-American views are welcome as well as fellow human beings on earth in this mundane world.
Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao on Tuesday,Nov. 6, 2007 at 6.35 a.m.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Common Concern for consumers in Sino-American Economics
How much is the currency worth after 2,3,5 or 10 years when inflation is the factor to be considered by all consumers. The value of today's dollar or Yuan will be decreasing when inflation is expected during the course of time. What would be the hedge against inflation? Real Estate or Stocks? But hey are down as well. What about antiques or hard coins? Food for thoughts for all investors to mull over for financial protection in the days to come. My recommendation is the investment in human capital i.e. a marketable skill that can generate income anywhere when such skill is in demand. Nobody would impugn such market demand in real life. Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao on Monday, Nov. 5, 2007 at 6.10 a.m.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Study,Leisure and Love as daily functions for fun
Whatever I do in one area compliments the other two nicely. Daily function depends on my own distribution of my time resource everyday. Thoughts have clout and have control of my willpower. I may have feelings of ecstasy and bliss in the span of my life to convince myself about my own priorities. What I want to be is interrelated to my best goal outgoing with intellectual charm by reading between the lines. I do have the benefit of intuitive contact to distinguish the favorable or otherwise. Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao on Sunday,Nov. 4, 2007 at 3.36 p.m.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Simple lifestyle turns out to be luxury in spirit mindset
Greetings to all readers. I decide my own lifestyle and would take responsibility for how smoothly or roughly things run. I shall seek companions who are energetic and secure as I am in spirituality. My name is shihao,the poet' poet after Libai and Tufu as I saw the lines in Loyang decades ago. However,my name is in name only because I am not a poet but an economist with Chinese language expertise. I have found out that the most important goal in life is to relax regardless of stress or setbacks. Challenges are to be faced with strides. All obstacles may be regarded as opportunities to be tackled with unflappable moxie as xie shihao. Remove my ego and all homo sapiens shall be selfless in the long run. It is time to be a thriver instead of a survivor in this mundane world. I take steps toward my goal to be a lifelong student with joy of learning. Live and Learn as my motto. Pursuit of happiness with victory in mind and heart with determination. Love is put to the test: Who are my friends? A friend in need is a friend indeed! The essence of knowledge lies in our senses with positive thoughts plus intuition. Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao on Saturday,Nov.3, 2007 at 6.35 a.m. Any other scenarios? Thanks for reading my humble views today.
Friday, November 2, 2007
China raises fuel prices 10%:WashPost,Nov.2,07
Page D8: "China's first fuel price increase in more than a year is providing relief to the nation's refiners, but analysts said it could lead to increases in other energy prices that could squeeze China's poorer residents. With the change, Chinese refiners will still lose money and that the government may need to increase fuel prices further. Unless crude oil prices fall to the low $80s,China would likely need to increase prices by another 15% to 20% in early 2008." My comment: As of November 2nd latest news,crude oil price is up to $95+ and the price in China would be increased during the course of time. Needless to say,America's consumers will have to pay higher prices for such inflationary trend leading to possible or even probable slow down(recession) of US economy around the end of 2007 or early 2008. The FED envisions such and cut the fund rate accordingly as the policy decision. Let us wait and witness the future course of events. Francis Shieh aka Xie Shihao on Nov.2nd at 9.06 p.m. As I see it,such is another common ground of Sino-American Economics or US-China relations apropos of the interwoven relationship of two nations on both sides of the Pacific in the 21st century.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Confucianism in a Nutshell for American interests
Confucianism is system of ethics and as a philosophy of life. We have associated with the quiet, virtues of patience, and compromise, the golden mean; reverence for the ancestors, the aged, and the learned, and, above all, a mellow humanism -taking homo sapiens as the center of the universe. In short, "Yirenweiben" in Pin Yin system of romanization. Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, the doyen in the fields of economics and China studies apropos of language and culture, a teacher since 1945 to date. November 1, 2007 at 3.19 p.m.
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