Sunday, January 11, 2009

Patrick Buchanan and Labor Secretary's views

Investor"s Business Daily,Jan.12, 2009: Page A15:

Obama and the Democrats are taking a historic gamble, not only with their careers but with the country. If this monstrous stimulus package -plus the trillions in hot money - do not work, if the two ginite rampant inflation - rather than real growth - we are all out of options. The toolbox is emptyWhat will follow -may truly resemble the 1930s. Prof. Galbraith's wisdom:"There are those who don't know and those who don't know they don't know." My comment: Pat Buchanan is not an economist.

New York Times,Jan.10, 2009 page A12: Both departing Secretary of Labor Ms Chao and incoming Ms. Solis stresed the expanding role of community colleges. "The Future of Community Colleges" Congressional Record,July 18, 1974 for reference.

Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao, a student of economics. Jan.11, 2009.

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