Monday, January 19, 2009

The Great Foreboding(Omen) WashPost,1/19/09

Robert J. Samuelson published the above title:-

Now, managers, investment bankers, journalists, scientists - almost anyone -can be canned.

What offends middle- class Americans, most of us, is economic capriciousness. People crave order,predictability and security. They want to believe that personal virtues of studying, working hard and planning will be rewarded in the market-place. In today's economy, the disconnect has widened. Setbacks and losses seem increasingly divorced from personal effort. Our whole values system seems besieged.

As an educator,I belong to the middle class and have developed a keen insight to nuance with upbeat during the period of intellectual challenge.

Bird flu in China has been discovered. Such scenario may be classified as a threat to human health. However,the expression of "paradox of mindset" may be alerted under the financial crisis and health hazard in the global context.

Francis Shieh a.k.a. Xie Shihao remembers "to live is to learn" as my motto with cheer.

Monday, January 19, 2009 at 10.16 a.m.

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